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Panavia Tornado - The supersonic lawnmower


Panavia Tornado  

302 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the Panavia Tornado to appear in the game

  2. 2. Do you want to see the Italian and the UK version with their loadout options (these may differ from the German Version) in their own Tech-Trees as well?

Note:This variant is also avaiable for the UK and Italy.


Seeing as supersonic jets are now a thing, and the development may well head into the mach 2+ territory, i believe this may be the appropriate time to suggest something for the future (nevermind that such things have been suggested already,i.e. F-15 and Mirage III).

...So here´s a suggestion for the European swing-wing aircraft in its most common variation-The IDS (InterDiction/Strike).


The Story of the Tornado started in the Late 60s, when Germany sought to replace the F-104G with something more suitable for their needs (primarily, delivering ordnance at treetop level and stupidly high velocities) along with Canada, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium. Meanwhile, the UK had a need to replace its aging Canberras with something more appropriate,and all attempts to do so failed, ultimately resulting in the UK joining the F-104 Replacement program.

Thus, in 1970, development of the Tornado was begun, and in the early 80s, it entered service with Germany, UK and Italy-the countries that ended up developing it.

The aircraft featured Fly-by-Wire controls, a terrain-following autopilot capable of flying the aircraft at around 60 meters altitude while automatically evading obstacles, variable wing geometry and Thrust Reversers for the engines (which however are only avaiable after touchdown,similar to the Saab 37 "Viggen"´s).

The gun armament in the IDS variant consists of two Mauser BK-27 revolvercannons, the other armament options ranged from unguided bombs over guided air-to-air missiles all the way to cruise missiles and bomblet dispenser pods (see picture above) for anti-runway use.

Thrust is provided by two Turbo-Union RB199 turbofan engines with Thrust Reversers,providing 39 KN of thrust without AB and 68 KN with AB each.



Lenght:                      17.23m Overall (tip of pitot boom to end of tailfin)

Width:                        13.91m (at 25° wingsweep),8.25m (at 67° wingsweep)

Height:                       5.95m 

Clearance:                 1.86m under the wingtips,1.77m under the elevators

Wheelbase:                5.27m

Track:                         3.10m

Wingsweep:               25°-67°

Operating Mass:        14000 KG minimum,18700 KG with full internal fuel load,21550 KG with full internal fuel+two external tanks

Engines:                     Turbo-Union RB199 MK101 or MK103 with 39 KN thrust (68KN with reheat)

Speed:                        Mach 1.1 at SL (clean),Mach 1.85 at 35000ft (clean) (17000KG)




Guns:                         2x Mauser BK27 (27x145mm,1100-1700 RPM,Revolvercannons),125 RPG

Missiles (Air-to-Air):   AIM-9L (2x), (IRIS-T)

Missiles (AG):            Kormoran, AGM-88 HARM, Taurus,

Bombs:                      Mk.81/2/3, BL-755,B61 (Obviously not in WT), GBU-24/54

Other:                        Recce pod, MW-1





(MW-1 in action)


(Italian Tornado on takeoff)


(Thrust Reverser on a german Tornado)


























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Open for discussion. :salute:

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I do hope we'll see rank VI aviation evolve to a point, that'll make it possible to implement this beauty, I always loved the looks of the Tornado. I say absolutely yes, you have all my support! +1 :yes_yes_yes:

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3 hours ago, sh4d0w said:

I do support this beauty. What's about the ADV F.3 version, UK only...



ADV or Air Defense Variant is based like the german ECR (both of them have no main guns) but with a full AAM Loadout 
the ADV F3 features the AI.24 Foxhunter-Radar and the MK-104 Engines for higher Alt's

oh... and you get  (SP)AMRAAM's iirc... at least they tested them...

long story short:
German IDS: CAS
UK ADV: well... the name says it...

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Except not at all...


Tornado F.3 used AIM-7's, not 120's

UK should also get its Tornado GR.1, with up to 20x 500lbs bombs (basically the german IDS).
(Note that instead of each drop-tank, you can take another pair of bombs - also, where are my cluster bombs?).



