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British Extended Ground Forces Tech Tree


British Extended Tree  

395 members have voted

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  2. 2. Which Line are you looking forward to most?

    • Cruiser
    • Infantry
    • Recon
    • SPAAG
    • AVRE/ Close Support
    • SPAT
    • Commonwealth Realms
    • Commonwealth States
    • Premiums (Wallet Warriors)
    • I don't really care for this tree (Your lack of Tea is Disturbing)
  3. 3. Which Line do you feel requires the most work on? (If you vote please put your response as to why in the comments!)

    • Cruiser
    • Infantry
    • Recon
    • SPAAG
    • AVRE/ Close Support
    • SPAT
    • Commonwealth Realms
    • Commonwealth States
    • Premium Choice
    • The Tree is Perfect!
    • The Tree needs major rework all round

The British Ground Forces Tree

An expansion Project



The Team


Project Heads:






Research Assistance:




Graphics Producer:




Our Goals: As a team, we have noticed that we felt the British tree lacking. Now of course that is going to happen to a new tree, but we felt that to really get the British big, it is best to give Gaijin all the information that they need. In this aim, we hope to see a fully fledged tree produced with all the research required, thus reducing development time for the British tree.



But why are so many Indian, Irish, Canadian, Australian, Cypriot, South African, and New Zealander tanks on the tree?

Our aim is to create a British commonwealth tree. A lot of nations kept close contact with their former Empire, and many maintained a very similar diplomatic stance. Some such as Malta, even considered full integration into the United Kingdom, without ever being a part of it. These are all nations that, by themselves, cannot fulfill a whole tree. To this end, we believe that the best solution is to reform the British tree into a British Commonwealth tree. Our Air side already has Australian planes in, so why not the Ground Forces too?


Our Product




Cruiser Line (Not Updated)




Infantry Line




Commonwealth Line





British Designation

British vehicles are designated the following: Self Propelled Anti Tank, Cruiser, Infantry, Armoured Car, Light and Self Propelled Anti Air. This gives it a different feel with the following roles:

Cruiser - Cavalry role, flanker, tank engager and reconnaissance

Self Propelled Anti Tank - Tank Destroyer and Ambusher

Infantry - Infantry support and heavy armour

Armoured Car - Recon and Flanking

Light - Recon, Paradrop tanks

Self Propelled Anti Air - Air defence, infantry support as needed


Do note that the British doctrine eventually led to the Universal Tank, which was intending to fulfill the Infantry and Cruiser roles. This is also present late tiers.


That is the excel sheet our tree is based on, of which Carrus is producing for us. But, without further ado, here is a description of the vehicles, what they are armed with and the basic history behind them. And my suggested BR.


Cruisers Line




A9 Mk I


A predecessor to the A13, this is the original cruiser tank. Lightly armoured but with a 2pdr. This served only the first part of the Second World War, but it's poor armour and only carrying AP rounds proved it's lack of use in war.


BR 1.0 (Reserve) Recommended.

A13 Mk I

No changes from in game model


A13 Mk II

No changes from in game model

 Crusader Mk I


A poorer armoured Crusader, less armoured than the Mark II. This also has an auxillary turret, which would function as an easy way for the enemy to penetrate through.


BR 1.7 Recommended.

Crusader Mk II

No changes from in game model, moved to cruiser line


Crusader Mk III

No changes from in game model, moved to cruiser line


Crusader Mk III/Late

Effectively the same vehicle, however it uses a somewhat better version of the 6 pounder, the Mark V. This has a slightly higher penetration (Though not much better). This would also gain access to the 6 Pounders APDS round, and APCR round. Both are capable of penetrating a Tiger quite nicely, thus allowing it a higher BR. As this is in a folder, it becomes an option for later game.

BR 3.7 Recommended.



A cruiser based on the Crusader, when it became apparent that the Crusader would no longer be able to fight the pesky Tigers. In fact, this development which eventually led to the Cromwell, was considered LESS successful than the tank it expected to replace. I has however, got far more armour, and in a low BR may be able to bounce shots at range. It is also equipped with a 6 pounder. This was initially designed due to the need for a bigger cruiser to mount a 6 pounder. Eventually replaced by the tank it intended to replace, once the Crusader could mount a 6 pounder.

