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Hiding capture point floating diamond


What about this feature ?  

93 members have voted

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Situation :

  • You are playing on Karelia and there is an enemy tank on a hill. He spot you, take a lucky shot and damage your engine. You aim in the general direction of the incoming fire but you are not able to see anything because a big red/blue floating diamond marked 'A' is obstructing your view. Meanwhile, you opponent has no trouble to keep firing at you because he has the element of surprise, is behind a cover and can see the flames coming out of your damaged engine compartment. You are spectating your last moments like a sitting duck
  • You are playing in a AAA and you are staying near your teammates who just captured a zone. Suddenly, you hear a aircraft engine noise. You know this is your time ! A rocket-loaded P-47 is coming to strike on your teammates. You know you are their only hope of survival. It's closing in, you look around but...you can't see the plane because it is hidden behind the floating blue diamond...boom...your team is dead !


Suggestion :

Add the ability to configure the display of the diamond icon on HUD.

This could be done in several ways (it would be great if all options were available) :

  • set the transparency of the icon
  • set the scale/size
  • choose the gamemode in which the icon is displayed
  • add a keybind to toggle their display
  • option to disable it completely


Even if hidden on HUD, the capture point icon would still be represented on minimap.


Benefits :

  • Increased immersion
  • No more/less "I can't see him !" situations


Extra screenshots (similar options already in game)




  • Upvote 18
medal medal

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Open for discussion. :salute:

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I fully support this suggestion and wonder why it's not implemented yet!

As an RB player the diamonds are immersion breaking and they cause gameplay problems as well in certain situations. 

Any seasoned player knows exactly where caps are anyway (also there are the flares and also the minimap to guide towards them even if disabled)

so all the diamond does is obstructing your view and ruining the scenery if you played a map more than a couple of times

Edited by Agelistrator
  • Upvote 2
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i support this moreover, i would suggest removing/reducing the flare smoke too, it makes spotting much harder. 


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  • 10 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I think that both the floating marker as well as the coloured smoke marking capture points should either be removed or made possible to disable. In my opinion, the smoke just makes the maps look worse and ruins screenshots.

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  • 4 weeks later...

YES and hide it specially in the scope view. no matter the game mode.

medal medal medal medal

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the massive floating capture point diamond has been hidden as per update 2.1 New Power,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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