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Scrollable "Titles" list


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  The problem  

Since the last store sale I got 6 more titles on my already big list of titles. So, my whole screen looks like this:




As you can't see (!), titles like "Dab Hand", "Deck The Halls", "Hero Of Stalingrad", "His Majesty's Finest" and many others are missing. Or rather aren't visible here. And this problem won't go away when more titles will be acquired by me!


  The solution  

It's simple because the solution is already in Warthunder: A scroll bar. :happy:




The only real question is how many rows of titles the new scrollable window should show.

Personally, I am for 3 rows, so that it's not too much scrolling and it gives enough width - but even scrolling down a one-row list is preferable to the current static window!


While this sounds more like a problem of my own (and written from my egoistical point of view), this is an issue if you want to change up your titles now and then, and you have lots of them - I don't know what the amount of work for this change is (sadly) but at least it's out of my mind now :happy:

Edited by SAUBER_KH7
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Open for Discussion.:salute:


However, you are still required to add a poll to your suggestion as polls allow the possibility to record how popular a suggestion is. In this case I have added one for you.

  • Thanks 1
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7 hours ago, SAUBER_KH7 said:

However, you are still required to add a poll to your suggestion as polls allow the possibility to record how popular a suggestion is. In this case I have added one for you.

I wanted to do it after I was done posting but then I simply forgot - thank you! :smile:

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  • 1 month later...
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And it came with the 1.97 update!




Finally we can all brag with the full list - thanks to all of you:wub:

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  • 2 years later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the titles page previously have gotten a scrollbar,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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