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IJN Naka (1943)



55 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like Naka in-game?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. How would Naka fit in-game?

    • as a tech tree ship, necessary for progression to the next ship
    • as a Rank 4 premium ship
    • as a tech tree ship, but in a drop box after Sendai (not necessary for progression to next ship)
    • I would rather not see this ship in-game
  3. 3. What BR do you think Naka would fit in?

    • 5.0
    • 5.3
    • 5.7
    • I would rather not see this ship in-game

Naka is a Sendai class light cruiser, specifically, the last of the 3 sisters. She was involved in the Battle of the Java Sea, leading the 4th Destroyer Flotilla. Most of her combat history however consists of patrol and escort duties. On 1 April 1942, she was hit by a torpedo from the USS Seawolf on the starboard side, taking out her No. 1 Boiler. Thus she was towed back for repairs, reaching Japan for final repairs only in June. She was put in Reserve till 1943, where she underwent a significant modernisation.



Naka in 1943, note the twin 127mm DP mount in No.5 position along with only one torpedo tube set on the side.


IJN Naka (1943)

This refit added a twin 127mm Dual Purpose mount to Naka in exchange of her fifth 140mm main gun mount. In addition to this, along with her sisters, she received additional 25 mm AA guns. Prior to this refit, in 1941, along with her sister Jintsuu, She lost her old 4x2 torpedo mounts in favour for 2 quad mounts with the ability to carry the Type 93 torpedo. 


The Sendai class as built had 7x 140 mm main guns, 2x 76 mm secondaries and a distinctively blocky looking superstructure with an extension that acted as a runway for a plane (which was housed in the superstructure, it's hangar) to take off. Between 1933-1935, they lost this "runway" in favour for a catapult between the 6 and 7 main gun mounts. In addition to this, they also lost their 76 mm secondaries for 25 mm AA guns.


Main Battery - 6 x 1 

140 mm/50 caliber 3rd year type naval gun


These guns are what's found aboard the Kuma, Nagara and Sendai classes. There's no real difference on the Sendai class compared to the Kuma class except for a higher angle of elevation (upto 30 degrees compared to Kuma's 25) which allows for a higher range of firing. The gun is already in the game along with it's shells, there's no real difference on Naka in 1943.


Secondary Battery - 1 x 2

127 mm/40 caliber Type 89 Naval gun


These guns are in a standard Dual Purpose mounting for cruisers. Shells should be similar to those used on guns aboard the Mogami in-game. These guns have a maximum elevation angle of 55 degrees, elevation rate of 12 degrees per second and a train rate of 7 degrees per second.



The turret design is what would be used aboard Naka.


Anti Aircraft Armament

Upto 10 25 mm/60 Type 96 AA guns (2 x 3 and 2 x 2) and 2 13 mm machine guns. (1 x 2)


Torpedo Armament 2 x 4

The quad mounts were found on Naka from 1941. Only two of these mounts were installed at the rear behind the funnels. They had reloads which meant they had a total of 16 torpedoes, nothing different from her initial configuration. 



One Catapult, just like her sisters.

Two Depth charge rails, upto a maximum of 36 depth charges.

Type 21 Air Radar.

Maximum speed upto 32 knots as of 1933-'35 refit. (Due to added Ballast tanks)

No Armour differences over existing Sendai


What does Naka do better than Sendai?

In personal opinion, Naka should've been added to the game over Sendai mostly due to the fact that she has more AA guns + a secondary mount + Type 93s over Kuma, which would serve as a sort of logical improvement over Kuma. However, with the added Sendai, she could fit well as a branch out from her, not exactly a must-have to progress to the next ship. She loses a gun in favour of two more, albeit smaller. The secondary mount would allow for long range AA defense, allowing her captain to make necessary shifts on course to avoid being caught in surprise by enemy aircraft. However, this comes at a cost to anti-cruiser combat due to her losing one main gun. While this would be easily counteracted by giving her main guns better accuracy, it would still put her well behind her sister in terms of offensive capability. On a separate note, due to her increased AA complement, she could serve for a good support cruiser, providing AA cover to her allies, while still bringing a respectable amount of offensive capabilities to the table. She is a well built multi-role cruiser. Her guns and torpedoes can hit well and hard, while her speed is just enough to keep up with the fleet, it's not enough to take first place positions to counter an enemy push, but to support allied ships with defensive AA and offensive fire likewise.



