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PLEASE can Gaijin fix the leaving-after-1-death issue damaging Jet level Arcade matches


The players dropping after 1 death is just so frustrating in Arcade matches, and the matchmaker seems to make no attempt to cover it?

I just played a hihg BR Jet Arcade match where my team was 7 versus 8. I could see just looking at the lineup that 3 of my team only had one plane in their lineup so when they die they are highly likely to drop after 1 death, maximum 2 deaths. So my team is, before a shot is fired, set up to lose.


There was not ONE player in the 8 on the other side who had only 1 plane in their lineup. Not one. But my team is clearly set up after a few minutes to have a high likelihood of being 4 versus 8. Sure enough, just a couple minutes in,I look, it's already 8 versus 5, and we of course lost heavily. This sort of thing happens all the time in Jet level Arcade, and frankly spoils it.


Can Gaijin please alter the matchmaker so it covers this happening, and ideally remove the benefit players get that encourages this?


If I can sit at the start of a match and immediately work out one team has a huge advantage over the other team and which team is more likely to win, surely the matchmaker should be doing this?

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Very similiar issue with all of this game.  The issue is the matchups are not equal in any shape to the point no one wants to play.  In my case as new player, i wont give them money until the issue is fixed.  I withdraw from unwinnable, not fun, not enjoyable, not challenging match ups.



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This is terrible and should be fixed, but I'm pretty sure it never will be considering that selling a single vehicle either through the marketplace, directly for GE, or in a pack is part of the business model. Stipualting that, squads should play 2v2 or 3v3 or 4v4 (IDK how big squads can even be, I've only been in one and I was extremely drunk at the time) instead of mixing into randoms, and above all clans shouldn't be matched together if they aren't already in a squad. With the small population in jet arcade (i'm in a 6 minute + queue for 7.3 as I type) this really distorts games, especially in concert with the one-vehicle wonders. Clans and squads aren't bringing single vehicles, but they're facing single vehicles.


This sucks even when I'm on the team doing the stomping. Just had a 6v6 where three of the enemy team bailed after one vehicle, so... yeah. I had a 200% booster going, and made some SL off the thing... but it wasn't fun. And, in the end, isn't that what we're allegedly here for...?

Edited by bearteeth

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While this is true.. Never quit.


You don't know how good the players are with one plane and back up.


There are several matches where I have been the under dog. One even two less players on our team and three of them have one plane including me.


Do you want to know how many times I have won under those conditions?




How many games have you played where your team sucks and you are loosing by 50%, then 80% then even more?


Then only to come back and win with two or three other players on your team and the other side still has 10 players.


Just get good and learn the maps and learn how to fly.


Whether it is ground pounding airfield or base bombing map, I have come from behind  80% of the time to win.


The secret is to play for the win and never give up.


did I say give up?


Yes, that means in those games I gave up 3 planes to land on an airfield or ground pound. In the end we won.




Because I played for the win.


When you play for the win, other players will see you coming back and stay in longer helping you. 


If you loose... no big deal, look at the points you rack up. SL and RP heaven.

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  • 1 month later...

Do what I do, play lower levels. Yes it sucks you have jets in your hanger. But I am finding I'm having a lot of fun at 1.7 to 2.7. I basically only take my jets out one day a week. 

But yes, clearly Gaijin is trying to bleed players dry with crazy high repair costs. Sadly when I see an A-4's and F-5's which are designed to be low cost, low maintenance aircraft. 

You wouldn't know it by the repair/replacement costs. 


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My guess is people who ranked up one crew and finally got a jet but everything else is low tier, so they leave rather than get splattered over.  It's a lot more time consuming but you have a better game to rank up multiple planes, then you have can put several of them in a match and be competitive.

Edited by Kosher_Locust
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 08/07/2021 at 11:47, N_Lanternshark said:

"I just played a hihg BR Jet Arcade match"


Gross.  Why would anyone play AB for jets?

to shoot them down in biplanes and laugh at the repair costs 



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I definitely agree with this. It seems 9 out of 10 high jet tier matches ultimately comes down to which team quits first and most the time those quitters are out after a single plane. Gets aggravating when you're fighting 2v8 within 5 minutes.