BR 2.7 Recommended.


Centaur Mk III

A Cromwell without the amazing engine, basically. It uses the OQF 75mm Gun. This tank wasn't exactly beloved by it's crews.

BR 2.7 Recommended.


Centaur Mk I

Similar to the Centaur III, this uses a 6 pounder however, and thereby can deal a harder punch to armoured vehicles. But with it's weaker engine, this should be a good lead on to the Cromwell. In history, most Centaurs were eventually converted to Cromwells.

BR 3.3 Recommended.


Cromwell V

No changes from in game model


Cromwell Vw

The same as a Cromwell V, except with a welded hull, and additional armour (102mm highest point).

BR 3.3 Recommended.


Cromwell I

No changes from in game model


Cromwell III

A Centaur I upgraded to a better engine.

BR 3.7 Recommended.


Cromwell IVw

A Centaur I or III upgraded to a better engine. This also has a welded hull and additional armour up to 102mm.

BR 4.0 Recommended.


Cromwell VII

A Cromwell with wider tracks, improving off road capability.

BR 4.3 Recommended


Cromwell VIIw

An uparmoured Cromwell V, built to a VII standard.

BR 4.3 Recommended


Firefly IC

Very similar to the VC in game, this is the same model as our current premium, the Firefly Scorpion. It uses the standard M4 variant (Designated Sherman I in the UK) and has access to the same load of ammo.

BR 5.0 Recommended.


Firefly VC

No changes from in game model


Firefly VC/Late

Added APDS rounds, as later models of Fireflies received these.

BR 5.7 Recommended.



No changes from in game model



No changes from in game model


Challenger Stage I

A Challenger tank with Applique armour, increasing survivability but reducing speed. This was actually a factory modification.

BR 5.7 Recommended


Centurion I

The first of the centurions, this is equipped with a 17 Pounder and to the hatred of open topped vehicles, a 20mm Polsten cannon. It's the first of a series of highly successful designs of a vehicle that, in some countries, sees service still today.

BR 6.0 Recommended


Centurion II

An uparmoured version of the Centurion I, this loses it's 20mm gun and get's a machine gun instead. However, the increased armour does mean it can now protect itself against far more than the original variant.

BR 6.3 Recommended


Centurion III

No changes from in game model


Centurion V

Similar to a Centurion III but with 2 Browning Machine guns, both 30cal. 

BR 6.7 Recommended


Centurion V/1

One of the 30cals is upgraded to a 50 cal. Also receives more armour than the V.

BR 6.7 Recommended


Centurion V/2

Upgunned to an L7 105mm gun.

BR 7.0 Recommended



Centurion VII/2

With a revised engine deck compared to the Mark V.


Centurion X

No changes to in game model



Similar to the Mark III but with a weaker engine. Will have poorer performance than the current Mark III


Chieftain III

No changes to in game model


Chieftain V

Upgraded engine, giving better performance.

BR 8.3 Recommended




Nicknamed the 'Aluminium' Chieftain, this is a Chieftain made of, well, Aluminium. If this had entered service, this was due to be named 'Chieftain Mark V/2'. It is a better armoured Chieftain, with very little change other than that.


BR 8.7 Recommended.




FV4030/2 Shir


A tank that eventually led to the Challenger. This was never used by Britain, but it had a heavy emphasis on the development of it's replacement to the Chieftain (Which ironically, was not actually planned to be done for another 10 years at this point). Heavily armoured, and faster than the Chieftain, this should prove better in all capabilities to the previous models.


BR 8.7 Recommended.




FV 4030/2 Khalid


A modified Shir tank. Sporting a better engine, and more armour, this is the version that eventually became the Challenger 1 for Britain. It's our top tier tank, with arguably the best firepower available to the British at the time.


BR 9.0 Recommended.


Infantry Line




A10 Heavy Cruiser Mark IIA

Intended as an infantry tank based on a cruiser model, armed with a 2 pounder, this suffered from poor mobility and a lack of armour to perform it's job.

BR 1.0 or Reserve recommended


Valentine I

No changes to in game model


Valentine III

Reduced weight, less side armour, turret moved forwards and more space for the loader and commander to operate due to a slight redesign. Improved engine too. Should give all round improvements.