Coloured photo of Naka in 1933. Note the Catapult and the "runway" (which was later removed between '33-'35)





US Navy recognition pictures of Sendai class.










-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lr3kliZbRTY (summarises refits)


Edited by Iamjustanoob
added poll, pictures
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On 12/14/2019 at 12:37 AM, Iamjustanoob said:

Torpedo Armament 2 x 4

The quad mounts were found on Naka from 1941. Only two of these mounts were installed at the rear behind the funnels. They had reloads which meant they had a total of 16 torpedoes, nothing different from her initial configuration. 

8th Year Type twin torpedo tubes of Sendai class early built can launch only 61 cm 8th Year Type torpedo, but Type 92 quadruple torpedo tubes of Naka can launch 61 cm Type 93 torpedo. This difference will be very large.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 9 months later...

A good proposal one but to be honest, Gaijin needs to put almost all Bluewater Fleet ship a refit one which could atleast increases their chance of fighting power against their peers... 


Japanese Destroyers currently only have HE & HE-TF shell which only basic-level firepower which is comparable to Italian firepower except they have APHE to compensate for their low DPM... Most Japanese cruisers have SAP & APCBC shell but their secondaries and AA gun still outmatched by many nations standard except Italian 20mm Breda UNLESS they have belt-fed 20mm autocannon which could fire continuously for a certain time like their 37mm autocannon... Not to mention Type 96 AT/AA 25mm gun only have 15 rounds per gun on their single, double & triple mounts combined which basically can match a twin 20mm Oerlikon mount at best against low-level plane threat & high speed torpedo boat...


For this ship.... this one could be placed on the 3rd line, a new line of tech tree branch which functions as support-type Sendai which has decent defense than both Sendai & Kuma BUT still BR 4.7 standard even if Gaijin converts current Kuma-class & Sendai-class into their last refit version, they still SHOULD downtiered to BR 4.7 standard though....


As for the Sendai refit, Wiki says that Sendai remove its 5th 140mm gun turret and replaces it with 2 twin 25mm Type 96 mount but in game it stays the same so im confused... if it were to change, i think that Sendai-class Jintsu sacrifices its 76mm secondaries and its 4 twin torpedo in return of gaining 2 quad torpedo launcher with type 93 long lances and 10 type 96 gun (2 triple & 2 twin)


As for the Kuma refit, Kuma-class Tama would be a good replacement as it have greater survivability with firepower despite losing some main guns and not receiving type 93 long lance in return of gaining 1 twin 127mm type 89 AA gun & 22 25mm type 96 gun ((4 triple, 2 twin & 6 single))..


Note... despite these high numbers of AA gun, they still are weak compared to USSR 25mm 2M-3 gun nor 20mm Oerlikons not only in ammo rounds but their effectiveness against most medium to high-level threat from boat to plane... Even Germany 20mm gun are more decent as they have a quad version which basically effective as 1 triple, 2 twin & 4 single mount combined firepower.... 


STILL... i welcome Sendai-class variant, IJN Naka 1943 refit as it gives player an improved defense comparable to current IJN Agano & IJN Furutaka which basically a cannon fodder for its BR respectively... IJN Agano should be downtiered to BR 5.0 at very least despite given refit while IJN Furutaka (Kako-class last refit) are too weak to be even comparable to BR 4.7 & 5.0 heavy cruisers at best

Edited by ZackZooter
forgotten important parts

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

+1 I picked 5.0 but I would put even lower then that these are basically oversized destroyers and at 5.0 honestly they can struggle a bit compared to other CLs there.

