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M3 Bradley CFV Opinion  

272 members have voted

  1. 1. Would the M3 Bradley be a viable option for the US Tech tree

    • Yes
    • No
    • Unsure/Do not care
  2. 2. What BR would the M3 Bradley be best at?

    • 8.0 or Lower
    • 8.3
    • 8.7
    • 9.0 or Higher
    • I voted "No" in the first question.


M3 Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicle (CFV)


The American Armored Love story of the 1980's and still going strong to this day. The Abrams and Bradley were made for each other (well the Bradley was made for the Abrams at least!) With the introduction of the M1 Abrams (soon ^tm) I am here to propose and inform the community on the better option of the two (yes there are 2) Bradley twins, the M3 CFV.


“The M3 Bradley CFV (Cavalry Fighting Vehicle) is very similar in most respects to the M2 Bradley IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle) and varies in a few subtle ways and by defined battlefield role. While the original M2 is designed for the IFV role - carrying troops under protection and supplying support firepower - the M3 is intended for the armored scout/reconnaissance role, doing away with side firing ports and seating for six/seven infantry. Two scout positions are added as is additional communications equipment. The M3 also holds more ammunition storage (25mm, 7.62mm and TOW missiles) while fielding the same multi-purpose, two-man powered 25mm-armed turret. The 7.62mm coaxial machine gun is retained as an infantry defense measure.


The Bradley family as a whole was originally intended to support the M113 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) and appeared as a direct counter to the Soviet BMP series of 1966. Adopted in 1980 and fielded beginning in 1981, the M2 Bradley forms a companion vehicle to the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank - able to keep up for fast-moving mechanized formations and providing much-needed firepower to disembarking infantry.”- www.militaryfactory.com


Armor Layout




M242 "Bushmaster"



"The M242 25mm "Bushmaster" Chain Gun, manufactured by McDonnell Douglas, has a single barrel with an integrated dual-feed mechanism and remote ammunition selection. Either armor piercing (AP) or high explosive (HE) ammunition may be selected with the flick of a switch. The Gunner may select from single or multiple shot modes. The standard rate of fire is 200 rounds per minute, and has a range of 2,000 meters (depending on the ammunition used). A wide range of ammunition has been developed for this weapon, making it capable of defeating the majority of armored vehicles it is likely to encounter, up to and including some main battle tanks. The M242 25-mm, fully automatic, externally powered gun can destroy lightly armored vehicles and aerial targets such as helicopters and slow-flying aircraft." -Globalsecurity.org


The main ammunition type being 

-M791 APDS-T - 60mm @ 1,345 m/s

-M792 HEI-T - XXmm @ 1,100 m/s

-M919 APFSDS-T (1986+) - 100mm @ 1,385 m/s








"The BGM-71 TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided) is a heavy anti-tank missile. It was developed by Hughes Aircraft Company during the mid and late 1960s. It was designed both for ground and heliborne applications. Production contract was awarded in 1968. First fielded in the 1970, the TOW is one of the most widely used anti-tank guided missiles. It is still going strong after nearly forty-five years of service. Currently the TOW anti-tank missile and its variants are used by more than 45 countries around the world." -www.military-today.com




The following is quoted from the above source, for possible TOW options to give the M3 in game, the more likely choices being the ITOW & TOW-2 as these were in use when the Bradley was initially introduced into service. 



-BGM-71A, a basic missile of the TOW. It has a range of 3 000 m and penetrates 430 mm of RHA; 


-BGM-71B. It has improved range to 3 750 m. This missile flies faster and has a longer wire. Otherwise it is similar to the basic BGM-71A;


-ITOW (Improved TOW), or BGM-71C. It was adopted by the US Army in 1976. This missile has improved shape-charged warhead. It also has an extensible probe that triggers detonation of the warhead and provides optimum detonation distance. The probe is extended after the launch. This missile penetrates 630 mm of steel armor.;


 -TOW-2 is an upgraded version of the TOW. It entered service with the US Army in 1983. This weapon system is composed of new BGM-71D missile, new reusable launcher, missile guidance set, and sight system. The launcher is lighter. It is compatible with all previous TOW missiles. It has thermal optics and can be used at night. The new missile has a larger warhead (5.9 kg) with extensible probe, as well as improved guidance. The TOW-2 missile is available in several versions;


  -TOW-2A or BGM-71E. It appeared in 1987. It has a tandem warhead and is intended to defeat tanks with Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA). It penetrates 900 mm of armor behind ERA; "







The differences between the M2 IFV and M3 CFV are hardly visible from the outside but mostly found inside the vehicle.






M2 IFV Left & M3 CFV Right



Turret layout







During 1986, FMC began production of an improved variant of the Bradley designated the M2A1/M3A1. This improved model was based on Research and Development (R & D) work carried out by FMC's Ground Systems Divisions, the Army Tank Automotive command (TACOM), field reports and intelligence data. 


The most significant improvement in the new variant was the installation of an improved TOW-2 missile system. . .


