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Savoia-Marchetti SM.89



93 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see the SM.89 added?

  2. 2. How would you like to see it implemented?

    • Standard tech tree
    • Premium
    • Event
    • Don't care
    • Voted no in the first question
  3. 3. What tier would you like to see it in?

Hello, I am going to be suggesting the addition of the SM.89 - truly one of a kind. 

The SM.89 was a prototype attacker which was designed by Alessandro Marchetti and has its maiden flight in September 1941. This plane was powered by two Piaggio P.XII RC.35 engines which produced 1500 CV at takeoff power and 1350 CV at 3500m, giving the heavy SM.89 a poor power to weight ratio, which factored into its underwhelming flight characteristics.

Let's get into some figures as I am terrible at writing descriptions. :)



Empty weight: 8650 kg


Crew: 255 kg

Armament: 970 kg
Ammunition: 400 kg

Radio: 150 kg

Other: 115 kg

Fuel: 1710 kg 

Oil: 150 kg

Total load: 3750 kg

Total weight: 12400 kg



Wingspan: 21.04m 

Length: 16.40m

Height: 4.44m

Wing area: 60.5m2

Wing loading: 205 kg/m2

Power to weight ratio: 4.13 kg/CV



Piaggio P.XII RC.35

Weight: 850 kg

Power output: 1500 CV at takeoff power (WEP), 1350 CV at 3500m (2100 rpm, 100% thr)




Bare in mind that these speeds are given at military power.

Sea level: 365 km/h

1,000m: 382 km/h

3,000m: 418 km/h 

3,800m: 429 km/h 

5,000m: 422 km/h

Minimum speed: 147 km/h

Another given top speed: 440 km/h at 4280m.


Climb (TTC)

1,000m: 02:51

2,000m: 05:54

4,000m: 12:21

6,000m: 23:06


Practical ceiling: 6750m

Takeoff run: 505m

Landing run: 740m




3 Breda SAFAT 12.7mm machine guns with 350 rounds per gun (1050 total)

2 Breda 37/54 37mm cannons with 36 rounds per gun (72 total)


1 Breda SAFAT 12.7mm machine gun with 350 rounds in the dorsal position 

1 Breda SAFAT 12.7mm machine gun with 350 rounds in the ventral position 



The good part now. :P 


unknown.pngImage result for SM 89Image result for SM 89



  • dimensione cielo, caccia assalto, by Michele Caso, Gherardo Cosolo and Emilio Brotzu (Thank you @Handorik!)
  • Caratteristiche Velivoli Italiani by the Italian High Command. 

Sadly there aren't many sources on this plane, but I tried my best. ;)


Edited by blakeob
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Well,this attacker is a MUST! Italy at the moment is suffering a big lack of attacker. GIB NAO! +1

Pretty good documentation though. Well done.

Edited by *AceOfAces99
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I'd like to see this plane in game. It could fill the gap at tier 3 in the attacker line, since apparently it may be the Italian equivalent of the German Hs-129 or the Russian 37mm IL-2 Sturmovik.

As such, it may even be introduced in multiple versions (different armament?), both in the main tree and premium (just like its German and Russian counterparts). 

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