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Final form of Challenger 2 in Iraq, Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H)


Do we need Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) in game?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. Do we need Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) in game?

    • Definitely, as a tech tree vehicle
    • Definitely, as a premium or event vehicle
    • No
  2. 2. If implemented in game, which would be a better option

    • Stock as a Dorchester Level 2H, fully upgraded as a Megatron
    • Stock as a Dorchester Level 2G, fully upgraded as a Dorchester Level 2H
    • I said No before
  3. 3. Which BR would be adequate for new tank?

    • 10.3
    • 10.7
    • 11.0


After the tragedic event of losing driver's toe by hit of RPG-29 on the LFP, the British Army decided to enhance their urban tank warfare capability through Theatre Entry Standard (TES). Through this upgrade, Challenger 2s deployed in Iraq gets IED jammer, Radio-controlled Weapon System (RWS), Driver's thermal vision, and finally, new applique armor package.






images of Challenger 2 with Dorchester 2E and Dorchester 2F. One of this version of tank was victim of RPG-29


During the early deployment stage in 2008, there was a shortage of new applique composite armor except armor for hull LFP, so tanks were fitted with some equipment of old version of applique armor system, Dorchester Level 2F. This is the Challenger 2 TES that already came out in game, in the name of 'Dorchester 2F' as a tier III modification of Challenger 2 (2F).




images of early Challenger 2 with Dorchester 2F, which is in game.


Soon after, additional composite armor package applying to hull side and bottom, made by Rafael, were applied in Challenger 2s. This new armor package got its name of Dorchester Level 2H, was first shown in media by 2008.





Royal Scots Dragoon Guards' Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) firing range in Basra, 2008


1. What's difference of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) compared to Challenger 2 (2F)?


Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) in Oman, during Exercise Saif Sareea 3, 2018. During exercise, Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) were without its applique composite armor.


Main difference of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) compared to Challenger 2 (2F) is its applique armor and weight. While Dorchester Level 2F armor package's side applique armor on hull is relatively light and could be fixed to steel cage, Dorchester Level 2H armor package's side applique armor on hull side is much heavier and have to be holded up by steel side skirt plate, which also hold up bar armour. This thicker side armor makes Challenger 2 be able to defeat RPG-29 when hull is hit.





We could see whole shape of new steel-made side skirt plate in upper picture. Lower picture shows how thick lower part of side skirt is to hold up thick new compsite armor.





New side applique compsite armor is much thicker than what previously was.


Anti mine and IED armor attached to bottom of hull is also difference of Dorchester Level 2H armor package. In War thunder, those armor could prevent tank to be destroyed by HE sharpnel.




Bottom anti-mine armor on Challenger 2 TES shown during Tankfest. By the way, this vehicle is 'Megatron', which already got passed for consideration.


Shape and size of bottom anti-mine armor of Challenger 2 TES, depicted on Ryefield's megatron model.



2. What's difference of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) compared to 'Megatron'


Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) at Basra, 2008


Challenger 2 'Megaton', which has a vehicle number of DT22AA(from 2011 to 2017) and DT18AA(from 2018~), is a technology demonstrator vehicle of ATDU, which originally was a vehicle of King's Royal Hussars. While 'Megatron' has all component of what Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) does have during 2011 to 2015, it has one difference compared to other Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) those were on the field. It has a additional plate on turret side applique armor. It is not sure that those plate is pure steel or cover for ERA.





Challenger 2 TES(Dorchester Level 2H) on field has same turret side applique as Challenger 2 (2F) as shown in left picture. 'Megatron' has exrtra plate on there, which shown in second link.


Challenger 2 'Megatron' appreared from 2016 is much different from Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H). It uses thinner hull side applique armor of Dorchester 2F and covered entire vehicle with Mobile Camoflague System. This is called as 'Dorchester Level 2L' package.





'Megatron' with Dorchester Level 2L armor package(Left picture). RTR officer showing how MCS attached to armor by velco. We could see that Dorchester Level 2H's side skirt is used with Dorchester Level 2F's applique armor(second link)


3. What about Mobility?


Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) maneuvering.


It is well known that Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H)'s weight with applique armor increased to 74.8 tons, about 12 tons heavier than original Challenger 2. And British Army announced that max speed of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) is 59 km/h, which is only 1 km/h lower than original Challenger 2. This makes some assumptions that Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H), especially 'Megatron', get german 'EuroPowerPack' 1500hp powerpack. But this is not true. 'EuroPowerPack' is only applied to Challenger 2E, another variant of Challenger 2 that was made and thrown out after failure in Hellenic Army's new MBT selection. Official report of British Army saids that Challenger 2 TES maintains its road speed of 59km/h even with CV-12 power pack.