BR 2.7 Recommended


Matilda II

No changes to in game model


Matilda IIa

Vickers MG replaced by BESA.

BR 3.0 Recommended


Matilda V

With an improved engine and gearbox, no turret lamp and rigid mounting. Improved accelaration stats to it's predecessor models

BR 3.0 Recommended


Valentine XI

No changes to in game model


Valentine IX

No changes to in game model


Valentine X

165hp engine, and a new turret giving the MG back

BR 3.7 Recommended


Churchill I

Original Churchill with a 2 pounder, 3 inch howitzer and a lot of armour. The first of the Churchill series

BR 3.3 Recommended


Churchill II

Hull howitzer replaced with MG

BR 3.3 Recommended


Churchill III

No changes to in game model


Churchill IV

Replacement of turret to a new cast one, but in a similar shape to the III turret. 

BR 4.0 Recommended


Churchill IV 75

Same vehicle with the OQF 75mm

BR 3.7 Recommended


Churchill VI

Additional armour around the turret collar.

BR 4.0 Recommended


Churchill IX LT

Uparmoured Churchill IV with a 6 pounder

BR 4.3 Recommended


Churchill X LT

Up armoured Churchill VI

BR 4.0 Recommended


Churchill VII

No changes to in game model


Caernarvon I

A Caernarvon tank equipped with a 17 pounder

BR 6.3 Recommended


Caernarvon II

No changes to in game model



No changes to in game model




Close Support/ AVRE line




Crusader I CS

A Crusader I with a 3 inch Howitzer

BR 1.0 Recommended


Crusader II CS

A Crusader armed with a 3 inch Howitzer. An Up armoured version of the Crusader I.

BR 1.3 Recommended


Tetrach CS

A Tetrach designed for Close Quarters combat, and paradropping to do so. It was equipped with a 3 inch Howitzer.

BR 1.7 Recommended


Matilda II CS

A Matilda tank designed for Close Support operations of infantry. Equipped with a 3 inch Howitzer.

BR 2.7 Recommended


Centaur IV

A Centaur equipped with a 95mm Howitzer.

BR 3.3 Recommended


Churchill II CS

A Churchill with the guns swapped out. 3 Inch Howitzer in turret, 2 pounder in hull.

BR 3.7 Recommended


Cromwell VI

A Cromwell equipped with a 95mm Howitzer.

BR 3.7 Recommended


Cromwell VIII

A Cromwell VI with wider tracks and better performance

BR 4.0 Recommended


Churchill V

A heavier armoured Churchill with a 95mm Howitzer

BR 4.0 Recommended


Churchill VIII

A Churchill VII with a 95mm Howitzer

BR 4.7 Recommended


Churchill XI

A Churchill V with increased armour and a Churchill VIII turret.

BR 5.0 Recommended


Churchill AVRE

A Situational, close ranged vehicle suitable only for city combat or close combat (Say over a hill). Uses a 290mm Spigot Mortar.

BR 5.3 Recommended


Churchill L9 AVRE

A Churchill as used by the Royal Engineers. Uses a high power 165mm Howitzer.

BR 7.0 Recommended


Centurion AVRE

A Centurion using a high power 165mm Howitzer.

BR 8.0 Recommended




Recon Line




Guy Mark I
An armoured car, met to a specification for a high caliber machine gun recon vehicle. Uses a 0.5inch Vickers, so will struggle to pen heavier vehicles of it's tier, but sufficient against early tank destroyers
BR 1.0 Recommended


Guy Mark IA
Upgunned to a 15mm BESA, which has better penetration stats
BR 1.3 Recommended


Light VIC
Used throughout the war, this is the UKs original mass produced vehicle. It is equipped with a 15mm BESA, very light and compact.
BR 1.3 Recommended


Marmon Herrington Mark IV
A South African vehicle, and our first, it is an unusually long car, equipped with a 2 pounder. Some examples had a mountain howitzer fitted and postwar, Jordan modified these vehicles to equip 6 pounders
BR 1.7 Recommended


Daimler Mark I
A light, smaller vehicle in similar look to the Tetrach. More competitive due to it's smaller size. Equipped with a 2 pounder.
BR 1.7 Recommended


