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Mirage F1C : Fast and Badass


Mirage F1



Context :


The Mirage F1 was design by dassault in the intend to great a new single engine mutlirole fighter aircraft, for replacement of the Mirage III and Mirage 5, capable of a terminal approach to an airfield below 280 km/h, and to be able to carry more fuel and equipment than it's predecessor. The Mirgae F1 actually followed the same type of requierement that was made for the Panavia Tornado, that the french gouvernement decided to not follow.
During the 1960s, Dassault started the development of what would become the Mirage F1 first named Mirage III F. This new aircraft would leave the delta wing configuration of the Mirage III for a more standard swept wing design, in order to reduce the airspeed needed during takeoff and landing.

The new wing configuration resulted in a more than 50% reduction in required runway lengths and increased internal fuel tankage for 40% greater combat range. The wing were fitted with both double-slotted trailing edge flaps and full-span leading edge slats, the latter being automatically operated to reduce the aircraft's turn radius during combat, giving it a much better manoeuvrability.
The Mirage F1 kept a similar size to the delta-winged Mirage III and Mirage 5. At first it was equipped with a Pratt & Whitney TF30, which was latter changed for a SNECMA Atar 9k engine, the same powering the much bigger Dassault Mirage IV.

Although it has a smaller wingspan than the Mirage III, the Mirage F1 proved to be superior to its predecessor, carrying more fuel while possessing a shorter take-off run and superior maneuverability as well as speed. The Mirage F1 could also carry more missile than it's predecessor.

On 26 May 1967, an order for three Mirage F1 prototypes was placed.
It first F1 enter service in 1973 with the french army.
It will than know a long service life with multiple army around the world and fought numerous aircraft like the F 4 Phantom, the F 14 tomcat, the F5 freedom Fighter, the mig 21,the mig 23, the su 22 ...
The Mirage F1 ended it's service with the french army in 2004 and was ighly praised for it's services after acquiring  a legendary status in the french army.


The Mirage F1 used a pair of internal 30 mm cannons DEFA 553, two R550 Magic heat seeking missile for short range combat and two R530 radar guided missile for medium range combat, latter replace by super R530F. It could also carry a various amount of bombs and rocket as well as Chaff pod and various optic and fuel tank.


Examples of configuration :



Photo :







Why the Mirage F1 should be in the game ?
The F1 is a really powerfull and fast aircraft, but it's still a focused interceptor/fighter aircraft and not an airsuperiority one meaning that it was made to be manoeuvrable and capable of dogfighting other aircraft. Seing tier VI i would see it has a top tier along (if added) planes like the F4 Phantom, the Tornado or the Mig 23 (some of them already being suggested in other post).


Specification :
    Crew: 1
    Payload: 6,300 kg[114] (13,890 lb)
    Length: 15.30 m (50 ft 2½ in)
    Wingspan: 8.40 m (27 ft 6¾ in)
    Height: 4.50 m (14 ft 9 in)
    Wing area: 25.00 m² (269.1 ft²)
    Empty weight: 7,400 kg (16,314 lb)
    Loaded weight: 10,900 kg (24,030 lb) (clean take-off weight)
    Max. takeoff weight: 16,200 kg (35,715 lb)
    Powerplant: 1 × SNECMA Atar 9K-50 afterburning turbojet
        Dry thrust: 49.03 kN[115] (11,023 lbf)
        Thrust with afterburner: 70.6 kN (15,873 lbf)


    Maximum speed: - at 11,000 m (36,090 ft) Mach 2.2 (2,338 km/h)
           - at sea level ~ mach 1.4 (1470 km/h)
    Endurance: 2 hr 15 min (combat air patrol, with 2 × Super 530 missiles and centreline drop tank)
    Service ceiling: 20,000 m (65,600 ft)
    Rate of climb: 243 m/s (47,835 ft/min) at high altitude
    Thrust/weight: 0.66


    Guns: 2× 30 mm (1.18 in) DEFA 553 cannons with 150 rounds per gun
    Hardpoints: 1 centreline pylon, four underwing and two wingtip pylons with a capacity of 6,300 kg (13,900 lb) (practical maximum load 4,000 kg (8,800 lb)) and provisions to carry combinations of:
        Rockets: 8× Matra rocket pods with 18× SNEB 68 mm rockets each
        Bombs: various
        Other: reconnaissance pods, shaff pod or Drop tanks
    Missiles: 2× AIM-9 Sidewinders OR Matra R550 Magics on wingtip pylons, 2× 530R OR Super 530Fs underwing, 1× AM-39 Exocets anti-ship missile


And the better for the last :


Ultimate Badass machine





Picture : Modernize version of the Mirage F1C (F1C 200 with the fuel probe added), the regular Mirage F1 does not have the fuel probe.

