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Looking for a Squadron


Looking to join up a serious squadron, not much else to it.


Bit about me;


  • Modes you play RB- Army and Aviation. Happy to give SB a go. Don't really enjoy AB. 
  • Type of vehicles you like playing the most Air/Ground/Navy (although really have not played much Navy)
  • Preferred nations Haven't specialised to one nation, but I am happy to adapt in line with Squadron requirements 
  • Preferred game servers: EU/RU/US 
  • Your age: 22 
  • Preferred language: English 
  • Preferred controller type Mouse + Keyboard
  • Timezone / available playing times:  Live within the UK, log on at least once a day and happy to adapt to Squadron needs 
  • Preferred communication platform: Again can use whatever the squadron uses/ no real reservation here. 


Thank you for you time in reading this.


Hope to hear from you soon, 




Edited by R_Blunt
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RO6 is a competitively oriented squadron that focuses on RB Squadron Battles and squadding up in random battles. If you are active and interested in playing competitively, feel free to join our Discord and fill out an application: https://discord.gg/YVaaVWz

Without being able to see your profile, we look for higher tier vehicles, decent K/Ds, and experience in RB. Age limit of 17 minimum

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Hello R_Blunt, please consider joining the Angels of Death. We are a relaxed squadron to be in and it has become like another family to me. The majority of our clan plays RB air and ground battles, we few a few who play simulator and a lot of us play squadron battles which is really fun. You are allowed to play any nation you desire in our clan and as many members as we have we should have someone on who can play with you.



The Angels of Death is a large gaming organization found in 1999 and now has over 3000 active members among all the different game divisions within the clan. The war thunder division of AOD alone has 300+ members. Here your relationships and investments in the community continue beyond a single game and your legacy can last for years.


  • We have 300+ members from all around the globe so there should always be someone to play with.
  • Looking to make new friends? We are all friendly, mature and always looking for new members who just want others to play with and have a good time without any BS or drama.
  • New to the game? We have many experienced players and level 100's who can help you out
  • We cover all aspects of the game; planes, tanks and ships
  • Feeling competitive? We do squadron battles and can help teach you the ropes if you have not played squad battles before. We have multiple top 100, 50 and top 20 trophies


  • Age 16 or older
  • Understand and speak English well
  • Microphone to use TeamSpeak while playing
  • Level 8 or higher in game
  • Mature and active


Step 1 - Visit www.clanAOD.net

Step 2 - Click apply button to make your profile

Step 3 - Click apply button again to submit application to join the war thunder division of AOD



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Howdy @R_Blunt - Silent Centurions is a casual-competitive squadron that likes to play not just War Thunder, but many other games as well! Feel free to pop into our discord and check us out :)


Who are the Silent Centurions?

The Silent Centurions are a new group of people from all nations and all walks of life.

We are more about friendship and building new relationships with new and interesting people, rather than competitive play. This is an organization that is geared to all types of players. From casual, to the not-so-casual.

We play over 30 games. (War Thunder, World of Warships, and ArmA 3 to name a few)

While this is a group geared to players of all types, nationalities, and backgrounds, we do still have some requirements.


• • Requirements • •


Be at least 16 years of age

Have a microphone (Recommended, not required)

Be willing to play and chat with fellow group members

Speak English (Bilingual or multilingual people welcome as well)

Must be a social person (Although if you're not, we'll try to get you out of that shell)


But don't let our requirements discourage you from joining us. We have many other things to offer as well!

• • Things we offer • •


Leadership opportunities

A large, organised community spanning the globe

Many experienced and new players alike to squad with

All types of game modes, with all types of vehicles from all nations

A ranking system to show your activity within the server and squad

Many more games than War Thunder! And many more to be expanded to

Much, much more!


This is NOT a clan

When I say that this isn't a clan, I mean this is more of a group of people who like to talk and have fun. This is a group open to all players of all types and playstyles. So it is perfectly acceptable for you to belong to another group or organization.


However: We do have a squadron available to join, should you so choose


How to contact us

Either Message me on the forums if you're interested in joining. Or if you wish, just join our discord!


Our Discord: https://discord.gg/N5MfbJP


With people from all over the world, you'll always have someone to play with!

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To those who have responded to my request,


I thank you for the time you put in and consideration that you gave me when I was looking for a squadron. I have since moved in another direction to the offers made. 


Thanks again and all the best,



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  • 2 months later...

WolfPack - High Command Communiqué

Attention: @Pilot looking for squadron

From: WolfPack High Command.


WolfPack War Thunder command is looking for players to join our existing male and female player base in War Thunder

See our recruitment video on YouTube


Our website: http://www.WolfPack.net.au/

Our member base number: 275 players.

Our in game tag: WFPK1


* Speak basic English
* Minimum age 18 or older
* Teamspeak voice communications (see tutorial link down bottom)


We do not just play War Thunder - we also have gaming divisions for World of Tanks : Asia, Word of Tanks : EU , Battlefield, Insurgency.

How to start?

Follow the tutorial on how to install teamspeak and wait in the lobby until someone contacts you



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