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Spähpanzer Luchs


Spähpanzer Luchs  

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  1. 1. Would you like to see the Spähpanzer Luchs in-game?

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The purpose of this suggestion is to provide a potential armored car for German mid-tiers.


Spähpanzer Luchs



The Spahpanzer Luchs is a 1970s West German reconnaisance armored car that replaced the West German M41 Walker Bulldogs and the Spz 11-2 Kurz in armored reconnaisance companies.  The Luchs is a swift 8x8 all-wheel drive armored car with an additional fully-amphibious capability, with a 390 HP engine propelling the 20-ton vehicle with a horsepower-ton ratio of about 20 and top speeds of about 90kmh and 10kmh on land and in water, respectively.


The Luchs is equipped with a Rheinmetall Mk.20 Rh 202 20mm cannon as the primary armament in the turret with 375 rounds stowed.  The gun is equipped with two-plane stabilization and has an impressive elevation range from -15* to 69*, allowing it to be used as a dual-purpose cannon that can fire effectively at low-flying aircraft and helicopters in addition to lightly armored tanks.  The gun fires at ~900-1000 rpm and has a muzzle velocity of  ~1,050-1150 m/s depending on ammunition, which includes HE, AP-T, and APDS.  DM 43 AP-T penetrates 40mm @ 1,000m while DM 63 penetrates 44mm @ 1,000m (~85mm @ 10m).  Compare to the Flak 30 2cm with 450rpm cyclical and 900 m/s velocity.
A MG3 light machinegun is also mounted on the commander's hatch as a secondary weapon.


The Luch's best defensive subsystems is its high speed and relative quietness.  However, if that fails, the frontal arc of the Luchs is constructed out of RHA thick enough to provide protection against 20mm AP rounds for the four crew members from the frontal arc.  The Luchs additionally has four 76mm smoke-launchers on each side of the turret if it's in need of a quick getaway.


The Spahpanzer Luchs would have relatively unique gameplay in-game.  It's fast and has a cannon setup that is good against light targets and low-flying aircraft, and thus can be utilized as an improvised SPAAG in addition to the light vehicle killer role.  Medium tanks will only be assailable from the side and close range and most heavies will not be at all.  Still, the nimble Luch's gameplay is sure to be a treat.








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Thanks for suggesting the Luchs. +1


i added this post to the Armored car project as i told i would if someone did this suggestion or any other that is related to armored car.

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Good suggestion! Not the most useful vehicle in anti-tank combat, but hey.. People will find a way :)

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Gaijin needs to implement a spotting mechanic for scouts (making automatically enemys on the minimap for example) if such a target gets killed the scout recieves 80% of the RP. just an example.

Edited by dotEXCEL
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+1 a very interesting vehicle

does it use a magazine like pz 2s with 10 rounds or is the gun "connected" to the entire ammo supply like on the gepard?

In case it does use a magazine box or something like that how many rounds does it hold?

shot 2017.09.06 12.11.16.jpg

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57 minutes ago, Alphanoodle said:

+1 a very interesting vehicle

does it use a magazine like pz 2s with 10 rounds or is the gun "connected" to the entire ammo supply like on the gepard?

In case it does use a magazine box or something like that how many rounds does it hold?

shot 2017.09.06 12.11.16.jpg

Rh.202 is beltfed, its more similar to the Gepard on 8.0 br

Just like the Kpz-70's Rh.202. i thinks 750 rounds in one belt

Edited by dotEXCEL
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  • 10 months later...

Well,i was going to suggest this,but then i saw you already did that.

+1 from me.

Couple of things on this,though:

-Armament does not seem to be stabilized.The only "mention" is on Army-guide (in form of the stat card),no other source i´ve seen mentions or lists any stabilization,and none of the video material on it shows any form of stabilization either.Given the role of the vehicle (and the complexity and cost of such systems) its likely that it wasn´t stabilized.

-Amphibious capability is only avaiable until version A2 (theoretically it could still swim-the necessary systems are still in place-but the increase in weight and raised center of gravity resulted in this being forbidden)

-APDS would probably only be avaiable for A2-IIRC DM63 was introduced in 1989,by which time A2 would have been the standard.