Edited by Trotrodor
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9 minutes ago, dotEXCEL said:

+1 would you make a Super Etendard suggestion as well? @Trotrodor

yeah ok i'll make one ;)

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as a clarification which exact variant of the Mirage F1 is supposed to be suggested here?



because you  have 2 common versions, the F-1C, a fighter/interceptor, that does however have some secondary ground attack ability ( unguided bombs). A later F1C-200 model added A2A refueling probe and a RWR.


and then the Mirage F-1E ,Multi role version with multi-mode  radar ( A/G mapping) that includes some range of guided munitions as well like the Exocet.


also here is a Mirage F-1C cockpit










also to note  base on specification provided, Im nor certain the french F-1E versions can use the AS30L missile. That was used on the IRaqi   built export\  models : F-1EQ's.


Edited by RanchSauce39

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28 minutes ago, RanchSauce39 said:

as a clarification which exact variant of the Mirage F1 is supposed to be suggested here?



becuase you  2 common versions, THe  the F1C, a Fighter/intercepoter, that does however have some secondary ground attack ability ( unguided bombs). A later F1C-200 model added A2A refueling probe and a RWR.


and then the Mirage F-1E ,Multi role version with multi-mode  radar ( A/G mapping)


also here is a Mirage F-1C cockpit










also to note  base on specification provided, I dont think the French versions can use the AS30L missile. That was used on the IRaqi  based Mirage  models : F-1EQ's.


Yeah you are right, here i'm talking about the F1C, and i think it could use AS30L but i need to check on it ;)

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After checking more data, it seems that the AS30L was indeed able to be fire from F1C, F1E...

There is a lot of info concerning the Iraki F1EQ that were train in france to use those AS30L ... but it was just marketing to sell those missile to the Iraki, the french variant could totally fire them (it's a French missile after all), the Mirage only needed an Altis pod for laser designation.





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8 hours ago, Trotrodor said:


After checking more data, it seems that the AS30L was indeed able to be fire from F1C, F1E...

There is a lot of info concerning the Iraki F1EQ that were train in france to use those AS30L ... but it was just marketing to sell those missile to the Iraki, the french variant could totally fire them (it's a French missile after all), the Mirage only needed an Altis pod for laser designation.







i was doing some checking on my own. And  typical F1C is unable of utilizing AS30L. Its a fighter./interceptor with some  secondary basic ground attack  capability not a dedicated strike or multirole aircraft. That was the point of the F-1E.


What i learned was The ALTIS elctro optical targeting pod from which targets are acquired and  then laser designated has to be done via TV screen.




Mirage F1C only has a basic radar scope display  (as shown earlier  post) which would not make it possible







Below is actually a Mirage F-1CT , modernized version of Mirage F1C-200  specially catered for for ground attack. It was initialized circa 1988 once the Mirage 2000 had replaced Mirage F1C's in Air defense role, those were no longer needed for A2A.


AS you can see  a TV  display screen is present  as well as new weapons selector panel (  older HUD replaced with  new HUD similar to M2000)  Based on the dials present it can switch between radar modes, as well a TV mode for targeting devices like the ALTIS













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13 hours ago, RanchSauce39 said:



i was doing some checking on my own. And  typical F1C is unable of utilizing AS30L. Its a fighter./interceptor with some  secondary basic ground attack  capability not a dedicated strike or multirole aircraft. That was the point of the F-1E.


What i learned was The ALTIS elctro optical targeting pod from which targets are acquired and  then laser designated has to be done via TV screen.




Mirage F1C only has a basic radar scope display  (as shown earlier  post) which would not make it possible







Below is actually a Mirage F-1CT , modernized version of Mirage F1C-200  specially catered for for ground attack. It was initialized circa 1988 once the Mirage 2000 had replaced Mirage F1C's in Air defense role, those were no longer needed for A2A.


AS you can see  a TV  display screen is present  as well as new weapons selector panel (  older HUD replaced with  new HUD similar to M2000)  Based on the dials present it can switch between radar modes, as well a TV mode for targeting devices like the ALTIS













And don't you think it could carry those for another plane to laser designate ?

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16 minutes ago, Arghail said:


I found 96 km range for the Thomson CSF Cyrano IV, but I don't have any official data to back it up.




