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WMA301 Fire Support Vehicle


The WMA301 Fire Support Vehicle  

38 members have voted

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  2. 2. If added, what type of vehicle do you think it should be?

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The WMA301 is a Chinese export 6x6 fire support vehicle. It is armed with a 105mm gun in a turret mounted on the chassis of the widely used WZ551 APC. It currently serves with Cameroon, Chad, Djibouti, Myanmar, and Senegal, and potentially with other countries as well.


History of the WZ-551 chassis


The predecessor to the WZ-551, the WZ-523, first appeared at the National Day of the People's Republic of China in 1984. This vehicle was a recent development, with the intention being a 6x6 APC capable of crossing rough terrain. Behind the scenes though, the vehicle was inadequate, underpowered, and had poor cross country terrain capability at high altitude. Instead of concentrating on making versions with 4x4 or 8x8 wheels, resources were put into improving the vehicle itself, putting the chicken before the egg so to speak.




The new vehicle, once completed, was showcased in 1986 as the WZ-551, also known as the Type 92, and ZSL-92. Since entering service, it has seen a number of variations, from anti tank vehicles, fire support vehicles, mobile SAM launchers, and a self propelled gun mortar version.




One of the notable variations is the PTL-02, a WZ-551 mounting a turret with a 100mm high velocity gun in it, which is likely the basis for the WMA301.




Details of the WMA301


The WMA301 is a modified version of the PTL-02, a vehicle with a 100mm gun used by the PLA. It uses a different turret that has been seen on a couple other export vehicles made by China, mounting a 105mm gun. It can fire 105mm APFSDS, HEAT, and HE rounds, as well as an ATGM. 


The armor is the same as that of the WZ-551, which is claimed to be enough to stop 12.7mm rounds, but anything larger will likely go through.


Mobility is provided by a 320 hp Deutz BF8L413F diesel engine, propelling the vehicle up to 80 km/h.



Country of origin China
Entered service ?
Crew 5 men (?)
Dimensions and weight
Weight ~ 20 t
Length (gun forward) ?
Hull length ~ 6.7 m
Width ~ 2.9 m
Height ?
Main gun 105 mm rifled
Barrel length ?
Maximum range of fire ?
Rate of fire ?
Machine guns 1 x 7.62 mm, 1 x 12.7 mm
Elevation range ?
Traverse range 360 degrees
Ammunition load
Main gun ~ 30 rounds
Machine guns 7.62 x 800, 12.7 x 480 (?)
Engine Deutz BF8L413F diesel
Engine power 320 hp
Maximum road speed ~ 80 km/h
Range ~ 700 km
Gradient 60%
Side slope 30%
Vertical step 0.5 m
Trench 1.2 m
Fording ~ 1.2 m
















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  • 3 months later...

I am now confused as to whether it actually has a 100mm or a 105mm cannon.


If it has both, this might be a sign that the devs have finally started looking into the PTL's ammo suite. Hopefully we can see the tech tree PTL get its T-72 lolpenning dart in a not too distant update.

medal medal

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On 21/05/2021 at 06:15, jet_17_49 said:

I am now confused as to whether it actually has a 100mm or a 105mm cannon.


If it has both, this might be a sign that the devs have finally started looking into the PTL's ammo suite. Hopefully we can see the tech tree PTL get its T-72 lolpenning dart in a not too distant update.

It's a 105mm. They moved the ATGM to the correct ammunition menu on the dev server.

medal medal medal medal medal medal medal medal

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the WMA-301 has been implemented with update 2.7 Red Skies,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

  • Thanks 1

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