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Talisman indicator for plane stacks too please!


Thanks a lot for the talisman indicators!


They should help the user recognize the talisman planes. This now works well in crews - you can see the talismaned planes at once!


In the tech tree, most planes are in stacks. If they have a talisman, it is not indicated unless you open the stack.


Suggestion: On a stack of 3, make 3 talisman positions and fill then with indicators if a talisman is present respectively. (similar with other stack sizes). So a stack of three would show how many planes it it have a talisman, from the number of talisman indicators visible.


Purpose: When chosing planes from the tree, the user can see at a glance that a talisman is present.




Alternative: Unstack or partially unstack the tree. Have stacked planes shifted sideways a little and show the indicator there. (Might increase tree access too this way).


Thanks for reading!

Edited by Dodo_Dud
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Open for discussion. :Salute:

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I really appreciate the talisman indicators (as I do for crew scores and "vehicle star level" being added to actual game mode - this was only shown in hangar veiw in patch 1.57).


I am not sure that adding talismans for "stacked" vehicles as separate indicators for each vehicle is best.  I would go with just one talisman indicator for the group of two or more vehicles, but instead of gold in color, make it gray or some other color to show that one vehicle in the group has a talisman, but not all.  This way a player would know there is a talisman vehicle in the group without opening the group to find it.  


That is what I would suggest - go with one talisman indicator shown as gold when all vehicles have then in a group in a tree, but a grayed out talisman indicator when the number of talisman vehicles is less than the number of vehicles in the group.  And this should go without saying, but, no talisman indicator at all when no vehicles have one.

Edited by Mustangace
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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As stacks now have a talisman indicator,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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