Daimler Mark II
With increased performance on the Mark I. 2 Pounder equipped.
BR 2.0 Recommended


Now equipped with a Little John Adapter Modification.
BR 2.3 Recommended


Harry Hopkins
A Heavier, poorer performing but more armoured Tetrach
BR 2.7 Recommended


AEC Mark I
Equipped with a 2 pounder, well armoured for a light vehicle
BR 2.3 Recommended


Coventry Mark I
Lighter than the AEC, this has a higher performance than it's predecessor
BR 3.0 Recommended


Staghound III
An American Staghound car, equipped with a British 6 pounder
BR 3.7 Recommended


Staghound III 75
Equipped with a 75mm gun instead of 6 pounder
BR 3.3 Recommended


Equipped with an OQF 75mm, it also comes with a new turret and better engine.
BR 3.7 Recommended


Equipped with a 6 pounder instead.
BR 4.3 Recommended


Coventry II
Higher performance than the AEC II, with the same gun.
BR 4.0 Recommended


Alvis Saracen 77 HV
A South African experiment to equip a Saracen Personnel Carrier with a 77 HV gun.
BR 5.0 Recommended


Prototype light vehicle, used a 77 HV gun
BR 5.3 Recommended


Prodigal 17 Pounder
A light tank design with a 17 pounder Autoloaded.
BR 6.0 Recommended


A British post war armoured car, equipped with an L5A1
BR 7.0 Recommended


A vehicle still in service today, equipped with a RARDEN cannon
BR 7.3 Recommended


A Light recon car, equipped with RARDEN
BR 8.0 Recommended


A Light vehicle equipped with L5A1
BR 8.0 Recommended









UC Boys AT

A Universal Carrier with a Boys AT rifle. Limited Traverse.

BR 1.0/Reserve Recommended


UC 2pdr British Pattern

A Universal Carrier with 2 Pounder. Limited Traverse.

BR 1.3 Recommended


UC 2pdr Canadian Pattern

Slightly better performance than the British pattern. More crew space too.

BR 1.3 Recommended


UC 2pdr Australian Pattern

Full traverse.

BR 1.7 Recommended


Light Mk V AT

A Light tank Mark V equipped with a 2pounder designed for anti tank duties.

BR 2.3 Recommended



A Truck with a 6 Pounder Mounted on top.

BR 2.7 Recommended


Alecto 95mm

A Harry Hopkins modified for a limited traverse tank destoyer. Equipped with a 95mm howitzer.

BR 2.7 Recommended


Churchill GC

No Changes to in game model.



No Changes to in game model.



No Changes to in game model.



No Changes to in game model.



No Changes to in game model.


Charioteer L7

A Charioteer equipped with an L7 Royal Ordnance. Less ammunition carried.

BR 6.7 Recommended



No Changes to in game model.


Tortoise Late

A Tortoise that can equip experimental APDS rounds.

BR 7.0 Recommended


Land Rover WOMBAT

A Land Rover equipped with the WOMBAT Recoiless gun

BR 7.0 Recommended


Land Rover M40

Equipped with an M40 Recoiless gun

BR 7.0 Recommended



No changes to in game model.


FV4005 Stage I

A Conway modified with a 183mm gun and autoloader. Poor accuracy and reload time to match.

BR 7.3 Recommended


FV4005 Stage II

No Autoloader.

BR 7.3 Recommended


Snow Trac L6

A Snow Trac equipped with L6 recoiless rifle.

BR 7.3 Recommended



An FV432 with WOMBAT recoiless rifle.

BR 8.0 Recommended



A Swingfire ATGM launcher

BR 8.0 Recommended


FV102 Striker

Later British ATGM launcher

BR 9.0 Recommended





Morris Firefly




A Light vehicle trialed in order to get a 6 pounder equipped vehicle quickly to the front. It was eventually rejected by the War Ministry as the Crusader had been successfully upgunned to a 6 pounder, thus the need was no longer there. The Vehicle had a 6 pounder mounted in the hull, in a Stug-like configuration. It is also equipped with a Molins autoloader, the same one as on the Mosquito! It is equipped with a Morris 4 Cylinder Petrol engine, giving 72 Hp. It's top speed is 50mp/h (Most likely road), and weighs 3.7 Tonnes. It therefore has a power to weight of 24 HP/ton. The standard version was built first in 1940, and thereby this modification most likely was built in 1940 or early 1941.