In addition to the new TOW system, there was a number of external changes to the M2A1/M3A1. The rear turret stowage basket was redesign. . .On the M3A1, the firing ports were deleted and replaced with solid armor on the sides and rear. The M3A1 also has a redesigned rear upper hatch with four periscopes (which replaced the rear periscopes of the M2A1). The scout's seats were also relocated under the hatch to make it easier for the scouts to use them. . .

Other changes included the remove of the grenade ammunition boxes from the front of the turret, improved flotation screen brackets and improved auto-interrupter to prevent the 25mm gun from damaging various hull fittings.

- M2/M3 Bradley in action 







M2A1 IFV Left & M3A1 CFV Right





Standard (CARC Green)



Late Forrest (MERDC Winder Verdant)



Modern Forrest ( 3-color NATO camouflage)



Basic Desert (Standard tan)




Modern Desert ( 3-color NATO swaped tan for green)



Two Tone Desert (Provisional Desert camo)



Late Winter (MERDC Snow w/ Trees)



Two Tone Winter (Provisional Snow camo over CARC green)








This will be a WIP as I have time to add and if more information is required (still looking for armor values and the 25mm penetration values)













- M2/M3 Bradley in action by Jim Mesko

- Bradley - A History of the American Fighting and support vehicles by R.P. Hunnicutt


Edited by CK_16
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Open for Discussion.:salute:


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+1 for me. Would love to see a Bradly in Warthunder. I think it would fit right into the game meta. Fighting along side the M1 has support. The bushmaster may end up being useless but those tow missiles would work great. Bad thing is you would still have to expose your turret :crying:

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Sure dont see why not given 1.77 will bring in late cold ware era ( and almost modern) tanks like the M1 Abrams.


Bradley would fit in, and offer USA an IFV with AGTM's, something the Russians already have.

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Are the USMC LAV's pretty much the same as the Bradley IFV's ? Just with 8x wheels instead of tracks. I know they make different versions of the LAV's such as TOW launchers and Mortar varients. Could they also be considered for inclusion ? Hope this isnt to far off topic.

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Well Steel Beasts has the M919 penetration at 100mm...BUT no distance, angle, or type of steel...Not sure where they got that from. So far only thing on this round I can find.


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Got to have some answer for the BMP series in WT. This would be a good addition, with AA capacity and respectable ATGMs will end well.

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13 hours ago, MonkeyBussiness said:

wich variant of the tow is he using ? because the tow A/B only pen 430mm (the one on the begleitpanzer) and it's a bit useless against T-64 so the C variant with 630mm of pen should be a good compromise (unless if we got T-64BV)


As the Bradley has an introduction date of 1981 and the BGM-71C (ITOW) seems to have an introduction date of ~1978 it would make sense for it to be using that.

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1 hour ago, muzzleflash98 said:


As the Bradley has an introduction date of 1981 and the BGM-71C (ITOW) seems to have an introduction date of ~1978 it would make sense for it to be using that.


The first combat unit to be equipped with Bradleys (four M2s and six M3s), in March 1983, was the 1st Battalion, 41st (Mechanized) Infantry, 2nd Armored Division.


IN any case Whist Itow would be good idea as  Stock Muntion it would be Itow and the TOW2 system as  a researchable  upgrade ( kind of how BMP1 sagger - BMp1P upgrade with its newer Konkurs agtm ). Tow 2 was available starting in 1983.


I think dicussing a follow up version with the addon  spacedarmor the m3A2. should be considered. given the A2's are the far more relevant version that actually saw use in gulf war ( and have upgrade options for ERA). Given thier paper Armor ( heard estimate like 1 inch of aliminum) would basically make it a paper tiger like the BMP, and thus not a top tier b.r

Edited by kev2go
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Once they announce the information on the M1A1 ect all for that, the M3A2 though is a bit to advanced time wise for now IMO


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19 hours ago, CK_16 said:

Once they announce the information on the M1A1 ect all for that, the M3A2 though is a bit to advanced time wise for now IMO


Theres is no "timeLine" but  gajin adhering more to a performance cutoff.  FOr Eg. M60A1 Rise Passive with its ERA addon is essentially gulf war era vehicle. By time is a later than both the Mbt70 and the T64A but inferior tank anyways.


Since the M3A2 would require no new gameplay mechanics  introduced  ( which it doesnt) then its not above performance  cutoff Or  war thunder's Meta in anyway,


Performance wise everything Up to the M3A2 would have been fine into the cutoff even before the annoucement of 80s era tanks for the 1.77 devblogs.


There's  nothing more advanced about the M3A2 except for a newer TOW AGTM  , spaced armor (  tin layer of Steel above base aluminum armor), and option for ERA as a researcahble upgrade ( if gajin feels generous)







Edited by kev2go
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I don't know why those ppl who want to throw Light Tanks so high in BR. LT, Player should choose easily by adding High BR. Vehicle to push the whole BR of the preset higher.


All LT shouldn't exceed 8.0. if the Vehicle main armament is below 40mm.



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