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Updated Muzzle Flash Animations


Aircraft Muzzle Flashes  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Should aircraft muzzle flashes be changed?

    • Yes
    • Maybe, I have a different idea
    • No
    • Unsure


In War Thunder, all aircraft ammunition belts (except stealth) display a very pronounced muzzle flash following a shot. If you hold down your trigger for 1-2 seconds, you'll notice that the muzzle flash animation is just 4 or 5 repeating textures, as seen in this video (no audio): 

The 20mm cannon flash is much more clear to see, but both of the armament types have repeating textures.

The problem with this is that (from The__Kiwi), "a muzzle flash's visibility is dependent on atmospheric and lighting conditions, as well as the amount of leftover burning particles. Most of the time aircraft gunfire has no visible muzzle blast in the daytime." Here are some examples of different aircraft armament being fired, notice how there is little to no muzzle blast present:





As seen by the following clips, the muzzle blast is almost always non visible in the day time, unlike what War Thunder has. 

As per The__Kiwi again, "A more realistic muzzle blast could work similar to engine exhaust flames: sporadic, relatively small, and barely visible during bright lighting conditions. The game already creates a small smoke stream when aircraft guns are fired." I believe that the current muzzle blast should be replaced to have a visual effect similar to what was described above. 

Thanks to u/The__Kiwi for providing some of the video's and his insight on this topic.

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  • Technical Moderator

Absolutely! +1 :good:

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  • 2 months later...
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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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  • 9 months later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As updated muzzle flashes been implemented as per update 2.1 New Power,


Moved  to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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