BR 3.7 Recommended





Staghound Mk. I Tulip





In 1944, the Staghound Armoured Car received a noticeable upgrade. In order to give it extra anti-tank firepower, this model was granted two 'Tulip' Rockets. Utilising a regular Staghound Chassis with two Tulip rails attached, this vehicle was designed to give a recon ability and tank hunting ability (Probably more likely to be used whilst flanking a heavier vehicle with support). This would eventually evolve into a far more accurate and higher ammunition carrying Staghound, created by Canada.

BR 3.0 Recommended.









So here we have it. The first premium description. Designed as an infantry tank, TOG is a throwback to World War One. Expecting trench warfare to come back, a long tank was designed, able to cross trenches. This behemoth also carried the very capable, 17 Pounder. Incredibly heavy, this vehicle will be slow, and hard to move, and only represented a waste of resources to produce in the end. Neither seeing combat nor mass production, it represents only what could have been. The Weight is unfortunately, not completely accurate but should be around 71 Tons. The vehicle could have also fitted sponsons for extra guns, but these were never fitted. This vehicle was a full 10 meters in length, and was produced as early as 1941. Further plans to upgrade the TOG were made but never came to fruition, and never left paper.

BR 4.3 Recommended






Ever wondered how not to build a tank? That's exactly what this is. How not to build a tank. In fact, this was designed so poorly it was even used in a lecture on how to not build a tank. The general concept of the vehicle being a successful idea to base on, but the huge limitations eventually killed this tank as a general design. Equipped with heavy armour, average speed and a decent gun, it was designed to fight the Japanese as a heavy tank that can operate in the jungle, moreso an upgraded Valentine, but with more armour and still a low weight and decent ish speed. Inevitably the lack of need of the vehicle eventually prevented it's problems from being ironed out, as the Japanese were far on the retreat, and victory was inevitable. The Japanese were still struggling with the Matilda II tanks. The tank weighed 27 tons, Could reach a speed of 12mp/h or 19 km/h, and had armour varying from 114mm to 34mm. A Valiant II was also proposed and tested, however did not see any production further than the test product (Which had 9-10inches of armour!) The Valiant was also equipped with a 6 pounder.

BR 3.7 Recommended




Marmon Herrington VI with 6pdr



Currently, there are two existing versions of this vehicle. One of which resides in the UK and the other in South Africa. These are the only two ever built, and both vary in armament. It was built in response to the need of a 6pdr armoured vehicle to combat superior German equipment in Africa. In reality, a 2pdr variant was also created and tested. A South African vehicle, this is an unusually tall armoured car, sporting an excellent gun for it's use. Designed to work in recon and take out tanks on the side. The project was eventually cancelled as the AEC armoured cars took it's stead.


This wheeled vehicle has 8 road wheels, a 6 pounder gun and is well equipped for a flanking effort. It is powered by two Mercury V8 engines and is eight wheel drive. The turret is also open top (On this particular version). It has up to 30mm of armour, so would not be vulnerable to most machine guns.

BR 3.0 Recommended


Ardeer Aggie




Designed as a replacement for the Churchill AVRE, this pretty much tops it in firepower in every way. The Churchill AVRE uses a 290mm Spigot Mortar that is only effective at short range. The War Office determined this was not satisfactory so decided to look for a replacement. Hence, we have the Ardeer Aggie with a 300m Recoiless Rifle. This could be effective for nearly 300 meters further (Which was deemed better but still not quite as good as they wanted). This is, however, based on the older Churchill III chassis, meaning it is less armoured, but packing a harder, longer ranged punch. Interestingly, it's weapons counterweight is a sandbag that would fling itself upon firing to prevent excessive recoil - which could have potentially hit infantry using the vehicle as cover!

BR 6.3 Recommended.




Of course, this is subject to change. We are currently still developing the tree and further details on each vehicle (Or moreso planning how to write it up.) More lines will be written in detail as we go, and more detail will be added to each vehicle as well. Graphic tree to come as well, courtesy of Carrus_Lorricatus.

