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A22 Infantry Tank "Churchill" Mk.IV NA75


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Hello everyone
I propose a new British heavy tank "Churchill" which was equipped with a 75mm M3 in the US Army
Here is the story
The appearance of American tanks "General Grant", "Lee" and "Sherman" in North Africa highlights the weakness of ammunition Ordnance QF 6-pounder fitted to Churchill.
The US 75 mm gun is actually evidence of a fo all versatility with its piercing projectiles and explosives.
In January 1943, on their own initiative, the workshops of the British armored brigades belonging to the 1st Army, mounted the piece of 75 mm M3 and a cloak taken from Sherman, 120 Churchill Mark IV, designated A22 Infantry Tank Mk .IV NA75 (NA for North Africa), this variant is successfully deployed at the Sicilian and Italian companies, so that it will remain in service until the end of hostilities.
His ammunition load of 84 projectiles coolers between AP (Armor Piercing) and HE (High Explosive).
The use of this class, called "Dual purpose", is a first on a British tank and announcement of future changes made to the "Tanks" Her Gracious Majesty.

A22 Infantry Tank "Churchill" Mk.IV NA75:




Weight: 39 t

Width: 7.54 m
Lenght: 3.25 m

Height: 2.499 m


                                          Front             Lateral        Back

Turret Armor:                     89 mm           89 mm         89 mm
Cash Shield:                      89 mm           76 mm         64 mm

Shielding Superstructure:  102 mm         76 mm         64 mm


Max Speed:

All Ground: 26 km/h
Road: 14 km/h


All Ground: 259 km/h
Road: 154 km/h

Slope: 34°

Vertical Obstacle: 0.76 m

Trench: 3.05 m

Ford: 1.02 m


Primary Weapon: 1 x 75 mm M3 cannon
Ammunition: 84

Primary Weapon: 2 x Machine Gun Besa 7.92 mm
Ammunition: 6925                   

Secondary Weapon: 1 x Machine Gun AA Bren  7.7 mm

                                    1 x Grenade Launcher 2 Inch

Ammunition: 600 Mg

                    30 Grenade


Engine: 2 x 6 Cylinder Petrol Bedford

Power: 350 CV at 2200 t/min
Radio: No.19






Source:Trucks & Tanks Magazine - Hors-Serie N 6




Edited by Xenecrite
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54 minutes ago, Xenecrite said:

strange that I do not see "Open for discussion ":dntknw:


Open for discussion. :salute:


The suggestion was actually approved last night,but since the forums were a bit broken at that time,the amount of things you could do was very limited. Hence why it was approved,but no "Open for..." was posted.

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Would like to see the Mk 1, Mk 1a/Mk 2(Would be right after Matilda, only a 2 pounder), Mk 2CS, Normal Mk 4 (Would be before the Mk 3 due to cast turret), Mk 5, Mk 6, Mk 8, 290mm AVRE and the prototype with the long range (300mm?) howitzer, and the 165mm howitzer Engineers Churchill. And the USSR Mk 3/4.

Edited by Vrox11Z
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1 hour ago, Vrox11Z said:

Would like to see the Mk 1, Mk 1a/Mk 2(Would be right after Matilda, only a 2 pounder), Mk 2CS, Normal Mk 4 (Would be before the Mk 3 due to cast turret), Mk 5, Mk 6, Mk 8, 290mm AVRE and the prototype with the long range (300mm?) howitzer, and the 165mm howitzer Engineers Churchill. And the USSR Mk 3/4.

The "long range (300mm?) howitzer" is actually a 300mm Recoiless Rifle based on the 290mm spigot mortar, it looked like this:
Image result for ardeer aggie

It was called the Ardeer Aggie. I would love to see all of these Churchills in game.


34 minutes ago, Walrus_batter said:

this is definitely needed. it would make a change in bothe the TT composition and weaponry wise, especially in the ammunition department

You may be a bit disappointed ammunition wise, the British liked to remove the HE part of US APHE shells and replace it with concrete as they felt that solid shot was more reliable than APHE.

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Here is a picture of a modification of the US M3 75mm gun on a British heavy tank Churchill




Data Sheet:http://www.wardrawings.be/WW2/Files/1-Vehicles/Allies/3-UK/04-InfantryTanks/Mk4-Churchill/Data/Churchill-Mk4-NA75.htm


Edited by Xenecrite
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55 minutes ago, Mercedes4321 said:

You may be a bit disappointed ammunition wise, the British liked to remove the HE part of US APHE shells and replace it with concrete as they felt that solid shot was more reliable than APHE.

well that's a shame then :( well anyway i still want it :)

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+1 :salute:

"The conversion of about 200 tanks was carried out between March to June 1944 and the conversion project earned the officer in charge, Capt. Percy Morrell, a MBE as well as a promotion."



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26 minutes ago, Anonimo_LLopi said:

This tank could be VERY interesting if it has the apcbc with explosive filler, it would be the only British tank (if we exclude the Independent) with a explosive filler shell

Well that depends on whether or not Gaijin will model the common British practice at the time of replacing the explosive filler of American shells with concrete as they felt APHE shells were unreliable.

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I think this should definately be added in game as there are only currently two versions of the Churchill (in the British tech tree). I would say it should be in the normal tech tree as there were more than 100 conversions during the war ad it saw a decent amount of service. If it was just a prototype or saw little service then I would consider it as a premium.

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US 75mm fitted to a Churchill Gets my vote definitely +1

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2 hours ago, igeticsu said:

If it has the M3, let's hope it can fire APHE :)

Um bad news, the Brits thought the APHE shells were unreliable and instead used solid shot. Btw +1 for this Churchill

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1 hour ago, The_Strafer said:

Um bad news, the Brits thought the APHE shells were unreliable and instead used solid shot. Btw +1 for this Churchill

awww :( Well, I still want it :) While I don't use the churchills much, they are quite fun when I do. And they can be scary to go up against, which is only great since I like a good challange.

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