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Your opinions on the Type 73 in detail, please read the description first!  

177 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they add the Type 73 Shin Light truck system ingame?

  2. 2. Should this be a modular platform vehicle?

  3. 3. If you voted "no" for the previous question, do you wish to have both proposed versions of the Type 73 ingame?

    • Yes
    • Just the Type 79 mounted system
    • Just the Type 60 mounted system
    • I wish for neither variant.

  • Technical Moderator

Hello everyone!


So with the addition of the Japanese ground forces into WT, it is high time to start discussing future prospects and developments for our fledgling tank tree. As we take our firsts steps into these vehicles, it is evident they are lacking any primary ATGM vehicles to stand alongside contemporary nations in this game.


As far as I am aware, discussions and even potential development is being done to implement the Type 64 MAT system mounted Type 73, which is an MCLOS system. There has not been any real discussion for any SACLOS vehicles for Japan however.


For this reason I feel there is a need to propose this as the next step beyond the Type 64 MAT, or rather, placing that vehicle into context, I propose another alternate solution in the form of a "universal platform vehicle" or sorts.


If we go with a conventional proposal however, I am proposing the following vehicles get implemented into the game, as I acquire more details I will add them accordingly, but this is what data I could find:


Taken from Wikipedia is the following history blurb:


The Mitsubishi Type 73 Light Truck (Shin)   (73式小型トラック (新) 73-shiki kogata torakku (shin) )  began production in 1996 as Mitsubishi Motors began to slowly phase out the Type 73 Light Truck Kyus from production and from selective service from the JSDF, using the frame of the Mitsubishi Pajero as basis.


The Type 73 Light Truck Shin can be mounted with various heavy machine guns and anti-tank missile launchers. But like its predecessor, the Shīn Light Truck can mount Sumitomo M2 machine guns and, for the first time, the Sumitomo MINIMI Light Machine Gun.


When Shin Light Trucks were deployed to Iraq as part of the JIRSG, the vehicles were bulletproofed due to concerns that Iraqi guerrillas would target their vehicles to provoke JSDF troops who, under the restrictions of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, are not supposed to participate in any kind of offensive combat operations.


Type 73 Shin with Type 79 MAT







Vehicle statistics:



Vehicle dimensions:


Length: 4,140 mm

Width: 1,765 mm

Height: 1,960 mm

Weight: 1,940 kg


Top speed: 135 km/h

Listed engine power: 91.9 kW


Crew #: N/A, Carry capacity of an empty Type 73 is 6 persons, so I presume less with a weapons system mounted.


Armament: Type 79 Jyu-MAT

Listed system mass: 27.8 kg - 33 kg

Listed missile mass: 15.8 kg

Listed calibre: 152-153 mm

Projectile velocity: ~200m/s

Guidance system: SACLOS



Type 73 Shin with Type 60 recoilless rifle





Vehicle statistics:



Vehicle dimensions:


Length: 4,140 mm

Width: 1,765 mm

Height: 1,960 mm

Weight: 1,940 kg


Top speed: 135 km/h

Listed engine power: 91.9 kW


Crew #: N/A, Carry capacity of an empty Type 73 is 6 persons, so I presume less with a weapons system mounted.


Armament: Type 60 106mm recoilless rifle

Gross mass: 215 kg (115 kg barrel)

Listed max range: 6,870-7,700 m

Listed effective range: 1,100-1,350 m

Ammo types: HEAT, HEAP, HEP, Canister






Now we could just add these in game as individual vehicles, but the fact that the Type 73 is acting as a universal platform for these weapon systems, I was wondering if it would be possible that we could instead have a sort of "universal truck system" instead, where you can attach different weapons on a singular vehicle, of course with these different weapon systems giving the vehicle a different BR each time, but showcasing the modular design would be quite welcome in my opinion, as it showcases that in fact these are all essentially one vehicle.


this idea is still speculative however, to go into further detail I would rather have this up for discussion.






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  • Technical Moderator
12 minutes ago, blakeob said:

Open for discussion. :yes_yes_yes::salute:

I will move this if you can view Japanese tank CBT forum.


as of right now I cannot view the Japanese tank CBT forum for the time being, I plan on purchasing a beta pack soon however, I apologize for the issues but I will notify you of when I can :good:, many thanks!

blakeob (Posted )


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Is that thing classified as a truck?

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  • Technical Moderator
4 minutes ago, Hopit said:


Is that thing classified as a truck?


it is a truck :b




looks like this without any weapon mounts:



Edited by Optical_Ilyushin

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small and......can be killed by mg spray but the date though.

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  • Technical Moderator

I dont see this thing being that useful nor fun to play. I dont think this should be in the Japanese tree unless necessary.

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13 minutes ago, Josh_Yong said:

What would be a true British equivalent to this?


