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M901 ITV  

106 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see the M901 ITV in War Thunder?

    • Yes
    • Yes at a later date
    • No (explain below)
  2. 2. Where would this vehicle be placed in the tech tree?

    • After the M551
    • Seperate (Eg. MBT-70)
    • Other (explain below)
    • I said no
  3. 3. What BR should this be if it is added?

    • 8.7
    • 9.0
    • I said no

 Hello this is DragonFighter suggesting the M901 ITV being added to the game as a late game sniping ATGM vehicle.

So as far as I can tell, germany has the Raketenjagdpanzer 2 HOT, Russia has the IT-1, and britain has the Stryker (although the stryker underperforms at the moment) all of which can prop themselves behind hills/walls, and snipe risk free for the entirety of the match unless they are attacked by aircraft, and America's ATGM tanks all require exposing themselves for short to long periods of time to hit accurately at mid to long range. I feel that the M901 ITV would be a great addition to the american tech tree as it would introduce better options for supporting fire since said ATGMs have a 14 second reload per missile.




      Overview                                                                                                                   m901-itv-improved-tow-vehicle_4.jpg


The M901, a response from America to the BDRM-2 scout car which proved to be particularly effective against the IDF's tank force.  Development began before 1976 of which 3 fully functional prototypes were developed and tested then performed well enough during trials to enter production in 1978, and entered service in 1979.






Footage of fire test


Crew: 4, 1 commander, 1 loader, 1 gunner, and 1 driver

Weight: 12 tons



Basically the same as the M163 currently in game it is on the M113 chassis afterall although several sources will be delivered at the bottom regardless

It carried two 4-tube M243 smoke grenade launchers on front hull, and had applique armor on the underside for protection against mines





2.94 m (9 ft 8 in) targeting head stowed, 3.41 m (11 ft 2 in) head extended



 TOW launcher head ("Hammerhead").SACLOS; wire-guided

 2 Missiles in launcher 10 missiles in chassis - BGM-71B Standard Tow Missile, or BGM-71C (ITOW)



 Length - 1.16m

 Diameter - 0.152m (15.2cm)

 Warhead - 3.9(2.4kg HE) HEAT

 Armor Penetration - 430mm

 Range - 65-3750m

 Speed - 278-290m/s



 Length - 1.41m (Probe extended), 1.17m (Probe folded)

 Diameter - 0.152m (15.2cm)

 Warhead - 3.9(2.4kg HE) HEAT

 Armor Penetration - 630mm

 Range - 65-3750m

 Speed - 278-290m/s


Tow stats courtesy of -




M901 stats courtesy of -




 http://afvdb.50megs.com/usa/itvm901.html  (This shows stats for the M901A1, but the A1 was the designation it gained when it was upgraded to launching Tow-2 nothing else is different from the M901)



Edited by DragonFighter
Editing weaponry specifications
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The M901 ITV didn’t use the BGM-71A, it used the BGM-71C ITOW (>600mm, made 1978) or BGM-71D TOW-2 (900mm, made 1983) due to the M901’s introduction in 1979. Giving it nerfed missiles is not a good idea. 

Edited by xX_Lord_James_Xx
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+1 for me... We need a true dedicated ATGM for the American TT. I'm afraid that it will get passed on though because of all the extra animation need to load up missiles. It looks like it could be long reload time for just two missiles. But love the idea you can hide behind hills and rocks. America needs this 

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  • Senior Technical Moderator

+1 From myself.  Would like to see this in the game.  Whether it should be in the light tree or another one would be hard to say though.  Could also be in the TD line.


17 hours ago, xX_Lord_James_Xx said:

The M901 ITV didn’t use the BGM-71A, it used the BGM-71C ITOW (>600mm, made 1978) or BGM-71D TOW-2 (900mm, made 1983) due to the M901’s introduction in 1979. Giving it nerfed missiles is not a good idea. 


Beat me to it ;).  Was going to say that myself. 


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On 1/18/2018 at 6:30 AM, xX_Lord_James_Xx said:

The M901 ITV didn’t use the BGM-71A, it used the BGM-71C ITOW (>600mm, made 1978) or BGM-71D TOW-2 (900mm, made 1983) due to the M901’s introduction in 1979. Giving it nerfed missiles is not a good idea. 

I found multiple sources that indicated use of the regular BGM-71A TOW, and as for the ITOW it was fired from the M901A1 modification. I was going to suggest this as a researchable upgrade for the ITOW similar to the missile upgrade the BMP-1 currently has, I will add to the original post tomorrow when I have time.


I was mistaken, the M901 ITV did carry the ITOW which had 630mm pen. It was the M901A1 ITV that carried the Tow 2, changed the original suggestion accordingly

Edited by DragonFighter
I was mistaken
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  • Technical Moderator

There is one of these at a museum near me. I voted yes because why not.

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10 hours ago, Conraire said:

Beat me to it ;).  Was going to say that myself. 


Well, I saved your fingers from having to type some more :) 


9 hours ago, DragonFighter said:

I found multiple sources that indicated use of the regular BGM-71A TOW, and as for the ITOW it was fired from the M901A1 modification. I was going to suggest this as a researchable upgrade for the ITOW similar to the missile upgrade the BMP-1 currently has, I will add to the original post tomorrow when I have time.


Hmmm, well, why not a compromise: 


Initial missile is the BGM-71B, which is basically a BGM-71A with a longer guidance wire (3750m compared to 3000m). Same warhead and whatnot. 


Upgraded missile is BGM-71C ITOW, >600mm pen (cant find a concrete number, but all of them are above 600mm). 

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Well if this vehicle used two different types of tow missiles I can only hope if this tank goes into development that we can have different types of missiles to to unlock as a modification. I mean if the Bmp can get an upgraded, this could to as well. If it's ever developed! Would be so Kool to have this tank. I really don't see it happening though. It would be so OP Hiding behind cover. If you all think the IT1 was/is OP. This thing would beat it hands down. Only from cover lol

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18 minutes ago, *Roger13R said:

Well if this vehicle used two different types of tow missiles I can only hope if this tank goes into development that we can have different types of missiles to to unlock as a modification. I mean if the Bmp can get an upgraded, this could to as well. If it's ever developed! Would be so Kool to have this tank. I really don't see it happening though. It would be so OP Hiding behind cover. If you all think the IT1 was/is OP. This thing would beat it hands down. Only from cover lol


Except the IT-1 is mostly immune to aircraft cannon fire. This thing? Not so much. 


Also, you now have my +1. Thanks for the upgraded missiles :) 

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1 hour ago, xX_Lord_James_Xx said:

Except the IT-1 is mostly immune to aircraft cannon fire. This thing? Not so much. 

Your right your right. It doesn't look like the turret will do a 360* turn either.. Still looks like it will be a pain to deal with on the battle field. It just looks deadly! It will still be at least 2nd best ATGM carrier in game IMO. 

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With the addition of modern tanks in update 1.77 I feel like not only the M901 ITV should be added, but instead the M901A1 ITV would be a better fit as it could fire I-Tow missiles (same as the one the Begleitpanzer has) and the Tow-2 missile which had 800mm pen (same as the HOT) or 900mm pen depending on source.

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