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Identifier Markings for Armor


For armor, we are currently limited to numbers (either War Thunder font generic numbers or specific numbers for each nation) and unit insignia, which is rarely actually applied to armor. What we're missing is actual armor markings which are commonly used. 


These include unit bumper codes for US tanks (this sort of thing: 2Δ 702 TD   B 14 for 2nd Armored Division, 702 Tank Destroyer Battalion, B Company, 14th vehicle), chevrons which indicate company used by the US and Israel (and I have seen some UK and Australian vehicles with them though not sure if they have the same function there), unit flashes for the British and Commonwealth (the squares, triangles, etc., but without additional markings as they are now) or even serial numbers, like the ones in game for the Polish Firefly for example. 


I believe that, especially since we're in the realm of more modern armor now, we should have markings that are more appropriate for these vehicles. While some of these markings can go under the new decals introduced which are unlocked with GE or in-game every week, I believe at least the chevron markers should be made part of the regular Allied tank identifiers, especially since at the moment most people who want to implement these chevrons have to do so by mutilating other decals. 





Unit flashes:



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I absolutely second this, I love the more "subtle" types of decals.

Granted the paintjobs and designs of the "logo" types are fantastic, simple ones like "824" or "35th", the logos of the xth armor division, along those lines, tend to seem more genuine to me.


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I mean, it seems that what Gaijin has been doing lately is adding premium versions of tanks and having them with all the proper unit insignia but not as decals, simply as part of the skin. That's fine for the tanks in question of course but it would be cool if we could actually make our tanks look more authentic.

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As chevrons as well as the British unit flashes have been inplemented,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions.:salute:

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