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Matchmaking uprank

Hey! I want to know what the hell is wrong with this game. How is this matcmaking works? every single time when i start a game i force to play against lvl 100 player who has 1.0 higher br tanks. It doesnt metter where i am. If i start 8.7 bumm playing against 9.7. I start 7.7 only 8.7 in the enemy team.... 5.7 no way i play worst than 6.7 etc. what should i do to avoid this ?  I playing this game almost half a year but while i playing there werent a single time when i got killed by a player who has lower br tank. It is amazing. 

Is it impossible to play against the same or lower br enemy until 10.0 ? or what


magazine2 (Posted )

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There are certain battle ratings which are obviously more frequently played - also, if you have a 10.0 plane, you can't be uptiered.


In theory, 3 out of 4 times you will be uptiered:

- one time 0.3 BR higher

- one time 0.7 BR higher

- one time 1.0 BR higher

Last one is where your BR is the highest.


But of course, if you're in a 4.7 tank, you're more likely to get into 5.7 matches - the same with 5.7 which go into 6.7 matches and so on.


The other team will have more or less the same trouble though because the other team will also consist of a number of uptiered players just like you. It all depends on the tactics, experience and situations how the battle evolves.

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In principle, the Matchmaker (MM) looks at the BR of the highest vehicle you have in your chosen line-up. It then searches if in the 4 BR brackets "your BR", "your BR+0.3", "your BR+0.7" or "your BR+1.0" are enough players (with possible nation combinations) to start a map. As you can see, only one of these BR brackets isn't an uptier (for you at least), if players are evenly distributed and you don't play very high (10.0) or very low (1.0), you're 75% of maps uptiered. Note that players aren't evenly distributed, and that some BRs are more popular then others. Depending on BR, there might be a few tweaks to the MM:


  • in Air Arcade, it is possible to "downtier" yourself. You can chose a plane 0.3 BRs higher then the usual MM bracket you would play in, if you "compensate" with a lower BR plane in your line-up. Consult the WIKI about details: https://wiki.warthunder.com/Matchmaker#Matchmaking_by_average_BR
  • in Air Realistic, only your selected vehicle (the one you see in the hangar) is the one that determines your BR brackets. The other vehicles in the line-up don't count, as you can't switch to them in battle.
  • in Helicopter Enduring Confrontation, all Helis play together, their BRs are irrelevant. A 8.0 AH-1G can face 10.0 opponents.

Note that things as player level, spaded/stock etc. are irrelevant to the MM. BR counts.

Edited by Kan0nenfutter
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5 hours ago, Oldtimer1955 said:

He is technically just "new" to the game...his rant is getting matched with Level100 guys...I don't think this is a factor in the matchmaking..or is it?

It's not, the only value taken into consideration is the battle rating of the current lineup (and those of the squadmates if there are any):


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