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Blackburn Buccaneer S.2

Buccaneer S.2  

136 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Blackburn Buccaneer S.2 be added to the UK tree?

    • Yes, to the FAA line.
    • Yes, to one of the RAF lines.
    • No.

Aircraft: Blackburn Buccaneer S.2 (all models)

Note: Specific model (S.2A/B/C/D) depends on modifications carried out to the general ‘S.2’ airframe to allow fitment of various munitions and electronics.


Classification: carrier-capable long-range strike aircraft



























Description: Intended to meet Naval Staff Requirement NA.39 dating as far back to late 1953, the Blackburn Buccaneer emerged as a development intended to fit the low-level strike aircraft role. The parameters outlined in NA.39 called for an overload takeoff weight of 45K lbs, range of 400 mi, carrier-capable dimensions, as well as wing-folding capability. Additional provisions called for included a primarily nuclear armament (predominantly for the guided Green Cheese or free-fall Red Beard tactical nuclear bombs), although secondary armament was to include various air-to-surface rockets, missiles, bombs, and even 4x ADEN cannons. Of proposals from several companies such as a Fairey, Westland, Short, Armstrong Whitworth, and Hawker, only Blackburn’s B.103 concept was deemed suitable and capable enough to meet NA.39’s ambitious requirements. This would become the Buccaneer. 


Blackburn’s B.103 design put forth several highly innovative design features, many of which called for advanced new manufacturing techniques such as machining skin panels from solid billets. Chief among these included a very basic adaptation of the then-new discovery of the Area Rule and its application to airframe design. Giving the Buccaneer its characteristics ‘waisted’ appearance, the slightly area-ruled fuselage enabled enlargement of the aircraft’s rear fuselage to allow for an increased equipment stowage area at no aerodynamic cost. Another highly distinct feature of the Buccaneer was its airbrakes, which were situated at the extreme rear fuselage, splitting into two large petals. This design was chosen over conventional fuselage-mounted ‘doors’ due to superior airbraking performance, a result of much higher drag created by the petal setup. A positive side effect of this airbrake setup was that the increased drag necessitated compensation from increased engine thrust, which improved engine mass flow and therefore pressure supplied to the boundary layer control system. This allowed for tamer aircraft handling at low speeds, whereas more conventional designs would typically struggle with the increased lift-dependant drag at lower airspeeds. 


The Buccaneer’s test flights began in July 1958, and the flight envelope of the aircraft was quickly extended beyond initial expectations due to the type’s impressive performance. In the months that followed, B.103’s deck trials were deemed a great success, and the type was cleared for production despite various teething issues related to hydraulic sub-systems. Additionally, there were also delays in testing along with continual changes in the RN’s requirements, resulting in the program extending nearly 2 years beyond  the initial completion date. 


The Buccaneer showed great promise for its intended strike role, but the initial production examples fitted with the de Havilland Gyron Junior turbojets proved to be underpowered. As a result, the improved S.2 with much superior Rolls-Royce Spey engines came about, and this modification solved most of the takeoff issues present on S.1 series aircraft. 


Although initially born out of a requirement for the Navy and FAA, the Buccaneer came to find service even in the RAF’s ranks after the US’ F-111K program was cancelled. Interestingly enough, it was with the RAF that the Buccaneer S.2 would serve the longest, as the FAA retired all of their units by 1978 while the RAF used them up until 1994 when they were replaced by Tornado GR.1s.


There were four main subtypes of the Buccaneer S.2, known as the S.2A, S.2B, S.2C, and S.2D which represented various upgrade programs for the RAF (S.2A & S.2B) and FAA (S.2C & S.2D). The A subtype was equivalent to the C, and the B subtype was equivalent to the D via its ability to carry Martel ASMs.


Fuel and Oil Data:


Internal Fuel Capacity: 1560 gallons (with additional 2500 gallons overload capacity internally)

Note: Detailed fuel tank provisioning spoilered below (page 46 of manual):




Fuel Weight: 12480 lbs (AVTUR) or 12948 lbs (AVCAT)

Oil Capacity: 8 pints (per engine)


Engine Data:

Count: 2

Manufacturer: Rolls-Royce 

Designation: Spey Mk.101

Type: axial-flow turbojet

Compressor Stages: 4-stage LP, 12-stage HP

Combustion Chamber Count: 10

Combustion Chamber: cannular 

Turbine: 2-stage


Power Data:

