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Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B


Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B  

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The Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B was a modification to the venerable German Sturmgeschütz III series of tank destroyers, mounting a heavy 150mm howitzer for support roles rather than an anti-tank cannon.  Unlike other German howitzer carriers, the SIG 33B mounted the howitzer in an enclosed armored superstructure, protecting the crew from small arms fire (although the superstructure was taller than that of the standard StuG III and made for a bigger target).  It could carry 30 rounds for the main weapon; the ammunition was stored in multiple parts, with the propellant charges carried behind the superstructure and accessed using hatches in the rear.  The howitzer had a limited traverse, only able to move three degrees to either side; it could also elevate up to 25 degrees or depress 6 degrees down.  As a secondary weapon the vehicle mounted a 7.92mm MG34 machine gun to the right of the howitzer, with 600 rounds.  


A total of 24 of these vehicles were built from late 1941 to mid-1942, converted from the chassis of damaged StuG III E and F vehicles.  They were used exclusively on the eastern front; one battalion of 12 were attached to the 22nd panzer division and sent to fight at Stalingrad, where they were all destroyed or captured, while the other battalion of 12 was attached to the 23rd panzer division, fighting the Soviets for the rest of the war.  One vehicle from this force survived the war and is currently held at the Kubinka tank museum.  


The Sturm-Infanteriegeschütz 33B is an interesting howitzer vehicle, sort of like a mini-Brummbar.  It has some rather distinct disadvantages such as a limited traverse and weak protection, but unlike other lower-tier howitzer carriers it is fully enclosed and immune to light machine gun fire.  I think this would be a fun SPG to have in the German tree, either as part of the howitzer line or as a cheap premium.



Length:  5.4m

Width:  2.9m

Height:  2.3m

Weight:  21 tons

Engine:  Maybach HL120 TRM 12-cylinder gasoline engine, 296 hp

Speed:  20 kmh (12 mph)

Crew:  5 (Driver, Gunner, Commander, Loader, Machine Gunner/Radio Operator)

Armor:  10-80mm

Armament:  One 150mm sIG 33 howitzer (30 rounds), one 7.92mm MG34 machine gun (600 rounds)

Number Built:  24
















Edited by Milocat
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Another German tank-destroyer, another +1 from me! :)

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9 hours ago, Ghostmaxi said:

Could the gun even move left or right?


3 degrees to either side.  Not much but better than nothing.  You will be able to adjust your aim without turning the whole vehicle.

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14 hours ago, Milocat said:


3 degrees to either side.  Not much but better than nothing.  You will be able to adjust your aim without turning the whole vehicle.

Hmm ok a Bit disappointing but still nice and i was asking because it  looks pretty fixed

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It would be cool if all the 15 cm guns came this year (?) In a big Spg line up

I mean Sturmpanzer 1 - 4 (late) (the mid is better than late and there for should stay in prem) and Hummel with its high velocity , I want that 15 cm AP round 

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So after an extended  break from War Thunder, I had an hour or so playing last night and enjoyed some of the matches greatly. Going forward, I'm thinking it'll be low tier stuff only, I think.


Anyway I'd like to see this added. It's not armoured enough to be considered a baby Brummbar, but it's sheltered enough to be more resilient than the open topped version.  A good halfway between the two.  Given that both are a riot to play, I have high hopes that this would offer a similar experience. 

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On 05/01/2020 at 10:34, Ghostmaxi said:

It would be cool if all the 15 cm guns came this year (?) In a big Spg line up

I mean Sturmpanzer 1 - 4 (late) (the mid is better than late and there for should stay in prem) and Hummel with its high velocity , I want that 15 cm AP round 


9 hours ago, Matt_82 said:

So after an extended  break from War Thunder, I had an hour or so playing last night and enjoyed some of the matches greatly. Going forward, I'm thinking it'll be low tier stuff only, I think.


Anyway I'd like to see this added. It's not armoured enough to be considered a baby Brummbar, but it's sheltered enough to be more resilient than the open topped version.  A good halfway between the two.  Given that both are a riot to play, I have high hopes that this would offer a similar experience. 


This. Germany also needs a coveredTT SPG at 4.0-4.3, the bread and butter of Germany, as all the other prior good/useful and fun options (StuH/StuG) have been turned into Rank 2. So if you don't have the Brummbar, you are at the mercy of air especially in AB for 4-4.3. And if you push to 4.7 so you get upteired with horribly armoured tanks in a PzIV 4..

Germany Rank 3 right now is not so fun for people who don't have a Brummbar and play AB Rank III 4.0-4.3 basically.


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1 hour ago, N4CR_ said:



This. Germany also needs a coveredTT SPG at 4.0-4.3, the bread and butter of Germany, as all the other prior good/useful and fun options (StuH/StuG) have been turned into Rank 2. So if you don't have the Brummbar, you are at the mercy of air especially in AB for 4-4.3. And if you push to 4.7 so you get upteired with horribly armoured tanks in a PzIV 4..

Germany Rank 3 right now is not so fun for people who don't have a Brummbar and play AB Rank III 4.0-4.3 basically.


I do have the Brummbär, but there is also Jpz 4


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1 hour ago, Ghostmaxi said:

I do have the Brummbär, but there is also Jpz 4

Same but with the Jpz 4 you get pushed into 4.7 - 5.7 territory with 4.3 tanks. At that point you run into a lot more armour and always upteirs for the rest of your lineup.

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