Not to mention F.3 very well had a gun

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1 hour ago, Koty1996 said:


from what i know, they Tested AIM-120's... but never could get the ASRAAM to work... but i could be worng

1 hour ago, Koty1996 said:

Not to mention F.3 very well had a gun


then your pic must be some older models brought up to F3 standard which still have guns... later build versions dont have them anymore

1 hour ago, Koty1996 said:

UK should also get its Tornado GR.1, with up to 20x 500lbs bombs (basically the german IDS).

(Note that instead of each drop-tank, you can take another pair of bombs - also, where are my cluster bombs?).


never denied that they could carry bombs, but we were talking about the ADV F.3, bombs are not the regular loadout

51 minutes ago, Nell_Lucifer said:

The F-104 replacement program was the VTOL thingy with the VAK 191 designations. Eventually it was cancelled or replaced the Tornado. 

Yeah sure +1

which is explained in the german Doku i linked as well :good:

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I voted no.


I don't see a reason why Germany needs these NATO vehicles. Germany already has enough NATO vehicles. The Tornado should just be in the English and Italian tree.

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35 minutes ago, Borotovas said:

I voted no.


I don't see a reason why Germany needs these NATO vehicles. Germany already has enough NATO vehicles. The Tornado should just be in the English and Italian tree.


Honestly, I think the Tornado should be one of the first choices to be added to the German TT, as soon as the technology in rank VI allows these sorts of planes. The Panavia Tornado is one of the most iconic German used post-war jets out there.

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1 hour ago, Borotovas said:

I don't see a reason why Germany needs these NATO vehicles. Germany already has enough NATO vehicles. The Tornado should just be in the English and Italian tree.

That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

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32 minutes ago, Stuhlfleisch said:


Honestly, I think the Tornado should be one of the first choices to be added to the German TT, as soon as the technology in rank VI allows these sorts of planes. The Panavia Tornado is one of the most iconic German used post-war jets out there.


The Tornado was made in collaboration with the UK and Italy. So, I think it will be used by all three of these countries in WT. It's not completely a German built aircraft, and won't be exclusive.


On the opposite side, East Germany used the MiG-29 during the same era, and I believe that the MiG-29 would be superior to the Tornado. If the USSR gets the MiG-29, then East Germany is a good candidate as well. In the end, only the USSR and Germany would have this plane, so it would be more exclusive. Maybe the Tornado can top off the CL-13 line, and the GDR MiG-29 can top off the MiG-15bis line.


If I had to choose between the Tornado, and MiG-29, I'm choosing the MiG-29 no doubt. It's just a more superior aircraft in my opinion.



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22 minutes ago, Borotovas said:

On the opposite side, East Germany used the MiG-29 during the same era, and I believe that the MiG-29 would be superior to the Tornado. If the USSR gets the MiG-29, then East Germany is a good candidate as well. In the end, only the USSR and Germany would have this plane, so it would be more exclusive. Maybe the Tornado can top off the CL-13 line, and the GDR MiG-29 can top off the MiG-15bis line.


If I had to choose between the Tornado, and MiG-29, I'm choosing the MiG-29 no doubt. It's just a more superior aircraft in my opinion.


Problem is: you are comparing two completely different aircraft here.

The MiG-29 is a interceptor,the Tornado is a multirole aircraft with emphasis on being able to do high-speed,low-level bombing even in conditions like nighttime and fog (ie-practically blind).

Yes,a MiG-29 will likely outdo a Tornado in air-to-air combat (though a later IDS with IRIS-T is very much going to be a major threat to the MiG),but it won´t hold a candle to the Tornado in the CAS department.





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7 minutes ago, swpixy said:

Problem is: you are comparing two completely different aircraft here.

The MiG-29 is a interceptor,the Tornado is a multirole aircraft with emphasis on being able to do high-speed,low-level bombing even in conditions like nighttime and fog (ie-practically blind).

Yes,a MiG-29 will likely outdo a Tornado in air-to-air combat (though a later IDS with IRIS-T is very much going to be a major threat to the MiG),but it won´t hold a candle to the Tornado in the CAS department.