Edited by DoLhades
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Open for discussion. :Salute:

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NICE MBT line +1, I'm also waiting for Caernarvon mk I
and give them APFSDS ;) and they will beat the living sh... out of everything xD

Edited by ganJ87
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NICE MBT line +1, I'm also waiting for Caernarvon mk I
and give them APFSDS ;) and they will beat the living sh... out of everything xD

Yeah the British went insane when it came to the number of Universal (read MBT) tanks they built, from all of the variants of the Centurion, to the several VIckers MBT export tanks all the way to the Chieftain variants.

medal medal medal medal

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Yeah the British went insane when it came to the number of Universal (read MBT) tanks they built, from all of the variants of the Centurion, to the several VIckers MBT export tanks all the way to the Chieftain variants.

Nice research, I did not know that there was such thing as Vickers MBT

PS. I think they made many good tanks because they made SO many engineering mistakes during the war

Edited by ganJ87
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Nice research, I did not know that there was such thing as Vickers MBT

There was a whole load of vehicles on this tree that I only found out about while making this tree as well, it was a very interesting and fun project to work on. The Vickers MBTs are an interesting bunch in that they perform more like the German Leopard than they do the rest of the British MBTs. It would rather nice to see them in game.

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but there is a problem with Caernarvon mk I at 6.0 will be OP as f... on 6.3 useless :P

That is the eternal curse of the current br system, it becomes very difficult to properly certain vehicles.

medal medal medal medal

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That is the eternal curse of the current br system, it becomes very difficult to properly certain vehicles.

I don't see any better solution :P But if panther F + - works on 6.3 then Caernarvon mk I will be fine there, only 2 major problems: Jagdtiger and IS3
Centurion mk II and Caernarvon mk I are the most needed due to huge gap in British tree there: 1.0 on medium and 2.0 on heavy and they both could work at 6.3

Edited by ganJ87
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I don't see any better solution :P But if panther F + - works on 6.3 then Caernarvon mk I will be fine there, only 2 major problems: Jagdtiger and IS3

It is possible to change the recommended br to 6.3, when DoLhades checks this conversation next you can talk to him about it (he is the one who edits the main post after all).

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It is possible to change the recommended br to 6.3, when DoLhades checks this conversation next you can talk to him about it (he is the one who edits the main post after all).



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That was pretty good, one of the better vehicle reviews I have seen for War Thunder.

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this guy is great, check also Maus review ;) or better all of them :)

I may do so later, he seems to make some good content. Back to the tree, if you guys got any questions on some of the vehicles, I will be happy to try and answer them. I'm good for giving a general history/description for most of the vehicles. DoLhades/Listy would be better for the specifics.

Edited by Mercedes4321
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I may do so later, he seems to make some good content. Back to the tree, if you guys got any questions on some of the vehicles, I will be happy to try and answer them. I'm good for giving a general history/description for most of the vehicles. DoLhades/Listy would be better for the specifics.

how many prototypes ? with names (if you could) I like prototypes in premium line only but I understand Caernarvon series as necessary evil (due to lack of other)

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how many prototypes ? with names (if you could) I like prototypes in premium line only but I understand Caernarvon series as necessary evil (due to lack of other)

There are a few in the main tree in tier 4 and 5, such as the FV303 and the two Contentious prototypes in the SPAT line. There is also the FV301 and the Project Prodigal Light tank with the autoloading 17 pounder at tier 4 in the recon line (there is not that much else you could put in there besides that one armoured car). The Project 41 tier 4 SPAA is also only a prototype as far as I remember (again not that much else for its spot available). Those are the ones that jump out to me when I look over the tree, there may be a couple more but I am just forgetting that they are prototypes. The vast majority of prototypes in the tree are relegated to premium, with the previously mentioned being the main exceptions.

