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Curtiss french H75 series


Should the H-75A-1 be added to the game?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the H-75A-1 be added to the game?

    • Yes
    • Yes, as prenium/gift/events vehicles
    • No
  2. 2. Should the H-75A-2 be added to the game?

    • Yes
    • Yes, as prenium/gift/events vehicles
    • No
  3. 3. Should the H-75A-3 be added to the game?

    • yes
    • Yes, as prenium/gift/events vehicles
    • No
  4. 4. Should the H-75A-4 be added to the game?

    • Yes
    • Yes, as prenium/gift/events vehicles
    • No

I would like to suggest the french assembled P-36, the H-75A-1 to A-4


Vichy france Curtiss H-75, notice the color stripe around the engine hood and the tail.

why suggesting 2 more american plane for the french tree? because this very american plane was 12% of the french fighter and was reponsible of 1/3 of the german lose against the french aviation durring the battle of france and the plane wasn't 100% identical to the P36 while been in the same family. the H75 used in france was assembled in Bourges, built under license with part coming from the USA. the french H75 was also a bit modified. while using American engine who can be also found in other P-36, the french plane was using belgian license built of the Browing M1919 who was refited to used the french 7.5x54mm cartridge. the pannel was also converted to metric system and the throttle was reversed (pulling instant of pushing). for all those little variation over the P-36, we can consider this plane as worthy to have his own place in the french tree and been consider as french plane.


Bourges assembly plant. notice the Potez 630 who was also assembled in the same plant

now to be honest, the french P-36 was orriginally named the Hawk 75 according to the curtiss designation (p-36 was the US air-force designation for the Hawk 75) as the French was not really fan of using a english word to name a plane, they just renamed it H75. as the plane used in the french air-force was also up-graded with each new batch, the plane was designated H-75A-1 to H-75A-4, all with difference to each other while been almost identical externally. there was over 300 H75 used in the battle of france before the german invasion. fallowing the French designation, the H-75 was named H-75-C1 for "Chasseur 1 place" or in engish, 1 sit fighter. the plane was used in 6 different fighter group and fought the Bf-109 well enough. the plane was good at his time, the french designed plane too, but france couldn't feild as much modern plane as the Luftwaffe could. the imported plane from the USA was the answer to the need of more plane.


french H75 escorting light bomber

the H75 suffer small lost durring the battle of france, for 11 ace in the french airforce, 7 of them was flying the H75. the H75 who survived to the battle of france, many was used in Vichy france. at the armistice, 231 H75 was still in france, most of them in north africa. 137 of them was still undamaged and ready for the next mission. with the german occupation, 30 undamaged plane was incoporated to the German luftwaffe before been replaced by newly built Bf109. the H75 survived to the whole war, even after the liberation of France, the H75 was still in service in france and was soon after replaced by newer P39 and P40 into the Fighter group. the "surviving" H75 was used in training school to form the new pilot until their full retirement in 1947. at their largest number, France was using a bit more than 300 H75 of all variant.






this original variant of the H75 was the first plane to be built by curtiss for the french Armée de l'aire. it was using a R-1830-SC-G of 900 hp and four FN-Browing 7.5mm, two was on the engine hood and 2 was on the wing. the production started in Febuary 1939, 100 plane was built


General characteristics



  • Guns:
    • 4 × FN-Browing 7.5mm Machine-gun.


i think it's a good BR.1.7




the second production batch with serial upgrade. the new engine was allowing a better climbing and a siglhy better top speed but the most notable up-graded was the addition of 2 machine-gun on the wing. this production was a result of the munich crisis. 100 plane was built from march 1939


General characteristics



  • Guns:
    • 6 × FN-Browing 7.5mm Machine-gun.


i think it's a good BR.2.0




the third and last order for France, 530 H-75A-3 and H-75A-4 was made in September 1939 right after the start of the war. a little more than 100 H-75A-3 and a dozen H-75A-4 was finished before the surrender of France. the plane was featuring a new engine with a better acceleration without giving a signifiantly better speed over the H-75A-2


