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Options to mount or dismount the NVD Optics on the Panther II


The ability for the Panther II to mount/dismount its NVD optics  

60 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see the Panther II get the ability to mount or dismount its NVD Optics?

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    • No!( and why?)

In this thread I would like to suggest an option to mount or dismount the Night Vision Devices on the Panther II.


These optics give the vehicle its iconic look which set it apart from the other Panthers and have been on the vehicle since it was added to the game, however they get in the way of functionality of the vehicle to a degree.

The optic and lamp mounted on the hull of the tank get in the way of the gun, preventing the gun from being able to depress throughout a good part of the upper front plate, making it very tricky and awkward to get good firing angles on targets when going hull down.


Due to this, the player has to sometimes adjust his hull to depress the gun when trying to get guns on target, potentially exposing the sides. That along with the pretty poor turret traverse makes adjusting the gun a bit time consuming.


The Optics on the roof of the tank stick out like a sore thumb, making it hard to move around without getting easily spotted behind cover.



The Panther II is a great tank for its BR and complements 6.7 Germany nicely, however since it was removed and it faces a wide range of vehicles that have superior gun handling to it, I think the Panther II should have the ability to mount or dismount the NVD optics on the vehicle so that it can depress its gun through out the entire UFP.


Thats about it, this is my first actual suggestion post and its not much but I hope it goes through.

Post your opinions on the pole above and in the comments below :salute:


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I think this was suggested before?  Or maybe I'm just imagining things.  Either way, +1, this would be a good option to give the player.

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I just love the futuristic look it gives the tank but it would be fun to see people confusing it with the Panther F and getting killed by that sweet 88

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

I think being able to install or uninstall the NVD is a good change to make. if you take it off you lose your night vision but gain more gun depression. But more importantly It needs to be installable on the battle screen, not in the hanger. You can't queue for only night matches and it is not good to use during the day. So just like bomb loadouts for planes have to option to have NVD in battle but before you spawn. 


On another note this would be nice for other tanks as well. for example the japanese Ka-mi could have additional pontoons added for rougher water and also served as spaced armor. but its bulky and slows you down so being able to choose whether or not to take them on a battle by battle case would be best. Or another example would be the VFW. being able to decide what config to take the tank it would be nice before spawn. if you have a city map and would like the extra maneuvering space then you could choose the narrow profile before you spawn. 

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Is like the s-mines launches in Tiger hull are completely useless and only works for prevent the tiger can properly aim his gun when is angled :facepalm:

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