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  1. 1. Would you like to see the east-German T-55AM-2B being added to War Thunder?

    • Yes!
    • Yes, but only with Warsaw-pact match-maker for RB/SB!
    • No!

  • Technical Moderator

T-55AM-2B of the NVA



In 1978 the T-72 was introduced into the NVA as their new MBT, which, even if it was an export-model of the T-72 Ural, was vastly superior to the until now, best MBT the NVA could muster, the T-55AM. The T-55AM on it's own was a modernisation of the by now obsolete T-55A, however, that wasn't enough and the GDR was quick to order a new modernisation-program for the T-55AMs. This was done out of two major reasons, first, upgrading existing tanks is cheaper and easier to acomplish, than to buy and import vast numbers of T-72s. With one T-72 unit costing as much as 4,5 million Mark, while upgrading a T-55AM to T-55AM-2B specifications, costs around 2 million Mark.

The second reason is, that the European theatre is filled with hills and valleys; terrain, which does not favor the restricted cannon-movement of the T-72, which had an elevation of +15° and a depression of -5° with a maximum vertical movement-speed of 3,5°/s, while any variant of the T-55 used by the NVA had an elevation of +17° with the same -5° depression of the T-72, however, the vertical movement-speed of the cannon was 4,5°/s this minor advantage of the T-55, coupled with the cheaper price of the modernisation was reason enough for the GDR to initiate the upgrade program of the T-55AM.


For the sake of having a better overview, I will list all of the upgrades of the T-55AM-2B, compared to a standard T-55A. This way, we can better see in what aspects the T-55AM-2B was improved, rather than comparing it to the already upgraded T-55AM.


The tracks were replaced with rubber-reinforced steel-tracks, which reportedly lasted two times longer than the original pure steel-tracks.

Standardised compartments for crew-belongings.

Reinforced exhaust-system.

Reinforced planetarly steering-system with 17 plates.

Fire-control and laser-warning system KLADIWO.

Thermal sleeve for the 100mm D-10T2S cannon.

IR-floodlight L-4 with a range of max 1200m.

Smoke-launching system TUTSCHA 902B (8 barrels).

Add-on composite armor on frontal hull and turret-cheeks.

Reinforced hull for improved mine protection.

Rubber-mesh side-skirts.

Improved protection from napalm and other incindiary agents.

Improved fire-extinguishing system and more hand-held fire-extinguishers.

Stronger W-55U engine.

R-173 tank-radio.

ATGM-complex "BASTION".

1 WS TNP-165 gun-sight.

Stabilizer STP-2A.



Overall, these are just the major improvements and show, that the T-55AM-2B is basically a new tank, sadly only 35 T-55AM-2Bs were fully upgraded when the NVA fell. It was truly the best T-55 of the NVA and with it's ATGM firing-capabilities, it was able to rival the T-72 in terms of firepower.





T55AM2B-vl.png 3306498576_fb4f1a09e8_b.png 5740861230_c5a3f75ff5_z.png






Crew: 4

Lenght: 9m

Widht: 3,27m

Height: 2,35m

Engine: W-55U (615HP)

Elevation: +17° / -5°

Armament: 1x 100mm D-10T2S main-cannon (43 RPG), 1x 12,7mm DschK AA-MG (500 RPG), 1x 7,62mm PKT coaxial-MG (2250 RPG)







9M117 - ATGM

OF-412 - HE

I personally think the T-55AM-2B would be an excellent 8.7 MBT for the German tech-tree, mainly because the east-German T-55AM-2B would be incredibly similar to the T-55AM-1 we have in War Thunder already, be it with Warsaw-pact match-maker, or not.



Thanks for reading!


If you spot a mistake, or want to correct something, just let me know.


Cheers! :salute:



Edited by Stuhlfleisch
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Open for discussion. :salute:

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+1,  I for some reason really enjoy tanks that are modernised versions of older tanks, I would really enjoy having this in game.


As well, I would really like to see East German vehicles, an East German line would solve a couple of issues —

1.  It would give “brawling” tanks to Rank IV Germany, something they lack.  The only West German tank I know of that might somewhat do this is the KPz M41, which I doubt would help as much as say, a T-34 or an IS-2.

2.  Main one would be benefiting Simulator, currently it is literally Russia vs everybody, East Germany can allow another nation of players and vehicles to join Soviet Union.

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+1 for this with Warsaw Pact matchmaking.  East Germany deserves to be represented as well as west.

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  • Technical Moderator
On 07/08/2019 at 16:29, kamikazi21358 said:

+1,  I for some reason really enjoy tanks that are modernised versions of older tanks, I would really enjoy having this in game.


As well, I would really like to see East German vehicles, an East German line would solve a couple of issues —

1.  It would give “brawling” tanks to Rank IV Germany, something they lack.  The only West German tank I know of that might somewhat do this is the KPz M41, which I doubt would help as much as say, a T-34 or an IS-2.

2.  Main one would be benefiting Simulator, currently it is literally Russia vs everybody, East Germany can allow another nation of players and vehicles to join Soviet Union.


On 07/08/2019 at 20:31, Milocat said:

+1 for this with Warsaw Pact matchmaking.  East Germany deserves to be represented as well as west.

Wholeheartedly agree!

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