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Italian Ju. 87 "Picchiatello"

What do you think of "Picchiatello"?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the "Picchiatello" Ju.87?

  2. 2. Wich model of Ju.87 "picchiatello" do you want in game?

  3. 3. What should "Picchiatello" be?


The Italian dive-bombing departments were called “Bombardieri a Tuffo”, or “Tuffatori”(=divers).

The history of the Italian Stuka began in 1939, when some Luftwaffe pilots were sent to Guidonia. The German test pilots had the chance to try out the Italian fixtures, and the Italians could try the Stuka in flight. The Italian government sent a request to the German Air Ministry for a hundred Ju 87 B2, which agreed to supply them in two batches of 50 devices each. Some Italian pilots coming from hunting specialties were trained at the dive-bombing school (Stukaschule) of Graz in Austria, returning to Italy with the new aircraft at the end of the course. The Stuka pilots began to use the nickname "Picchiatelli", and to paint on the fuselages of their planes a duck with a bomb in its paws. The first 50 Stuka Italians were deployed in Sicily in September 1940, and from here operated on Malta and against the British naval convoys. Later, other units were assigned to the Greek-Albanian theater, the Balkans and North Africa. The 50 Stuka of the second batch delivered to the Regia Aeronautica were almost all in the Ju 87 R2 version with great autonomy, equipped with two 300 liter sub-alar tanks, upgraded to the R5 version. The Regia Aeronautica received later, before September 8, other specimens, to reach a total of 159 devices between the versions B2, R2-5 and D3.


Until 1942 the symbol of 237a Squadriglia was a red devil carring a grey bomb in his hands.

The patch was painted on the fuselage, behind the gunner cockpit.





Ju.87 B2:

Crew members: 2

Max speed: 356 km/h

Max altitude: 7000 m

Climb rate: 2,5 m/s

Take-off space: 434 m

Wingspan: 13,8 m 

Lenght: 11,0 m

Autonomy: 600 km

Armament:  two frontal MG-17 cal.7,92 mm, one back MG-15 cal. 7,92 , bombs: 1X500 kg, 1X250 kg or 4X50 kg


Ju.87 R2

Crew members: 2

Max speed: 356 km/h

Max altitude: 7000 m

Climb rate: 2,5 m/s

Take-off space: 434 m

Wingspan: 13,8 m 

Lenght: 11,0 m

Autonomy: 600 km

Armament:  two frontal MG-17 cal.7,92 mm, one back MG-15 cal. 7,92 , bombs: 1X500 kg, 1X1000 kg


Ju.87 D3

Crew members: 2

Max speed: 358 km/h

Max altitude: 7500 m

Climb rate: 1,7 m/s

Take-off space: 513 m

Wingspan: 13,8 m 

Lenght: 11,0 m

Autonomy: 600 km

Armament:  two frontal MG-17 cal.7,92 mm, two back MG-81 cal. 7,92 , bombs: 1X250 kg, 1X250 kg + 4X50 kg, 3x250 kg, 1X500 kg + 4X50 kg, 2X250 kg + 1X500 kg, 3X500 kg, 1X1000 kg, 1X1000 kg+ 4x50 kg, 1X1000 kg + 2X250 kg.





Sources: http://www.eaf51.org/Photo_41_Picchiatelli.htm , War Thunder German tech tree, Book "1000 aerei" by Giunti Editore.



By:   Vasillij_Zajcev     







Edited by Vasillij_Zajcev
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The best compromise would be having the b2 and the d3 in the regular tree and the r2 premium labelled as Ju87 R2 "Picchiatello"

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58 minutes ago, Radom said:

Open for discussion :salute:


What do you think about the Mardek's idea? it would be very cool! And, sorry, why have you removed the name of "gigipirla11?" he is a friend who helped me with the project.


See you soon!



45 minutes ago, Mardek said:



The best compromise would be having the b2 and the d3 in the regular tree and the r2 premium labelled as Ju87 R2 "Picchiatello"

ma il b2 e il d3 dovrebbero avere anche loro la mimetica italiana, non trovi?

Edited by Vasillij_Zajcev
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28 minutes ago, Vasillij_Zajcev said:

Ma il b2 e il d3 dovrebbero avere anche loro la mimetica italiana, non trovi?