General characteristics



  • Guns:
    • 6 × FN-Browing 7.5mm Machine-gun.


i think it's a good BR.2.0




the H-75A-4 was ordered with the third batch to be assembled in Bourges. the plane was featuring a more powerful engine allowing to have a better range and speed. only a dozen plane was assembled in France before the surrender while the part for 81 plane was sent to bourges. the other part on his way to bourges was re-oriented to UK to be assembled under the name of Mohawk IV. a forth order for the H-75A-4 was also made but never started to production


Since the plane was not common in france and almost identical to the H-75A-2 and H-75A-3, i find a picture of the french H-75A-4


General characteristics



  • Guns:
    • 6 × FN-Browing 7.5mm Machine-gun.


i think it's a good BR.2.3












Personally, because of their similarity of the MB.150s, i would put them with the MB.150s in the main lines at tier 2. all 4 together under tap research at BR.1.7 to 2.3

Edited by CaID
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Man, I was just intending to make a suggestion for the Curtiss H75. Thus you have my strongest support.

Interesting to note are the colourful french camoflages and markings, a form of modern heraldic. Highly appreciated and higly recommended for grinding and buying as well.

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6 hours ago, Garfield62709 said:

Nice research. I think the picture with the bombers is Fairey Battles though.

my bad. i correct the name for "light bomber"

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3 minutes ago, Shepard_FR said:

With all the American planes in the French tree, they forgot to add this one which was the most used by the French Forces...



if we keep the name H-75, people may forget it's American. only those who read the wiki or know better the P-36 will know what is the H-75

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This aircraft's already been modeled and in the SDK for a long time (iirc as a German captured plane, along with the British Mohawk IV with 7.7s replacing the 7.5s), but for some reason Gaijin's never formally added this aircraft to the game.

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the Hawks are a good early all-around fighter for the US. and all 4 of these are somewhere in between the value of the later 2 P-36s with their solid speed and decent armament. had the french lasted longer i wonder if they would've added hispanos, because the H75 sure seems to be a staple plane.


and with M1919s rechambered for the french .30cal it'll have one of the better peashooters in the game to complement the good performance.


+4 for the lot.

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1 hour ago, AtomicPope said:

The Hawks are very important historically so I support their addition. 


I think having 2-3 variants in the main tree and the rest as premium/event plane(s) would be a good compromise. 

there was 7 french ACE flying the H-75. those could be premium.

there could be a plane like Jean Accart's H-75 or Constantin Rozanoff's H-75 there is a lot of other ACE pilot that flew the H-75 and who can be a premium version of the plane like those we see in the other nation.

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2 hours ago, Exo333 said:

Pretty funny how it's in the game, in the French hangar
just not in the tech tree as an obtainable vehicle


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL oh wow i never saw that! damn that's funny.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Lucky_B said:

1) Notice Sommaire Generale de L'avion De Chasse Curtiss Hawk 75a-2 1939 :



2) Carnet De Silhouettes D'avions Et D'hydravions Francais 1940, Armée de l'air :





this handbook is not accurate at all. the plane wasn't powered by an 900HP and not caring bomb. at least not the A-1 to A-5. it may be an USA variant on the market. also, the french H-75 was only carrying a pair of flare bomb and not any other bomb. i got the production Manuel of Curtis Hawk 75 and P-36 in hand with more accurate details about the french plane.


the recognition book on the other hand is very interesting but they seem to forget to talk about the wing armament. they only talk about the nose armament.

Edited by CaID
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On 19/11/2017 at 6:16 PM, Exo333 said:

Pretty funny how it's in the game, in the French hangar
just not in the tech tree as an obtainable vehicle


Another funny thing is that in the CDK files, there are multiple skins for the H-75-A1 (silver and tricolor camo), A2, and A4 variants (both tricolor only)... Gaijin, put those things in the game already...

Edited by Shepard_FR
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Thread moved to Implemented suggestions as this vehicle was added in update 1.75 "La Resistance".

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