Bombing using planes like the Tornado most likely won't work very well in game. The bombs and rockets will slow the plane down even more (Tornado is slower than the MiG-29), and it will be like the F9F trying to bomb AAA. You will just end up being an easy target for planes that focus only on dogfighting and climbing to gain an advantage. I think the MiG-29 can carry bombs as well, so if you want to bomb with the MiG-29, you will still have a much better fighter afterwords. 




With fog and night, those are rare for WT battles. It won't be an advantage.

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12 minutes ago, Borotovas said:


Bombing using planes like the Tornado most likely won't work very well in game. The bombs and rockets will slow the plane down even more (Tornado is slower than the MiG-29), and it will be like the F9F trying to bomb AAA. You will just end up being an easy target for planes that focus only on dogfighting and climbing to gain an advantage. I think the MiG-29 can carry bombs as well, so if you want to bomb with the MiG-29, you will still have a much better fighter afterwords.

which the tornado never was supposed to be in the first place.
have you played EC sim recently? just saying F-100 bombtrucking is winning these games. and if we get a late IDS with IRIS-T then you can kiss your Mig-29 goodbye. you cant fool that AAM


Tornado is slower than the MiG-29

good joke m8, try again. on deck, the tornado is faster... which is the area were its supposed to operate. GL finding it in sim

but again, im suggesting here the Ground Attack variant of the german Tornado... not the UK's ADV

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1 hour ago, dotEXCEL said:

the tornado is faster... 


Tornado GR4 speed at sea level: 1,482 km/h: 921 mph


MiG-29 speed at low altitude: 1,500 km/h; 930 mph


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@Borotovas Germans used it they lost the war they didn't develop any planes on their own.  So the German tree will likely contain both planes.  So there won't be any native or exclusive planes for Germany in their modern arsenal.


@dotEXCEL I like the suggestion and I hope when it's time that the Tornado comes for ALL nations that used it.  So you have my support.

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9 hours ago, Borotovas said:


Tornado GR4 speed at sea level: 1,482 km/h: 921 mph


MiG-29 speed at low altitude: 1,500 km/h; 930 mph


uses wiki as source... i linked the flight manual, check there ;)

11 minutes ago, RexLuporum said:


@dotEXCEL I like the suggestion and I hope when it's time that the Tornado comes for ALL nations that used it.  So you have my support.

thats why i made the poll, didnt i? ;) i'm just too lazy to write 3 suggestions in 3 different subforums.... be my guest and make them there as well.

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IRIS-T fired from a F4 Phantom II


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He just blathers then if you call him on it he acts like he either knew what he was talking about all along or flails in the wind.  It's because of that I am not as vocal on the forums as I used to be we've moved past what I'm familiar with.  New opportunity to learn I suppose!  I did vote yes on your poll :)

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16 hours ago, Borotovas said:

On the opposite side, East Germany used the MiG-29 during the same era, and I believe that the MiG-29 would be superior to the Tornado. If the USSR gets the MiG-29, then East Germany is a good candidate as well. In the end, only the USSR and Germany would have this plane, so it would be more exclusive. Maybe the Tornado can top off the CL-13 line, and the GDR MiG-29 can top off the MiG-15bis line.

Well, designed for completely different roles, one's a low level interdictor, the other is an air superiority fighter and interceptor.

I'd want the tornado first though.



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6 hours ago, dotEXCEL said:

uses wiki as source... i linked the flight manual, check there ;)


Wikipedia has sources. 


42 minutes ago, scavenjer said:

Well, designed for completely different roles, one's a low level interdictor, the other is an air superiority fighter and interceptor.

I'd want the tornado first though.


I don't see why we need a British plane in the German tree.

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6 minutes ago, Borotovas said:


I don't see why we need a British plane in the German tree.


National origin: Italy, Germany, United Kingdom




It's no British plane. It's a multinational one.

But the Panavia HQ is located in Germany...so... maybe there should be no German plane in the British tree? :P jk

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