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replay question


Once the server replay loads, wait a bit until you can click on the player you want, and once his tank spawns click on the "2" button on the top to see how he moved his camera or when he used gun sight or binoculars.

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2 hours ago, michiyl said:

Once the server replay loads, wait a bit until you can click on the player you want, and once his tank spawns click on the "2" button on the top to see how he moved his camera or when he used gun sight or binoculars.



i do that , but he dissapears , how do i get it to show all of whats hes doing 


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6 hours ago, kongman27 said:

i do that , but he dissapears , how do i get it to show all of whats hes doing

You need to access the Server Replays and not the Client Replays.  Client Replays found under the Community Tab at the top left of the hangar only show the battle from your perspective and will cause other players to disappear if they're not viewable in your perspective for the most part.  Server Replays are replays taken from the perspective of the server, which sees all players at the same time.  These can be found in the link of the Battle results in your messages (envelope) at the bottom right of the hangar.





If you find you need to report a player through the server replay, follow steps 6-11 on this post:


Edited by JackRob
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