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Gone blind in tanks (sort of).



My normal view when using tanks is from, what appears to be, about 6 - 10 feet behind and slightly above. That's fine most of the time but is not much use when you enter bushy areas or if you're using an AA vehicle and the plane is directly above you. In the former case foliage obscures the view and I sometimes can't even see my tank let alone any possible enemy and in the latter case all you can see is the underside of your vehicle.

Until today I could overcome this by holding the RMB, but for some reason that no longer works. 

In effect I am blind for some of the time which is a huge disadvantage, I can't ambush from cover but have to expose myself if I want to be able to see. As a result I usually get killed before I've had a chance to get a look around for any threats. I'd be grateful for any advice as to how I can get around this problem.

Edited by Rick__Oshea
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There are two methods for zooming in with the RMB in tanks, either hold to zoom or toggle zoom. 


For toggle zoom, you'll want to go into your controls, click the common tab, then find "Zoom Camera" and make sure RMB (or whatever key you would like to use) is bound to it.




If you want to hold zoom for tanks, you'll find the "Zoom Camera" in the Tank tab instead.  Note that if you set this Zoom Camera to the same button as the above Common Zoom Camera, the Common Zoom Camera will override this one.




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