Military Power w/o boundary layer control air bleed: ? lbf @ ? RPM @ 98.2% LP or 97.5% HP (15 min limit) 

Military Power w/o boundary layer control air bleed: ? lbf @ ? RPM @ 95% LP or 97.5% HP (15 min limit) 

Intermediate Power: ? lbf @ ? RPM @ 97.5% LP or 94.5% HP (30 min)

Maximum Continuous Power: ? lbf @ ? RPM @ 97.5% LP or 93% HP (unrestricted)


Dimensional Data: 

Length: 63 ft, 5 in

Height: 16 ft, 3in 

Wing Span: 44 ft  

Wing Area: 514.7 sq. ft (47.82 sq. m)

Wing Loading: 64.12 lbs/sq. ft @ all-up weight of 33000 lbs


Weight Data:

Note: Weights are highly variable due to each mission profile with various ordnance loads.

Empty Weight: 29980 lbs

All-up Weight excluding underwing fuel tanks: 33000 lbs

Maximum Takeoff Weight: 54000 lbs

Maximum Landing Weight: 48000 lbs 


General Performance Data:

Max Speed: 691 mph (1112 kph) @ SL w/ clean aircraft or pylons w/o stores

Maximum Speed Limitation (Vne): 0.95M @ SL

Optimum Climb Speed: 400 knots or 0.82M

Power-off, flaps-up Stall Speed: ? knots (? kph)

Undercarriage Limitation: 225 knots

Takeoff Distance @ Maximum All-up Weight: 3400 ft

Minimum Runway Length: 2000 m

Service Ceiling: ? ft 


G-Limitations (below 0.87M):
Positive: +6G

Negative: -3.75G

Note: G-limitations for various weights spoilered below, from page 242:




Maximum Speeds:

At SL: : 691 mph (1112 kph)


Time to Altitude:

Note: Climb figures aren’t provided for the Buccaneer S.2 as it is a strike aircraft with highly variable mission profiles, rendering climb data irrelevant. 



Guns: None


  • 1x 2000 lb HEMC bomb in bomb bay
  • 2x 600 lb HEMC bombs in bomb bay
  • 4x 1000 lb MC Mk.10 bombs on bomb bay stations or wing pylons
  • 4x 1000 lb MC Mk.N1 bombs on bomb bay stations or wing pylons
  • 4x 540 lb MC Mk.N1 bombs on bomb bay stations or wing pylons
  • 4x 500 lb MC Mk.21 bombs on bomb bay stations or wing pylons

Note: with mod 1143 fitted each pylon can carry two 500 lb MC Mk.21 or two 540 lb MC Mk.N1 bombs in tandem.


  • 4x 2” RP launcher tubes (36x rockets each)
  • 4x pairs of 3” Gloworm rockets (8 total)
  • 4x SNEB rocket pods (18x rockets each)


  • 1x AIM-9G or AIM-9L Sidewinder
  • 4x AGM-12 Bullpups
  • 2x Martels
  • 4x Sea Eagles



[1] Aircrew Notes Buccaneer S Mk.2, A.P.4744B-A.N., December 1965

[2] Buccaneer: The story of the last all-British strike aircraft by Tim Laming, Patrick Stephens Limited, Haynes Publishing, 1998, ISBN: 1 85260 478 6

[3] RAF Buccaneer, aircraft special illustrated, Ian Allan LTD, 1987, ISBN: 0 7110 1729 8

[4] Buccaneer, HS Buccaneer S Mk 2, Aeroguide 5, Linewrights Ltd, 1984, ISBN: 0 946958 04 1


Edited by Aquilachrysaetos
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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Open for discussion. :salute:

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46 minutes ago, *oppsijustkilledu said:

The buccaneer maximum bomb load is 16x1000lb bombs. 12 in total on the wings and 4 in the bomb bay. 


It's more of an overload configuration, essentially the absolute maximum the plane could hold. Hell, we don't even know if this was considered an operational payload. This photo is all we have:





It's up to Gaijin if they want to include this bombload, but I wouldn't be mad at them if they decide not to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd love to see it implemented in game. However, as it was more better known for the Naval role, its importance and skill in the RAF role cannot be ruled out. Operation red flag anyone? 


Would love to see this in game.


Cheers Gaijin. 

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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  • 1 year later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the Blackburn Buccaneer S Mk. 2 has been added as per update 2.3 Hot Tracks,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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