Some interresting stuff on it.

More stuff on the Ammunition:



As for implementation-i´d say T3-4, 5.7-6.3 would be a range where this could be implemented.Yes,its armament would be relatively weak in penetration,and struggle with some vehicles (heavy tanks,mostly),but the mobility,recon ability,high effectiveness against lightly armored vehicles (Great for countering enemy scouts and TD´s) and medium tanks and potential as SPAAG (going by how effective the gun is on the MBT,KPz and 2K-probably as good or better than most SPAAG´s at that Tier and BR Range) would probably still make it very useful.


Techtree wise-behind SdKfz 234,with a gap,since thats where its concept came from,really.Could be followed up with other wheeled reconnaissance/combat vehicles (i.e. SPz 2 Luchs A2--->DKW Munga/LGS--->TPz Fuchs/MILAN--> TH400) or tracked reconaissance/IFV´s (i.e. SPz 2 Luchs A2--->(M41)--->SP I.C.-->Marder 1A3-->Begleitpanzer 57-->Marder 2).



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if there is a version with an ATGM system mounted that would be more welcome in my opinion.
in war thunder there really is no place for dedicated scouts and any vehicle that can not fight most of its peers frontally should not be in game in my personal opinion.
unlike most light tanks this vehicle will simply not have the fire power to fight most tanks it will face and it wont have the protection to survive even one hit.
its AA capabilities are also questionable at best because it is so modern it is unlikely to see a lower BR then 6.0 atleast and at such a BR or higher  a single 20mm that can not track its target all that well wont be that usefull.
so i personal would rather not have it unless there is a model that comes with the likes of a MILAN ATGM.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Forum Moderator

This can fit as a Weak AA... but the BR is too hight

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I can only fail in WT. The main weapon system of that vehicles was its HF-radio...there is no meta for that.


You, the moto of the Recon units was " videre sine videri" for a reason.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...



Sorry, I just can't support modern vehicles that aren't SPAAs with only autocannon armament.  Either they'll be useless among their contemporaries or they'll be ridiculously undertiered.

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2 hours ago, Milocat said:

Sorry, I just can't support modern vehicles that aren't SPAAs with only autocannon armament.  Either they'll be useless among their contemporaries or they'll be ridiculously undertiered.


Agree, I am reluctant on the idea of adding such vehicles. A good example is the Italian OTO R3 T20 FA-HS, sitting at 3.7 BR alongside early war vehicles. Not sure what I think regarding this.

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One thing to note is that even the worst AP ammunition avaiable to this gun has a good 70mm of penetration if modelled correctly:



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8 hours ago, *gojuancamilo said:


Agree, I am reluctant on the idea of adding such vehicles. A good example is the Italian OTO R3 T20 FA-HS, sitting at 3.7 BR alongside early war vehicles. Not sure what I think regarding this.


Well, it's supposed to be an anti-helicopter SPAA, so I tolerated it at first, but now that I've actually played it and even more importantly, played in battles alongside and against it, I think adding it was a mistake.  

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I think for something like this to find a place, there would need to be big changes in the game.  For starters, there would need to be a clear gap between WWII and post war vehicles.  Having this thing tearing round maps and shooting things in the back of the turret is just silly nonsense so I would hope that be avoided.  That mouse droid thing does that and I cringe whenever I see it.


How I see something like this appearing would be as a literal support tank.  Maybe one that could replenish other vehicles with ammo or crew, act as a scout and take out light tanks.  So maybe once all your other spawn options run out, you'd still have something like this.  Like a reserve vehicle for post war.  You could cap points, but only if another vehicle was with you.  Something like that.  I think that'd be an improvement over people bringing the lower tier WWII vehicles into higher tier matches, anyway.


The other way to get it into the game would be to have it as map decoration.  It's kinda silly having your modern tank hiding behind burnt out KV-1s and Tigers.  Change them out for this kind of thing once you reach a certain BR.

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