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[GUIDE] How to set up practice bot matches/Campaigns


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Hey there gang,


Something I've noticed on the forums is that a lot of players either didn't know practicing against bots was an option, or didn't know how to set it up. Rather than make a guide every time I responded to someone, I figured I'd publish a guide here for everyone which can be linked back to.


First and foremost, there are actually several ways to practice against AI in game.

  1. Single Missions
  2. Dynamic Campaign
  3. Historical Campaign
  4. Air/Ground Assault Arcade
  5. Custom Battles
  6. Custom missions (from WT Live)


Single Missions/Dynamic Campaign/Historical Campaign


The setup here is the most straightforward.

Once navigating to the top left corner of the screen, click the desired gametype:



From here, you will find a list of missions on the left, with a brief description on the right Double click  on the missions on the left to bring up further battle options.






From there, it's as easy as clicking Apply, then Start.

Historical campaigns must be purchased from the Gaijin store here.


Air/Ground Assault Arcade


These are team oriented modes that can only be played once per day. You will bring whatever vehicles you have set in your lineup, similar to a normal arcade match but you will be facing waves of bots.


First, at the top of your screen under the "To Battle" button you'll find your current gamemode selection.




Click that button to enable the gamemode selection drop down, and select either Air Assault Arcade or Ground Assault Arcade.




Once that's done, leave the gamemode selection menu, check to see you'll be queuing for your selected gametype and press "To Battle!"





Custom Battles - My personal favourite


Arguably the most useful way to practice against bots, custom battles allows you to tweak every aspect of the match you'll be playing, including weather, time of day, map, mode, amount of bots, battle ratings etc. and also allow you to practice with friends.


To set up a custom battle, mouse over the top left corner of your screen in the same way you would to select a dynamic mission or campaign and select "Custom Battles"




Next, you'll see a screen with a list of ongoing custom battles, and the ability to create your own in the bottom right. Select "Create Session".




Next, you'll be greeted with a list of missions on the left and a brief description on the right.




From here, make sure to double click the mission name on the left to bring up the options




Make sure to type a password if you just want to play on your own against bots!


After you've clicked apply, you can click "ready" to launch the match





Custom Missions via WTLive


This is the least practical method, as missions can become outdated with updates to the game, but I'm including it in this guide for plenitude sake.


  1. Navigate to the live.warthunder.com website and click on user missions. I've provided a direct link here.
  2. Click Download, then open the zipped folder
  3. You'll see a mission file ending with the .blk format.
  4. Navigate to your War Thunder installation directory, it'll look something like this:



  5. Extract the mission.blk file into your UserMissions folder. If you don't have a UserMissions folder, you can simply create one.
  6. Click on "User Missions" in the top left corner of the screen as with all other modes and play the mission in the list.



I hope you've found this guide useful! please don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything I missed, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.



Edited by TheCheshireCat
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

somewhat related, what many peeps may not realize (like I didn't), is you can test fly/drive ANY PREMIUM VEHICLE, or any unlocked vehicle before you go and spend RP's on it. Test flight mode immediately gives you an empty map with runway, you can shoot at non-attacking air and ground bot targets, maybe practice bombing a "friendly" bot aircraft carrier. With tanks you have a field of tanks to shoot at. Its great practice for RBattles or Sim modes if you don't feel like practising (crash) landing in the middle of a match.

so if you just want the thrill of flying a jet or shooting missiles at stuff, you can skip grinding and on day one jump into helicopters, class 7 Mig or Harrier, M1Abrams...

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

So I tried this (custom battles) but I can't get out of spectator mode. What am I doing wrong?

Edited by Darth_Doofus

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  • 9 months later...

May I emphasize that most other ground vehicle functions, such as driving, shooting, etc. may be learned during normal battles, but anti-aircraft vehicles are different. Learning to effectively use self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (SPAAG) takes more time and exercise. That's why I wrote the short article SPAAG Doctrine. It is a short document because the core is in the exercise, not in theory.

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  • 1 month later...
On 23/11/2020 at 09:58, TheCheshireCat said:

Hey there gang,


Something I've noticed on the forums is that a lot of players either didn't know practicing against bots was an option, or didn't know how to set it up. Rather than make a guide every time I responded to someone, I figured I'd publish a guide here for everyone which can be linked back to.


First and foremost, there are actually several ways to practice against AI in game.

  1. Single Missions
  2. Dynamic Campaign
  3. Historical Campaign
  4. Air/Ground Assault Arcade
  5. Custom Battles
  6. Custom missions (from WT Live)


Single Missions/Dynamic Campaign/Historical Campaign

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The setup here is the most straightforward.

Once navigating to the top left corner of the screen, click the desired gametype:

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From here, you will find a list of missions on the left, with a brief description on the right Double click  on the missions on the left to bring up further battle options.

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Reveal hidden contents


From there, it's as easy as clicking Apply, then Start.

Historical campaigns must be purchased from the Gaijin store here.


Air/Ground Assault Arcade

Reveal hidden contents

These are team oriented modes that can only be played once per day. You will bring whatever vehicles you have set in your lineup, similar to a normal arcade match but you will be facing waves of bots.


First, at the top of your screen under the "To Battle" button you'll find your current gamemode selection.

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Click that button to enable the gamemode selection drop down, and select either Air Assault Arcade or Ground Assault Arcade.

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Once that's done, leave the gamemode selection menu, check to see you'll be queuing for your selected gametype and press "To Battle!"

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Custom Battles - My personal favourite

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Arguably the most useful way to practice against bots, custom battles allows you to tweak every aspect of the match you'll be playing, including weather, time of day, map, mode, amount of bots, battle ratings etc. and also allow you to practice with friends.


To set up a custom battle, mouse over the top left corner of your screen in the same way you would to select a dynamic mission or campaign and select "Custom Battles"

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Next, you'll see a screen with a list of ongoing custom battles, and the ability to create your own in the bottom right. Select "Create Session".

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Next, you'll be greeted with a list of missions on the left and a brief description on the right.

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From here, make sure to double click the mission name on the left to bring up the options

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Make sure to type a password if you just want to play on your own against bots!


After you've clicked apply, you can click "ready" to launch the match

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Custom Missions via WTLive

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This is the least practical method, as missions can become outdated with updates to the game, but I'm including it in this guide for plenitude sake.


  1. Navigate to the live.warthunder.com website and click on user missions. I've provided a direct link here.
  2. Click Download, then open the zipped folder
  3. You'll see a mission file ending with the .blk format.
  4. Navigate to your War Thunder installation directory, it'll look something like this:
    Reveal hidden contents


  5. Extract the mission.blk file into your UserMissions folder. If you don't have a UserMissions folder, you can simply create one.
  6. Click on "User Missions" in the top left corner of the screen as with all other modes and play the mission in the list.



I hope you've found this guide useful! please don't hesitate to tell me if there's anything I missed, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.



This is very helpful

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