I'd want it 1+

Some British equivalents to the ATGM version

Image result for land rover vigilant

Image result for beeswing vehicle

And of the RCL Rifle equivalents

Image result for austin champ mobat

Image result for austin champ m40

Image result for land rover wombat

Image result for land rover m40

That is not everything for either category, just a taste.

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  • Technical Moderator
1 hour ago, blockhaj said:

I dont see this thing being that useful nor fun to play. I dont think this should be in the Japanese tree unless necessary.


Japan does not get any other SACLOS systems outside of classified vehicles such as the Type 89 IFV. at least with the Type 79 MAT system, this is the only possibility for Japanese ground forces to use such ATGM systems.

Edited by Optical_Ilyushin

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2 minutes ago, Optical_Ilyushin said:


Japan does not get any other SACLOS systems outside of classified vehicles such as the Type 89 IFV. at least with the Type 79 MAT system, this is the only possibility for Japanese ground forces to use such ATGM systems.


This is a good point, at first I was skeptical about it but it makes sense now.

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Just now, Optical_Ilyushin said:


Japan does not get any other SACLOS systems outside of classified vehicles such as the Type 89 IFV. at least with the Type 79 MAT system, this is the only possibility for Japanese ground forces to use ATGM systems.

Well, the only really useful ATGM system. The Type 64 MAT is still a thing, but it is quite terrible compared to what we have in game.

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4 hours ago, Mercedes4321 said:

Well, the only really useful ATGM system. The Type 64 MAT is still a thing, but it is quite terrible compared to what we have in game.


well MCLOS and everything, but it reminds me of the Raketenjagdpanzer series for germany, albeit smaller, faster, but weaker;


the MCLOS Type 73 has two Type 64 MAT pods, the SACLOS Type 73 has a singular Type 79 MAT.

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I love the thought of bouncing around the battlefield in a jeep with an ATGM/Recoil-less Rifle strapped on the back. +1 

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Sure, why not?


On 12/20/2016 at 11:59 PM, blakeob said:

Open for discussion. :yes_yes_yes::salute:

I will move this if you can view Japanese tank CBT forum.


I'd be careful about doing that if I were you.  Remember my Type 87 thread?  Either you or somebody else decided to move it and now I can't view it due to something getting screwed up on the forum and keeping me from accessing the CBT subforum (even though I bought my way into it with the tank bundle).  As of now, this STILL hasn't been fixed even after messaging a mod about this.

blakeob (Posted )

I will move it back to this subforum until you can access the CBT forum.
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Why not also the variant with the twin Type 64 MAT?


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9 hours ago, McPuff said:

Why not also the variant with the twin Type 64 MAT?



That would be also welcome, if you want I can add that in the OP with necessary specifications and details.


we are getting a type 60 APC with type 64s however, not sure where the Type 73 with Type 64 MAT would therefore fit in.


might also see if I can have the poll modified accordingly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/21/2016 at 8:12 AM, Optical_Ilyushin said:


as of right now I cannot view the Japanese tank CBT forum for the time being, I plan on purchasing a beta pack soon however, I apologize for the issues but I will notify you of when I can :good:, many thanks!

Good thing I remembered myself :P 

Moved to the Japanese tank CBT suggestions subforum. 

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  • Technical Moderator
22 hours ago, blakeob said:

Good thing I remembered myself :P 

Moved to the Japanese tank CBT suggestions subforum. 


oh yeah, sorry about that, been enjoying holiday festivities a bit too much >.<, been fairly dead on the forums.

blakeob (Posted )

No worries mate, just make sure you enjoy your holiday. o7

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On 1/2/2017 at 6:04 PM, Predatorr13 said:

I would rather see armored cars than these. Jeep type vehicles with recoilless rifles leads to jeep type vehicles with ATGMs...not an ATGM fan js. Also...what BR are you thinking?


not sure which BR, but given the fact that the ATGM platform is SACLOS, I would put the ATGM variant at 8.0 at least.


please note that this is the only available ATGM SACLOS vehicle for Japan as far as I am aware, if every other nation is freely able to operate an ATGM platform, I feel Japan can justifiably recieve such a vehicle, even if it means that the Japanese SACLOS platform is going to be destroyable with 7mm MG fire.

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The current game meta would render this vehicle either incredibly OP, or extremely difficult to "BR" properly


One of the edges the allied forces got when US tanks dropped were the halftracks - not because they were tank-killers, but because they could run towards a cap point in domination at 60-70kph and cap it waaaaaaaaaaaaay before any German tank could get there - by which time the cap point would be locked down by other allied tanks arriving


A vehicle like this would be able to get to cap points even faster in domination, and lock it down by itself thanks to it's ATGM capability.  It'd actually be reminiscent of how Leos behave - since armour is often rendered null in T5 battles, then speed and reload become more important, and the Leo has it in spades.  So in a weird ironic way, this little jeep would be like a Leo on PEDs

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