Se riesci a trovare una buona foto da proporre, assolutamente :)

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@gigipirla11 la prima è buona la seconda è bassa la risoluzione ma a occhio sembrano tedeschi 


Le skin vanno bene anche quelle in OP, sicuramente qualcuno più erudito di me potrà accertare i numeri di serie delle immagini e dare conferma alla Gaijin 


@Vasillij_Zajcev  Se vuoi mettere la mia idea sul primo post vai tranquillo :good:


PS: parliamo in inglese sennò i mod si arrabbiano e a ragione

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1 minute ago, Mardek said:

@gigipirla11 la prima è buona la seconda è bassa la risoluzione ma a occhio sembrano tedeschi 


Le skin vanno bene anche quelle in OP, sicuramente qualcuno più erudito di me potrà accertare i numeri di serie delle immagini e dare conferma alla Gaijin 


@Vasillij_Zajcev  Se vuoi mettere la mia idea sul primo post vai tranquillo :good:


PS: parliamo in inglese sennò i mod si arrabbiano e a ragione

ok hahah


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I absolutely support Ju87 "Picchiatello".

My personal point of view is that all the three planes should be in regular tree, leaving space for other kind of premiums in rank 1.

To add some unique flavor to italian Ju87s I would propose to:

1) add italian pilots

2) load with italian bombs (those were used, I have at least 1 picture showing usage of italian 50Kg bombs under wings)

3) classify these three planes as attackers

See how all these three planes would fit perfectly in italian line of attackers:



As source for information I recommend also the following book:


Edited by cfracas
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43 minutes ago, cfracas said:


I absolutely support Ju87 "Picchiatello".

My personal point of view is that all the three planes should be in regular tree, leaving space for other kind of premiums in rank 1.

To add some unique flavor to italian Ju87s I would propose to:

1) add italian pilots

2) load with italian bombs (those were used, I have at least 1 picture showing usage of italian 50Kg bombs under wings)

3) classify these three planes as attackers

See how all these three planes would fit perfectly in italian line of attackers:



As source for information I recommend also the following book:


well done!

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2 hours ago, ANYangeloVV said:

Guys... really? Regoular????!
WHY? Italy has it's own design for the regoular tree... i want the Picchiatello too, but as premium!


Don't understand it at all, Italy has a lot of its own stuff which can be implemented into the game, including early dive bombers. 

But as premium or event vehicle it's great!

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I see your point in having Ju87 as premium, but I based my personal point for it in regular tree based on few elements.

I will try to summarize them, not necessarily in order of importance.

If course this is just my very personal point of view and is not demanding to be valid. :)


First element is how the H75 has been added to regular tree for France, although they were not missing genuine French fighters in 1939-1940 timeframe... I see something similar for Italian Ju87.

Second element is the fact that we live in a different world after introduction of co-belligerent Spitfire and Romanian IAR81c: Gaijin showed they will use premium slots for co-belligerent machines and minor axis machines. More will come for sure in future and typically we have no more than 4 or 5 premium slots in every rank. Please keep also in mind that premium planes are used to grind something... Ju87 could "add meat" to regular tree giving something more to grind.

Third element is the fact the team modelers capacity/bandwidth allocated to italian planes is limited so it would be wise choice to focus such team on planes with more appeal and higher rank than rank 1 dive bombers. Moreover, being Rank 1 already quite crowded, Gaijin is clearly thinking to move to higher ranks.

Fourth Element is that we have no time to model genuine italian Rank 1 dive bombers because italian tanks are right behind the corner, that's why Ju87 is the quickest solution to add CAS.


Edited by cfracas
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i see your point... and i won't argue with having german planes who served for italy in the regoular three, but only AFTER they implemented all the italian ones... if they would put the picchiatello before adding the ro57 or the SM family i would be very disappointed (unless GJ adds it as premium, this is the only way i would accept the ju87 in the italian tree before the adding of the native attackers)

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Problem is for rank 1 your only options are the Ro.57bis, the Ba.201 and (maybe) the SM.88 

All the other native attakers are rank 2+ imho, so having a tab with 2 Stuka would be a nice and historical addition in my eyes

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8 minutes ago, Mardek said:

Problem is for rank 1 your only options are the Ro.57bis, the Ba.201 and (maybe) the SM.88 

All the other native attakers are rank 2+ imho, so having a tab with 2 Stuka would be a nice and historical addition in my eyes

i agree... afer GJ will add the planes you mantioned

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  • 5 months later...

Stukas are fun, so I wouldn't mind seeing these.  And we already have a Bf-109 in the Italian tree . . . 

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