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On 01/08/2021 at 20:02, Keonyn said:

I definitely agree with this. It seems 9 out of 10 high jet tier matches ultimately comes down to which team quits first and most the time those quitters are out after a single plane. Gets aggravating when you're fighting 2v8 within 5 minutes.


Lol. I've got good news and bad news: they did do something about it, it didn't work, and it had disastrous side effects.

TL;DR: Activity% is based more on performance than time now, supposedly to dissuade one-death-leavers, but people who don't have a lineup for their premium/marketplace vehicle aren't reading patch notes about activity percentage and going, "Oh, guess I'll just stop using the thing I paid for until I earn my way up to its BR." Also, most vehicles above 4.0 (and plenty below) are unsustainable in Sim because they can't make back their spawn costs anymore.

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I seems like, and this is just casual observation, that this "problem" became much more prevalent after they introduced some of the higher tier'd/BR'd vehicles that were not available before. And this led to players being able to get them much easier/quickly than before and advance to higher tiers/BR's than before. Prior to that, and again, causal observation, it seemed like the only players that left early were "rage quitting". This was fairly common, but not "game breaking" or even that annoying really. Mainly because players didn't "lemming quit" in droves when someone else left early. Now, it does seem like players "give up" rather easily for whatever reason . . . . "Oh no, there is another player on the other team with a higher BR than me . . . .  boo hoo" or "we can't win, matchmaker screwed ME again" . . . . or even "Imma just play this one high tier premmie I got here and bail after I die and get right back in another game to get more RP faster" . . . ..  and frankly, we have no idea why people leave specifically . . .  they may have to go to the baffroom for all we know. The game/match you are in is going to change from moment to moment, and no outcome is pre-determined, if you can see into the future, please . . . I need winning lottery numbers. Otherwise it would seem better to just play the match out, do the best you can and see if you can pull out a win or at least get some decent points/score for your efforts. While some of these recent changes may dissuade a few from leaving early, I kinda doubt it and seems like everyone is suffering for the actions of a few this way . . . but at least there is an effort to deter some of this. I had thought that perhaps requiring a minimum of 3 vehicles be set in slots in order to activate the "To Battle" button might work, causing ODL's a double repair bill for the 2 they did not use and/or a crew lock . But even then, I can see putting in 2 Reserves(with no repair cost) and/or simply changing nations(which I imagine many do, I know I have before, pretty simple) to avoid a crew lock wait. And then this would lead down the road of the game "setting" what players could/can play and we lose some of our freedom to choose what we play. It would seem a simple problem to fix, but it gets complicated pretty quick the more you look at it . . .  C'est la Vie . . . .
I do not envy those tasked with taking this problem as a job . . . . .

Edited by LeChance
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  • 2 months later...

A few issues:


1. We don't have many 10.7-11.0 vehicles so how do you know they are quitting it could just be the common sense approach that bringing a Sabre against a MiG-23 is a bad idea.  I bring maybe 4 jets tops. 

2. Repair costs and price of missile/bombs are too high for AB.  I lose an F-5 I need to have killed usually 2-3 people to break even. We pay the exact same for missile and bombs as RB yet we don't make the same for bombing or a kill which wouldn't matter if they were cheaper but the get pricier as we go higher. 

3. AB jets is more dominated by clans than other modes, which I assume is because it's so small they are more noticeable.  But if you play right now you will likely run into either the VPO or GuuD clans and if you're on their team it's OK otherwise they'll target the hell out of any one that is a threat and it sucks.  

4. RB actually has their spawn defended by SAMs AB doesn't so you are more likely to be spawn killed and it happens almost every match

5. Even if you bring every jet you can I've still seen matches with guys  who are 11 kills to 11 deaths.  There's no way they even came close to breaking even so while their k/d was OK it is ultimately a loss. 


For now I am grinding in RB.  It's actually easier and you just go back, land, leave if the team is getting stomped.  Save on those repair costs and live to see another day.  AB Air top tier needs work 


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