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HEAS (proximity fuse HE) for Type 79 Anti-Ship Anti-Tank Missile


do you need HEAS for Type 89 FV?  

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  1. 1. do you need HEAS for Type 89 FV?

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  • Technical Moderator

In game Type 89 Armored Fighting Vehicle have Type 79 Anti-Ship Anti-Tank Missile Launcher. Now we can use only HEAT shell, but this is "Anti-Ship" missile so it have "HEAS" shell, too.


According to document of Japan Defense Agency, this missile can launch 2 types of missile for operation. They call them "誘導弾AS"(Missile AS) and "誘導弾AT" (Missile AT).


Warhead of "Missile AS" is thin-wall HE (薄肉榴弾, high-capacity projectile) with proximity fuse.

Its fuse operate when direct hit to enemy landing craft or pass its over to detect change of geomagnetism.


For Game

Need to select HEAT or HEAS. I think HEAS shell should unlock by research.


1. Attack enemy light armored / open top vehicle behind of barrier

Able to attack nasty anti-tank SPGs hiding hills.



2. Attack enemy helicopter doing outrage-attack by missile

It range is only 4km, but it is easier than SPAAs to aiming far distance helicopters.



防衛庁 (昭和54年4月13日) 「制式要綱 79式対舟艇対戦車誘導弾 P 1006」

(Web Archive) Japan Defense Agency (Aptil 13, 1959) "Official Style Outline, Type 79 Anti-Ship Anti-Tank Missile, P 1006"

Sadly, in this document its explosives mass is secret.


4 hours ago, Tasty95215 said:

Thanks for the correction. I think I did find the proper blueprint for the anti-ship missile:





And here's the revised version of the blueprint:




These were found from files P 1007 and P 1007B.

Edited by aizenns
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Open for discussion. :salute:

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This seems very interesting! It'd be fun to use, and would help the Type 89 IFV be a bit more unique compared to the other nations' IFV's. Being better at attacking helicopters would be nice too. Although the explosive mass is a secret, the Type 79 missiles are pretty big, being 150mm, so I assume that they would have a large TNT equivalent.


Also, I found another version of the file that includes the blueprints of the missile: http://web.archive.org/web/20040114012327fw_/http://jda-clearing.jda.go.jp:80/kunrei/i_fd/iz1985p1006b.html




The specifications are also listed in this table (though I don't know what it says):



Edited by Tasty95215
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  • Technical Moderator
2 hours ago, Tasty95215 said:

The specifications are also listed in this table (though I don't know what it says):



I guess it will be common specification of HEAS and HEAT.


Unit: mm








Rear wing

Wing span


Wing chord


Center of mass

787 (from head of missile)

Mass (kg)







Mass (kg)






Also this will be anti-tank shell (AT)

2 hours ago, Tasty95215 said:



Edited by aizenns
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  • Suggestion Moderator

I see no reason to not add this. +1

Edited by Miki_Hoshii
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13 hours ago, aizenns said:

Also this will be anti-tank shell (AT)


Thanks for the correction. I think I did find the proper blueprint for the anti-ship missile:





And here's the revised version of the blueprint:




These were found from files P 1007 and P 1007B.


Unfortunately, there's still another blueprint showing how the missile is put together that's missing. For comparison, these were the two blueprints for the anti-tank missile:





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Very interesting, it will destroy tanks in Hull-down positions or tanks in cover. +1 japan should get this at some point, will also make it easier to shoot down annoying helis at 4km or closer. A good counter weapon for them helis.



It's similar to this right?


Edited by Madlyface955
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  • Technical Moderator

I think there's a typo in the OP: this paper is from 1979 (Showa 54) not 1959 (Showa 34).


Also +1, I'd love to see this as an upgradeable module for the tank!

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Can we get this in game please for Anti helicopter measures and what do we have to do to get them ? all that is needed is  to bind a key to change the type settings on the ATGM in game to Prox fuze instead of shaped it could be down with a touch of a button. 



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  • Technical Moderator

With the Tunguska, Bradley ADATS, and likely even more insane semi active SAMs to come, this suggestion needs to become reality now more than ever.

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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  • 2 years later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the Type 79 HEAS has been implemented for the Type 89 FV with update 2.9 Direct Hit,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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