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Replays: What’s the difference and how you find them

  • Senior Technical Moderator

Replays: What’s the difference and how you find them.

Replays come in two different types: Client and Server.  For a proper bug report we need a copy of your client replay and the link to the server replay.  This will allow us to see everything we need to file your bug report with the developers.


The reason we need both replays is that they show different things to us.  For example, the Client replay does not keep up with everyone’s perspective of the match.


Below you will find instructions for finding the Client replay from your local hard drive and the link to the Server replay from the website.

Client replays are generated when you leave a match or custom battle.  Server replays are generated when the match comes to an end no matter how long you were present in that match.  This makes a big difference in when you can access them. 


All replays are invalid once a major patch has been released because the new version of the game will not be able to play the old version’s replay files.


For Server Replays we need the URL not the Copy Link button.  


Client Replays:

Client replays are the replays you view from in the game client, found here:


Client replays are generated when you leave a match or custom battle.  You can access them immediately off your computer.


All replays are invalid once a major patch has been released because the new version of the game will not be able to play the old version’s replay files.

shot 2016.12.26 12.43.41.jpg

Then you will see this screen:

shot 2016.12.26 12.43.58.jpg

Find your match replay and Rename it so you can easily find it in a list.  Then Open Folder and copy it into your report.  The Yellow Arrow shows the location of the buttons for doing these things. 


If you are in doubt about whether this is the correct match, you can just View Replay to be sure.




Server Replays:

Server replays are generated for every match played in War Thunder and they are kept up with on the server instead of your local computer.   Because of this, Server replays are found through the website and allow you to supply only the link to the match in question.  We will cover finding the replay by using the filter\find method on the website.  The game client link only lasts for a short time so it must be used soon after you’ve played the match.  Otherwise you can go to the website to find them all.




Server replays are generated when the match comes to an end no matter how long you were present in that match.  You cannot access them until the match has ended even if you left early.


All replays are invalid once a major patch has been released because the new version of the game will not be able to play the old version’s replay files.


It does not matter what language your browser is in when you copy our Server replay link.  We can view it in our own language by using the match number from the end of the URL.


Your game must be open when you click the button to watch the server replay.  Press Alt+Tab once your game client is running so you can access your desktop if you want to open a browser to view replays.




To find the Server replay in the game client go here:

shot 2016.12.26 13.13.31.jpg

Then you will see this screen:

shot 2016.12.26 13.13.27.jpg

The link will lead you to this URL or you can navigate to it directly through your browser: http://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/


Find it on the War Thunder website by going to the main page and choosing Community.  Then select Replays.





Use the filter options to narrow down your search to find your match.  You will need to have the map name and approximate date\time to find it.  Enter that information into the filter and browse the results to find it.


You can enter player names and map names at the yellow arrows.  Use the button circled in yellow to only see matches you played in.  Click Find to run the search.


Once you have a search results list it’s important to note that the results are not organized in any way.  You must look through the whole list to find your match.  To see more details about each match, click on it:





It does not matter what language your browser is in when you copy our Server replay link.  We can view it in our own language by using the match number from the end of the URL.


If you want to watch the replay yourself be sure that you have your game client open before clicking on View Replay.


It is important to point out that the list of player names is not complete if players joined the match late so do not rely on that being your only test of a match.  If you set the Game Mode, Game Type and Vehicle options you should not have a problem finding the match you seek.  

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