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Show Talisman Icons on the Research Trees


A really simple suggestion.


I've earned/applied Talismans for various vehicles, but sometimes I forget which ones I have.  Especially since you sometimes get them in trophies now.


It would be really nice for a small icon next to your vehicle to show you at a glance which ones have a Talisman.



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Something i often think about and be useful yes, if an icon is too hard for Gaijin a simple color change to gold color on the vehicle name and tier number will do ( and the spade icon, when vehicle is spaded of course )

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That would be a great help instead of having to go...is it this one, nope...how about this one?

Exactly, I just had to do that last night as I went through my US tank lineup and didn't remember which ones had them since I've been playing the German and Russian tanks recently.

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Something i often think about and be useful yes, if an icon is too hard for Gaijin a simple color change to gold color on the vehicle name and tier number will do ( and the spade icon, when vehicle is spaded of course )


Gold kinda makes me think it is a premium, but I'll take literally anything just to make it easier than clicking "research" on every single one.

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