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French A/B-26 Invader


Hello all,


I would like to suggest the French Aircraft Premium tree get the US made A/B-26 Invader.


Here is some info and references of the French A/B-26 Invaders.


FRENCH A-26/B-26 INVADER INFO (from the McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Since 1920: Volume I with the ISBN book listed below by Author Rene J. Francillon):


On two separate occasions the Armee de l'Air (French Air Force) acquired A/B-26 Invaders to fight colonial wars. 

Beginning in January 1951 when the French Groupe de Bombardement (GB) 1/9 was formed at Tourane.  The Armee de l'Air obtained on loan from the USAAF for 111 B-26B, B-26C and RB-26C Invaders to equip 3 bomber groups (GB 1/9 Gascogne, 1/25 Tunisie and 1/91 Bourgogne) and 1 reconnaissance flight (Escadrille de Reconnaissance Photographique ERP 2/19 Armagnac. 


Of the 111 Invaders, 25 were lost in combat or in flying accidents.  One of the Invaders was purchased by the French Government, and the remainder were returned to the United States when the French left Indo-China in 1954.  The single Invader purchased in 1954 was later joined by 8 others for use in a variety of trails at the Cazaux gunnery and bombing range. 


During the Algerian War, 85 B-26B/B-26Cs were purchased by France to equip the Centre d'Instruction au Bombardement (CIB) 328 and 329 at Cazaux, and GB 1/91 Gascogne, GB 2/91 Guyenne, ERP 1/31 Armagnac, ERP 2/32 and the Escadrille de Chasse de Nuit 1/71 in Algeria.  The last Invaders were unique as they were equipped with specially modified as night fighters to intercept light aircraft flying guerilla supplies and cadres across the border with Tunisia.  These modified Invaders were fitted with a di-electric radome housing A1 Mk 10 radar taken from surplus British Gloster Meteor NF.11s and were armed with additional twin 12.7mm Heavy Machine Guns pods under the wings.  The Invaders remained with France until 1968, when they were scrapped or sold.





French A/B-26 Invader Pictures:




Formation of glass and solid nosed French B-26s.





B-26 12.7mm twin MG under wing pods.




Other references:








Thoughts with the French A/B-26 Added to the French Aircraft Premium Tree?

The French tree needs some more premium aircraft and more good planes (bombers/attackers).



turxtar (Posted )

Moved to proper section.
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How about the suggestion forum?


Edit: Guess it got moved.


This could be nice +1

Edited by Slipslime
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Would make a nice addition, ecpecially a C variant with a glass nose (the best looking and mose useful I think) and would help flesh out the tree. It would also give a bit of practice for a fast bomber before people unlock the vautour.

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  The last two photos you provided were Martin B-26 bombers which were different aircraft from the Douglas A-26/B-26 variants.   The Martin variant began flying about 20 months before the Douglas version. At the time when the US Army Air Corps was changed over to the US Air Force, the Martin B-26's had all been taken out of service and it was at that time the Douglas A-26's were redesignated at Douglas B-26s (later to be changed back to A-26s).  Some observable differences:


Martin B-26-

  • Tail gunner
  • Dorsal turret gunner
  • Rounder body

Douglas A-26/B-26

  • Remote controlled turrets, gunner located in mid-rear section (no dedicated tail turret)
  • Blocky body.

They were roughly the same size and utilized the exact same type of engines.  Twice as many Martin bombers were produced and delivered compared to the Douglas aircraft.


I agree a French version would be cool to have, especially to help flesh out their tech tree, but I also think that having the Martin B-26 bomber would be a great addition to WT, but that is for a different thread/discussion (not sure why it hasn't made it in yet). 

Edited by AN_TRN_26
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Here is a picture taken at the ECN 1/71 in Algeria in 1961 :





Of all the special French-made variant of the "Invader", the B26-N, equipped with MATRA 116 rocket pods and 2 x 2 50.cals under each wings, would be IMO the most interesting to add since it's a unique French-made variant. They were also equipped with Gloster Meteor radar, specifically to hunt for planes supplying the Algerian rebels during the night.


The picture was found on this website : http://aviateurs.e-monsite.com/pages/1946-et-annees-suivantes/pilote-d-essais.html

And here, infos about the SNEB rocket pods : https://docplayer.fr/572960-Les-armements-aeronautiques-hors-missiles.html

Edited by Arghail
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11 hours ago, Arghail said:

Here is a picture taken at the ECN 1/71 in Algeria in 1961 :





Of all the special French-made variant of the "Invader", the B26-N, equipped with MATRA 116 rocket pods and 2 x 2 50.cals under each wings, would be IMO the most interesting to add since it's a unique French-made variant. They were also equipped with Gloster Meteor radar, specifically to hunt for planes supplying the Algerian rebels during the night.


The picture was found on this website : http://aviateurs.e-monsite.com/pages/1946-et-annees-suivantes/pilote-d-essais.html

And here, infos about the SNEB rocket pods : https://docplayer.fr/572960-Les-armements-aeronautiques-hors-missiles.html

It's always nice to see the Matra Type 116 on a french aircraft :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will definitely welcome both additions especially the French Martin Marauder! :DD They have used operationally during the World War II. Overwhelmingly +1!

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It's Bulldog me too I would like that there is also the A-26 Invader and the B-26 Marauder in the French research tree. France used the Marauder during WWII and the Invader in Indochina on Dien Bien Phu and Algeria Thank you.


B-26 Invader model C

WINGS PALETTE - Douglas A-26/B-26 Invader - France


B-26 Invader model B

WINGS PALETTE - Douglas A-26/B-26 Invader - France


B-26 Marauder model C

Crash of a Martin B-26C-45-MO Marauder in Mélas: 20 killed ...

WINGS PALETTE - Martin B-26 Marauder - France

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  • Technical Moderator

France so desperately needs this plane...

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