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Challenger 2 Dorchester level 2F







Greatings there today I would like to suggest in adding Challenger 2 with Dorchester level 2F.




Challenger 2 was first deployed with Dorchester level 2F in 2004 in Iraq. Dorchester level 2F is an add-on armour package for Challenger 2. It had better protection than the first addon armor kit for Challenger 2 which was Dorchester level 2E. Dorchester level 2F is made up Romor-A ERA on the UFP/LFP and Dorchester level 2F blocks with a 30mm RHA back plate on the hull and Dorchester level 2F blocks on the side of the Turret with no 30 RHA back plate. Also the Dorchester level 2F blocks are 200mm thick and it also has bar Armour covering the side and rear of the hull and turret.


Here is some pictures of the add-on armour  kit.




As you can see above there is some close ups of Dorchester level 2F on the side hull and turret with the bar Armour on the side and rear of the turret and hull and the ROMOR - A ERA on the UFP/LFP.




Here is a close up of Dorchester level 2F armour blocks and the 30mm bar Armour around the rear of the turret.




In this picture above you can see them taking off the hull Dorchester level 2F armored blocks and if you look closely enough you can see the 30mm RHA back plate that the 200mm Dorchester level 2F blocks are mounted on.





And here is a close up of the ROMOR - A ERA that is on the ufp/lfp and again if you look closely enough you can also see a back plate which is 30mm RHA.




If you look at the picture above it states that the armour kit wieght is about 66.1 tonnes.





. Weight - 66.1 tonnes.

. Armor.

- ROMOR - A ERA on the UFP/LFP.

- Dorchester level 2F blocks on the side Hull with a 30mm RHA back plate. 

- Dorchester level 2F on the Turret with no 30mm RHA back plate. 

- bar Armour on the back side and rear of the turret and hull.





- ROMOR-A ERA should have about 650mm against chemical ammunition and about 50mm against kinetic.


- Dorchester level 2F on the hull is around 200mm thick with a 30mm RHA back plate. This should offer at least 800mm against chemical ammunition and about 170mm against kinetic.


- bar Armour should be able to protect against most if not all chemical ammunition but it can only be used once like ERA and against kinetic about 30mm.


Sources 1 - Challenger 2 main battle tank by Carl Schulz's.




Sources 2 - image of war Challenger 2 the British main battle tank.






Edited by duckmartin
Received new information on the thickness of the Dorchester level 2F blocks and i fixed some errors !
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Open for discussion. :salute:

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Seems good and reasonable, especially seeing as it's external modifications. Much like the Challenger 1 Mk.3 though, I'm concerned about the NERA on the side as without sources Gaijin aren't willing to change the current implementation, so what would make this any different?


@Smin1080p Are we willing to accept estimates from books or do we need something more concrete?

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I'd rather see the Chobham block on the LFP as it seems Gaijin is not able to fix the Bug that the whole pack blows off if one brick is hit


That would be the 2H armour package if i'm right.



Edited by MTom
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Challenger 2 really has a large amount of module compositions. There's this, one without the bar/turret modules, one with ROMOR+Composite+Side ERA, ones with frontal composite plus ERA/composite, one with all the above plus belly armour and standoff plates...


Something like 4-5 variations possible.


This one looks like a decent starting point though to make it a bit different. As I am aware it goes in the following order:


Package 1 - ROMOR front + Side Hull Dorchester (Had on entry to service)

Package 2 - ROMOR front + Side Turret and Hull Dorchester + Bar on sides and rear (This suggestion, circa 2004)

Package 3 - ROMOR front + Side Turret and Hull ERA + Side Hull Dorchester + Bar on sides and rear (Circa 2007, interim "mixed" package)

Package 4 - Dorchester front + Side Turret and Hull ERA + Side Hull Dorchester + Bar on sides and rear + Belly Armour (Known as Streetfighter)

Package 5 - Dorchester front + Side Turret and Hull ERA with standoff plate + Side Hull Dorchester + Bar on sides and rear + Belly Armour (As seen on Megatron)


Note the above is not accounting for the increases in Dorchester applique model, sounds like the armour design also got stronger.

Edited by TheFuzzieOne

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How about we get the base TES stock (as on CR1 Mk.3 but Dorchester side panels), with this as a T2 upgrade and Streetfighter as T4.

Then they could add Megatron with the current TES as a separate vehicle (including the thermal blanket) and eventually the LEP

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12 minutes ago, DELTACLUSTER said:

I'd prefer getting the other addon armour on seperate CR2s and the original Gulf War package for our first CR2. 


This way we'll at least get a lineup. 


i was thinking more along the lines of this first cr2 getting the streetfighter package. the second would be megatron and the third one we would get whatever comes out of the lep programme.


in any of the cases if theyre just gona copy era to the side like the cr1 mk3 i would prefer to leave it like it is.

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45 minutes ago, DELTACLUSTER said:

I'd prefer getting the other addon armour on seperate CR2s and the original Gulf War package for our first CR2. 


This way we'll at least get a lineup. 

We could have all upgrade packages bar Streetfighter as mods for this first one (with base TES stock).

Then we could have CR2, CR2 Streetfighter, CR2E, ATDU (Megatron) and eventually LEP

Plenty of tanks


Alternatively we could follow my suggestion, with all base packages being available on this CR2 (up to Streetfighter, I think that was the last to be actively deployed and used), with Megatron and the others afterwards. It would still leave us with 4 potential future CR2 series vehicles (5 if you want to count Black Night)

Edited by Shrike142
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6 hours ago, TheCheshireCat said:

Seems good and reasonable, especially seeing as it's external modifications. Much like the Challenger 1 Mk.3 though, I'm concerned about the NERA on the side as without sources Gaijin aren't willing to change the current implementation, so what would make this any different?


