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Suggestion - An option to fire one or all main artillery weapons for Destroyers and Light Cruisers


I accidentally posted this in the "General Discussion" section, so, I just moved this here.. I'm not sure how to delete the one I posted previously, since I moved it here...) 

I just wanted to suggest an option to select between firing one main caliber artillery weapon or firing all of the main artillery weapons at once, this would help Destroyers, if they are armed with Dual-Purpose (DP) guns, which can fire at both, aircraft and surface targets. As well as this, it would help with adjusting aim for minor corrections if the ship is firing at a surface target at range. And it also just looks cool, to see a ship firing each gun after the other, rather than firing every single gun at once. 

(This might sound like I'm trying to rip off an idea from another game, and you can probably guess what game... But I just thought that this would be a cool idea to add.) 

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Open for discussion. :salute:

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I would even be happy with one mouse click only firing one gun, and then double clicking to fire a whole salvo. Would make ranging shots better, and also keep you from dunking rounds into islands when some of the guns are occluded by an island or something.

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I support this idea.
If advanced ammunition requires additional costs in the future,I won't want to shoot all the ammunition at the same time when measuring and test shoting.

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  • Technical Moderator

In history large warships often shot its gun in "half salvo" (交互撃ち方, sorry, I don't know true translation) when measurement the distance between enemy.

I think in-game system is bit strange.

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the option to select how you want to fire your naval weapons has been previously implemented,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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