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  1. 1. Would you like to see the east-German T-54AMZ being added to War Thunder?

    • Yes!
    • Yes, but only with Warsaw-pact match-maker for RB/SB!
    • No!

  • Technical Moderator




The T-54AMZ is a tank modernised by east-Germany during the years of 1967 to 1970 as a result of order-number 57/67, which was given out from the minestry of national defense as part of the modernisation and standardisation program, that aimed to standardise equipment and armament of all T-54 and T-55 MBTs used by the NVA. The order also commanded an increase in overall combat-effectiveness, in form of night-firing capabilities.

This order included both the T-54 and T-55, mainly because economical issues restricted east-Germany from buying bigger quantities of T-55 MBTs.

A planned modernisation of the T-54s was already documented in the PFW "Plan Wissenschaft und Forschung" (plan science and research) in 1964, which included a smoke-system and radioactive dust filter for both the T-54 obr. 1951 and T-54A.

Furthermore, the PFW included plans to upgrade the fording-equipment and add night-firing capabilities for the T-54 obr. 1951, T-54A and T-54AM in 1965.


The role-model of all these changes was the T-55A, which at the time was the best MBT of the NVA.


The tanks that underwent this modernisation-process received the additional designation "Z", standing for "Zusatzausrüstung" (additional equipment), which consisted of three categories:


- Z1: Standardisation of the fording-equipment

- Z2: Addition of the night-firing and observation ability

- Z3a: Improvement of the smoke-system


Furthermore, the amount of external fuel-tanks was increased to 5 (2x 80 liters, 3x 95 liters).


The modernisation of the T-54 obr. 1951 was restricted to just the upgraded fording-equipment by the RWN in May 1965, because of capacity-constraints.


The equipment to increase combat-effectiveness was only added to the T-54A and T-54AM, which were upgraded with the TPN-1-11-22 night-sight for the gunner and the TKN-1, or TKN-1S infra-red sight for the commander. Both of these sights were also present on the T-55. This spawned three new tanks that were unique to the NVA and east-Germany, the T-54Z, T-54AZ and T-54AMZ.


The T-54AMZ had these notable upgrades over the T-54AM:


- Improved fording-tube with periscope

- Infra-red gun-sight TPN 1-11-22

- Infra-red commander-sight TKN-1 or TKN-1S

- TPK-2/5 WS gun-sight

- TDA exhaust-smoke system

- 5 instead of 3 external fuel-tanks


About the fording-upgrade, instead of having to wrap a special foil around the engine-deck, the modernised T-54s now had dedicated hatches, that seal the engine-compartment, for added speed in preparing the tank for fording operations.











Total lenght: 9m

Widht: 3,27m

Height: 2,4m

Combat-weight: 36t

Hull-armor in mm (Front/Sides/Rear/Floor): 100mm / 80mm / 46mm / 20mm

Turret-armor in mm (Front/Roof): 200mm / 39mm

Engine: W-54G (520HP)

Armament: 1x 100mm D-10TG L/56 (34 RPG), 1x 7,62mm SGMT coaxial-MG (3500 RPG), 1x 12,7mm DSchK (500 RPG)

Elevation/depression: +17° / -4°




- UOF-412 (HE-Frag)

- 3BK-5 (HEAT-FS)

- 3BM-8 (APDS).


I personally think the T-54AMZ would be a very interesting and unique MBT for the German tech-tree, given that it is one of the few vehicles, that were modified by the NVA. I think it would be quite fitting at 8.0.


The last photo of the T-54AMZ is of one standing in the Panzermuseum in Munster.


Thanks for reading!


If you spot a mistake or want to add something, just let me know!


Cheers! :salute:



Edited by Stuhlfleisch
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Open for discussion. :salute:

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  • 5 weeks later...



Warthunder needs East German (NVA) tanks and vehicles in the German tech tree (NVA was the enemy of USA and Britain during the Cold war, NOT the Bundeswehr).

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I really want to see NVA (East German) vehicles in the German ground tech tree, but I think that splitting tech trees in some kind of Warsaw Pact vs. NATO mode as CK_16 suggests will make scripting and coding very hard and full of potential errors (in regard to game mechanics).


I think it would be better to simply keep it very simple (scripting and coding) and add East German (incl. other Warsaw Pact) vehicles to the German tech tree as regular tanks/vehicles.


As the Matchmaker works today, Germany always fights USA and Britain (RB) anyway (No NATO allies). 

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  • Technical Moderator
18 minutes ago, Niekolaus said:

I really want to see NVA (East German) vehicles in the German ground tech tree, but I think that splitting tech trees in some kind of Warsaw Pact vs. NATO mode as CK_16 suggests will make scripting and coding very hard and full of potential errors (in regard to game mechanics).


I think it would be better to simply keep it very simple (scripting and coding) and add East German (incl. other Warsaw Pact) vehicles to the German tech tree as regular tanks/vehicles.


As the Matchmaker works today, Germany always fights USA and Britain (RB) anyway (No NATO allies). 

Yeah maybe that would be a good inbetween option and when Gaijin figures out how to do it they can add it in retrospect anyways. It also doesn't matter for Arcade.


I feel like a WW match-maker for east-German vehicles could be added when the match-maker in general receives an overhaul. It could be made all in one swoop, while for now just adding a few GDR ground-forces to satisfy the increasing demand for east-German tanks (at least that's what I have seen, that more and more people want GDR forces).

Edited by Stuhlfleisch
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Added another picture with the current location of a T-54AMZ. 

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  • 1 month later...

What kind of stabilisation would this variant have? Is it the single-plane stabilisation from the T-54A (and Chinese Type 59), or was it upgraded to two-plane like the T-55A's?

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  • Technical Moderator
2 hours ago, Zombificus said:

What kind of stabilisation would this variant have? Is it the single-plane stabilisation from the T-54A (and Chinese Type 59), or was it upgraded to two-plane like the T-55A's?

Same as the base T-54A, only vertical stabilization.

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On 29/06/2021 at 21:27, Stuhlfleisch said:

Same as the base T-54A, only vertical stabilization.

Neat. In that case I think your suggested BR of 8.0 is spot on. This would be a great tank for Germany.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Been wanting this for ages, and I want it to be added instead of a generic copy-paste T-54 or T-55. This would be awesome and fun to have. +1 for sure.

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  • 6 months later...
6 hours ago, Colerend said:

-1 Hell nah. Germany doesn't need East German vehicles at all.




This tank is a unique east german tank. Not C&P tanks are fine. C&P vehicles from the Russian tree is another topic. Germany should definitely get all unique east german vehicles like the east german ship aa on a truck.

Edited by Chris4win
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