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Note.. in my opinion, almost all cruisers except IJN Kako, Mogami, Mikuma, Suzuya, Tone & Yubari needs to be downtiered by 0.3 lower because their biggest advantage in game are their type 93 torpedo and older one which has bigger TNT payload than most nation that could help BUT everything else is quite inferior in term of firepower alone except Italian N maybe French (idk the details)...


About these ship.... IF these ship were to be added, i think that it might be Event Vehicle in my honest opinion unless Gaijin are willing to place it as Tech Tree WHILE added almost all Cruisers with wartime refit to certain limit & lower its BR in the process.. + It could work as multi-role decent light cruisers fitting for BR 4.7 level at BEST, can't easily outlive its enemy if facing even any 5.0 BR ships UNLESS got SUPER LUCKY shot or assist...


STILL this one only worth BR 4.7 with its overall combat capability matches of IJN Yubari & Kuma + Sendai-class with either its initial armament OR final refit.... 

++ Extra FYI NOTE: almost all Destroyers except premiums, Shimakaze, JDS Harukaze & IJN Akizuki needs refit in order to have BETTER chance to survive their respective BR level with current mechanics... please share opinions w/out one-sided bias inclusion if possible

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On 19/07/2022 at 22:03, ZackZooter said:

Note.. in my opinion, almost all cruisers except IJN Kako, Mogami, Mikuma, Suzuya, Tone & Yubari needs to be downtiered by 0.3 lower because their biggest advantage in game are their type 93 torpedo and older one which has bigger TNT payload than most nation that could help BUT everything else is quite inferior in term of firepower alone except Italian N maybe French (idk the details)...


About these ship.... IF these ship were to be added, i think that it might be Event Vehicle in my honest opinion unless Gaijin are willing to place it as Tech Tree WHILE added almost all Cruisers with wartime refit to certain limit & lower its BR in the process.. + It could work as multi-role decent light cruisers fitting for BR 4.7 level at BEST, can't easily outlive its enemy if facing even any 5.0 BR ships UNLESS got SUPER LUCKY shot or assist...


STILL this one only worth BR 4.7 with its overall combat capability matches of IJN Yubari & Kuma + Sendai-class with either its initial armament OR final refit.... 

++ Extra FYI NOTE: almost all Destroyers except premiums, Shimakaze, JDS Harukaze & IJN Akizuki needs refit in order to have BETTER chance to survive their respective BR level with current mechanics... please share opinions w/out one-sided bias inclusion if possible

Yubari and Isuzu are already suffer quite bad at 4.7 with their pitiful firepower and Shimakaze BR in RB need to be lowered, the Shima did quite well at AB because torpedoes are reloadable there but in 90 % of the fight in RB are determined by firepower and having a ship with firepower = Ayanami at 5.0 is such a xxxx thing made by Gaijin

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12 hours ago, zackii90 said:

Yubari and Isuzu are already suffer quite bad at 4.7 with their pitiful firepower

Noted... honestly speaking... Gaijin set up BR 4.7 as lowest limit BR for cruisers while some existing ship in game are not on par BUT if you look closely, Yubari can be a decent BR 4.7 cruiser WHILE Isuzu cruiser (Not JDS Isuzu) are not good enough for BR 4.7 level if not for its torpedo and its decent maneuvering capability...


Other than that, this ship basically weaker than IJN Katori in its initial armament or its 1944 refit in both anti-ship or anti-air.... its initial armament have 2 less twin torpedo launcher than Kuma/Sendai but it have at least 1 twin 127mm AA gun WHILE 1944 refit trades its torpedo for 2 more twin 127mm AA gun and less type 96 AA gun than IJN Isuzu, it does have 2 twin 140mm gun and 3 twin instead for decent BR 4.7-5.0 level


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Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.

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