I would assume that is detection range, I'll have a look in manual dotExcel posted

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8 hours ago, Trotrodor said:

And don't you think it could carry those for another plane to laser designate ?


 is that in the manual showing it can? ( at least not in the Mirage F1CZ thats available)



Even assuming it could carry laser based munitions for external or "buddy" lasing  from say a SEPECAT Jaguar, It is  not so simple for an  simplified MP control mechanics that are available in war thunder . There is 1 major thing needed for such a thing to work (among others.)



When a plane is carrying laser guided ordinance and wants to drop it to an external laser source  ( like another aircraft with Targeting pod  that can laser designate)   both 2 aircraft  ( carrier and second designator aircraft)  they need  dial Pulse Repetition Frequency code for the laser that needs to match one another before such a weapon can be deployed to track the given target that is being painted by said laser.


Why does this  PRF exist? because what if there are multiple different targets  in a general vicinity being "painted" by  different lasers ? the weapon would go Stupid. hence why PRF Laser codes became a thing, to prevent that.  IT needs to know which "laser" to track. IF to doesn't have matching PRF codes to any given laser it wont track period.


This over-complicates things for an simplified  MP game like war thunder, which isn't study sim.




Edited by RanchSauce39

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7 hours ago, RanchSauce39 said:


 is that in the manual showing it can? ( at least not in the Mirage F1CZ thats available)



Even assuming it could carry laser based munitions for external or "buddy" lasing  from say a SEPECAT Jaguar, It is  not so simple for an  simplified MP control mechanics that are available in war thunder . There is 1 major thing needed for such a thing to work (among others.)



When a plane is carrying laser guided ordinance and wants to drop it to an external laser source  ( like another aircraft with Targeting pod  that can laser designate)   both 2 aircraft  ( carrier and second designator aircraft)  they need  dial Pulse Repetition Frequency code for the laser that needs to match one another before such a weapon can be deployed to track the given target that is being painted by said laser.


Why does this  PRF exist? because what if there are multiple different targets  in a general vicinity being "painted" by  different lasers ? the weapon would go Stupid. hence why PRF Laser codes became a thing, to prevent that.  IT needs to know which "laser" to track. IF to doesn't have matching PRF codes to any given laser it wont track period.


This over-complicates things for an simplified  MP game like war thunder, which isn't study sim.




Yeah ok, i've modify the post for correction but I'm gonna keep the F1C 200 pic even tho the fuel probe should be there, just becuse they are so cool ;D

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On 06/01/2019 at 19:50, TyphoonCro said:


Do you know ranges at which Cyrano IV could detect and track fighter sized aircraft?



no sorry


but almost certainly not the max advertised Radar range it is capable of .  Basically the same with any aircraft radar really especially from the time period.


On 07/01/2019 at 10:39, Trotrodor said:

Yeah ok, i've modify the post for correction but I'm gonna keep the F1C 200 pic even tho the fuel probe should be there, just becuse they are so cool ;D



hey dont get me wrong, you want want your AS30L missile , you cant just do new suggest thread. Or simply throw in F1CT as additional poll option for to Mirage F1C variations.

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3 hours ago, EpicBlitzkrieg87 said:

If I'm not wrong the technology in this vehicle is sadly exceeds tier 6's tech cap.. 


I wonder about the Mirage F.1A?

It's a third generation fighter like the F4 and Mig 23.

It is said that " Cuban MiG-23s outclassed South African Mirage F1CZ and F-1AZ fighters in terms of power/acceleration, radar/avionics capabilities, and air-to-air weapons.

While the F4 can carry eight missiles, and the Mig 23 six, the mirage F1 will only have four of them, and at that time it will probably play a bigger role than now...

Not only that, both the F4 and mig 23 have better thrust...

Performance wise i really don't see huge difference between the F1 and the Mig 23 and F 4... And france doesn't have a better option ti fight f4 and mig 23, and i really don't want to see only those two fighting each other, as gaijin says in a video about the Mig 19 and f100 not so long ago "our game is not about duels"... (right now it's the case but it will evolve).

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5 hours ago, EpicBlitzkrieg87 said:

If I'm not wrong the technology in this vehicle is sadly exceeds tier 6's tech cap.. 


I wonder about the Mirage F.1A?


Mirage F1A was never used by AdA

Only Mirage F1C was used by AdA

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Don't you guy think that it would be cool to see : F 4 phantom vs Mig 23 vs Mirage F1. Those aircraft flew during the same period, the fought in the same battle... would be so cool

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