@Smin1080p Are we willing to accept estimates from books or do we need something more concrete?


At this stage any estimated figures are welcome. 

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2 hours ago, Smin1080p said:


At this stage any estimated figures are welcome. 

So it is possible if this gets suggested to the Devs and eventually added into game that it could have the estimated figures above ?

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The reason I want this is obviously to give Challenger 2 a bit more protection like IRL it never went into combat without its addion Armour kit. Plus I have played a few games in it and in aload of them I have had a helicopter fire it's atgm at the rear of the turret and it uselly 1 shots me but on the odd occasion it doesn't but if it got this addion Armour kit it would stop at least 1 helicopter atgm from pen my rear and it would give me a chance to hide before a second 1 comes in.

Edited by duckmartin
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If I am allowed to make a suggestion, duckmartin? What you feature right now in your post is the post gulf war Dorchester Level 2 protection. If this would get implemented, we'd skip an entire generation of addon armour and also possibly deny us the access to a much needed vehicle for our lineup. 


What I would suggest instead is an emergency armour kit - which I find to nicely resemble what it actually has been - which comes from CR1 Mk.3. Yes, yes, I hear your complaints, but please hear me out. The picture below shows the Gulf War CR2 with its full armour kit. This is basically the first proper DL2 stage of armour with Dorchester side armour. The certain proof for this is the additional box for protecting the driver which is noticably thicker than on the side armour fitted to CR1. 




ABOVE A proper Gulf War battle kit


This tank above should be the next CR2 coming to the game. And it would actually be even better if we would get 2 more CR2s to ensure the competitiveness. One with Gulf War armour, one with the addon armour shown in this suggestion. 


What our ingame CR2 (besides some serious fixes) should be receiving is the KFOR operations armour kit which was simply dismounted from CR1 and given to CR2. (The reason I believe this is only Chobham side armour is due to the visual similarity and thickness of the individual plate. When you carefully look at shots from the Gulf War appliqué armour, you'll notice the thicker drivers side armour and that the last composite plate with the visible screws has grown in thickness as well. The only difference is the last bazooka plate which was modified so the sprocket doesn't get stuck with mud and throws the track.) This way we would have additional armour and a way to preserve the more beasty CR2s as reinforcements for the British lineup. 


BELOW The addon armour which CR2 mounted during KFOR operations (coming from the CR2 Owner's workshop manual): 





The one very important reason why I would never fit two different addon armour kits to one Challenger is very, very simple. Think about the last time when you chose 3x500 Lbs bombs on your attacker aircraft vs 3x1000 Lbs bombs. Get what I mean? Every appliqué kit below the highest performance will be a waste and rob us of possible lineup reinforcements. And why would we want 2 addon packs when we chose the better anyway? WT isn't just offering the broad gameplay such a variety of options would require. 

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26 minutes ago, DELTACLUSTER said:

If I am allowed to make a suggestion, duckmartin? What you feature right now in your post is the post gulf war Dorchester Level 2 protection. If this would get implemented, we'd skip an entire generation of addon armour and also possibly deny us the access to a much needed vehicle for our lineup. 


What I would suggest instead is an emergency armour kit - which I find to nicely resemble what it actually has been - which comes from CR1 Mk.3. Yes, yes, I hear your complaints, but please hear me out. The picture below shows the Gulf War CR2 with its full armour kit. This is basically the first proper DL2 stage of armour with Dorchester side armour. The certain proof for this is the additional box for protecting the driver which is noticably thicker than on the side armour fitted to CR1. 


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ABOVE A proper Gulf War battle kit


This tank above should be the next CR2 coming to the game. And it would actually be even better if we would get 2 more CR2s to ensure the competitiveness. One with Gulf War armour, one with the addon armour shown in this suggestion. 


What our ingame CR2 (besides some serious fixes) should be receiving is the KFOR operations armour kit which was simply dismounted from CR1 and given to CR2. (The reason I believe this is only Chobham side armour is due to the visual similarity and thickness of the individual plate. When you carefully look at shots from the Gulf War appliqué armour, you'll notice the thicker drivers side armour and that the last composite plate with the visible screws has grown in thickness as well. The only difference is the last bazooka plate which was modified so the sprocket doesn't get stuck with mud and throws the track.) This way we would have additional armour and a way to preserve the more beasty CR2s as reinforcements for the British lineup. 


BELOW The addon armour which CR2 mounted during KFOR operations (coming from the CR2 Owner's workshop manual): 

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The one very important reason why I would never fit two different addon armour kits to one Challenger is very, very simple. Think about the last time when you chose 3x500 Lbs bombs on your attacker aircraft vs 3x1000 Lbs bombs. Get what I mean? Every appliqué kit below the highest performance will be a waste and rob us of possible lineup reinforcements. And why would we want 2 addon packs when we chose the better anyway?

I do like your idea but what I was thinking. We would get the addion Armour kit that I am suggesting but.





We would get this here as a separate tank then we would get Challenger 2 Megatron as another separate tank.



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That would only make two more CR2s though. And if the top tier vehicles are meant to grow significantly in numbers (Remember, Russia has 4 top tier MBTs already and they will get more) we need as many Challengers as we can get. 

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- if both Challenger MK2/MK3 gets fixed.

- plus if Challenger 2 gets fixed plus 1 of 2 add-on Armour kit's.

- and Challenger 2 with the Tes armor kit.

- and Challenger 2 Megatron.

- also we could possibly get Challenger 2 MK2 BAE/Rheinmetall.


If we got all this but preferably the first 4 we would have a great top tier line up.

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