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There are a few in the main tree in tier 4 and 5, such as the FV303 and the two Contentious prototypes in the SPAT line. There is also the FV301 and the Project Prodigal Light tank with the autoloading 17 pounder at tier 4 in the recon line (there is not that much else you could put in there besides that one armoured car). The Project 41 tier 4 SPAA is also only a prototype as far as I remember (again not that much else for its spot available). Those are the ones that jump out to me when I look over the tree, there may be a couple more but I am just forgetting that they are prototypes. The vast majority of prototypes in the tree are relegated to premium, with the previously mentioned being the main exceptions.

not too many, GOOOOOD...
ps. really great topic, I hope that devs will take this topic seriously and implement every "mf.. last one of it" xD (Germany have many modifications of the same machines)

Edited by ganJ87
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Following were prototypes that are in the main tree:

Vickers MBT Mark 2

Vickers Valiant MBT

Caernarvon I (Almost all became Caernarvon II)

Lakeman Loyd Carrier

Mk V Boulton Paul

Project 41




Harry Hopkins

Staghound III

Staghound III 75

Coventry II

Saracen 77 HV


Prodigal 17pdr

UC2pdr both patterns

Light Mk V AT


Churchill GC

Charioteer L7

FV303 (Hull built as an FV301)

Ram 3.7 Inch

Contentious 20pdr




Contentious WOMBAT



That is the full list, all the rest entered mass production. A fair few of these either came close to enter service, or only did not enter service due to a circumstance change.


EDIT: You are right about the Caernarvon Mk I, but it needs to match the Centurion Mark II in my opinion, whatever BR it gets, they get. Will edit to do so

Edited by DoLhades
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Following were prototypes that are in the main tree:

Vickers MBT Mark 2

Vickers Valiant MBT

Caernarvon I (Almost all became Caernarvon II)

Lakeman Loyd Carrier

Mk V Boulton Paul

Project 41




Harry Hopkins

Staghound III

Staghound III 75

Coventry II

Saracen 77 HV


Prodigal 17pdr

UC2pdr both patterns

Light Mk V AT


Churchill GC

Charioteer L7

FV303 (Hull built as an FV301)

Ram 3.7 Inch

Contentious 20pdr




Contentious WOMBAT



That is the full list, all the rest entered mass production. A fair few of these either came close to enter service, or only did not enter service due to a circumstance change.

now this is too many i think, btw. change Caernarvon mk I br to 6.3

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now this is too many i think, btw. change Caernarvon mk I br to 6.3

Well if you look, most of them are meant to be gap fillers, like without some of them the tier 4 recon branch will have literally nothing. Some of them are actually already in the tree in game. I also always like to treat vehicles close to service, only being denied due to circumstances unrelated to the tank, as basically being in service when it comes to them being in the main line.

Edited by Mercedes4321
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Done that, there are issues with lines without them and some of these are already in game, such as the Conway, Falcon and Churchill GC.


Now with some of these, they are based on mass produced vehicles, and were to enter service if circumstances required a change, such as the Staghounds, Coventry II, Saracen 77, FV432 WOMBAT, Caernarvon I (this began entering service, but was instantly replaced, officially a prototype), Skink, Harry Hopkins, Alecto, Lakeman Loyd Carrier, Project 41, Conway, FV4005 and Ram 3.7inch. All of these were based on a vehicle that was already in mass production, or eventually led to a vehicle being mass produced. The Skink, Staghounds, Coventry II, and Ram 3.7inch all got cancelled last minute (Each were due to mass production) due to wartime requirements changing. The Conway would have entered production had the cold war gone 'hot'


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Done that, there are issues with lines without them and some of these are already in game, such as the Conway, Falcon and Churchill GC.


Now with some of these, they are based on mass produced vehicles, and were to enter service if circumstances required a change, such as the Staghounds, Coventry II, Saracen 77, FV432 WOMBAT, Caernarvon I (this began entering service, but was instantly replaced, officially a prototype), Skink, Harry Hopkins, Alecto, Lakeman Loyd Carrier, Project 41, Conway, FV4005 and Ram 3.7inch. All of these were based on a vehicle that was already in mass production, or eventually led to a vehicle being mass produced. The Skink, Staghounds, Coventry II, and Ram 3.7inch all got cancelled last minute (Each were due to mass production) due to wartime requirements changing. The Conway would have entered production had the cold war gone 'hot'

Most of the more extreme, more extraordinary prototypes that had very little chance of being accepted for service ended up in the premium section, so you won't be seeing anything like the TOGs in the main line.

Edited by Mercedes4321
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