Secret of speed retention of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) can be assumed by Bovington Tank museum, in their Youtube video 'Tank Chats#92'. In the video, Bovington Tank Museum's curator saids "CV-12 Rolls Royce turbo charged diesel engine, and now that can give upon road speed of officially about 60 kms, they can go way faster than that actually probably about 80 on roads'. It means that Challenger 2 originally has limiter on its power pack for longer lifespan. Its not strange that they remove this limiter when they needs to make 12 ton heavier vehicle having a same maneuverability.


4. How could Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) could be implemented in game?


Challenger 2 TES vehicle nicknamed 'CHALLENGER', during Saif Sareea 3


As a first option, stock vehicle could be came out as field operated  Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) and gets armor modification to become Challenger 2 'Megatron'. Challenger 2 'Megaton' has already passed for consideration, and this option makes possibility of 'megatron' to be implemented in game as  it is very hard for top-rank class unique vehicle to be came out.





Upper link as a stock, lower link as a fully upgraded. This could make a ease in modelling.


In this case, name of vehicle in tech tree would be 'Challenger 2 (2H)' and modification name would be 'Megatron'


For a second option, stock vehicle could be came out as a Challenger 2 'Dorchester Level 2G' version, which uses combination of Dorchester Level 2F's thinner side applique armor with Dorchester Level 2H's side skirt plate. Dorchester Level 2H would be as a modification for upgrade.




This also could be a nice stock phase of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H)


In this case, name of vehicle in tech tree would be 'Challenger 2 TES' and modification name would be 'Dorchester Level 2H'


5. Specification of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H)


Length: 13.5m(gun forward), 8.32m(hull)

Width: 4.2m

Weight: 74.8t 

Max speed: 59km/h

Crew: 4

Main armament: one L30A1 CHARM L55 rifled gun

Secondary armament: one L94A1 .308 chain gun as coaxial gun, one L7A2 machine gun at Enforcer RWS

Engine: Rolls-Royce CV-12 1200bhp engine

Transmission: TN54




Army Recognition(https://www.armyrecognition.com/united_kingdom_british_army_heavy_armoured_tank_uk/challenger_2_tes_megatron_theatre_entry_standard_main_battle_tank_mbt.html)

M P Robinson & Rob Griffin, Images of war Challenger 2, Pen&Sword Military, 2017

Carl Schulze, Cahllenger 2 Main Battle Tank, Tankograd Publishing, 2017

Edited by im_blind_idiot
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Photo of Challenger 2 TES (Dorchester Level 2H) taken around Saif Sareea 3(2018). Showing details of side skirt plate and belly anti-mine armor.



Showing details of side skirt plates.



Also, I found that at least two of Challenger 2 TES has fitted with .50 Cal machinegun on its Enforcer RWS





This vehicle is Challenger 2 TES, based on additional plate on hull UFP to hold up applique composite armor on LFP, but its weird that this vehicle lacks IED jammer, MCS and belly anti-mine armor.


Edited by im_blind_idiot
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+1 ... lets hope they can finally model the NERA right to have proper protection against small arms APDS from side on shots. Oh and gun breach ;)

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Interesting in that Oman pic there seems to be an additional thick steel plate on the UFP instead of the 25mm spaced structural steel we currently have in game. Should this be on the 2f as well already I wonder? 

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On 20/05/2021 at 00:37, Dantheman66 said:

Interesting in that Oman pic there seems to be an additional thick steel plate on the UFP instead of the 25mm spaced structural steel we currently have in game. Should this be on the 2f as well already I wonder? 


Yes. That steel plate is essential for holding up weight of LFP's additional compsite armor


This picture, showing British Challenger 2 TES along with Omani Challenger 2 altogether, was taken during Saif Sareea 3. And this also could show how different those plate going to make

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9 minutes ago, im_blind_idiot said:


Yes. That steel plate is essential for holding up weight of LFP's additional compsite armor

This picture, showing British Challenger 2 TES along with Omani Challenger 2 altogether, was taken during Saif Sareea 3. And this also could show how different those plate going to make

Not sure how thick it is but 50mm doesn't seem too far fetched. If so it could bring the UFP protection of challenger to closer to 600mm with the angle on it.

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17 hours ago, Dantheman66 said:

Interesting in that Oman pic there seems to be an additional thick steel plate on the UFP instead of the 25mm spaced structural steel we currently have in game. Should this be on the 2f as well already I wonder? 

I have already bug reported the missing UFP armour it got passed to devs sometime ago

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Another time of picture representing!




lqWRPTS.jpg nZYqKjW.jpg

Challenger 2 TES without its applique armor at Saif Sareea 3. Oman 2018



Challenger 2 TES with its applique armor at Basra, 2008


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2 hours ago, warhead_beast said:

As a top shell it could get L28A1 but i belive all the penetration values are still classified and not currently known. 


As far as I know, L28A1 is tungsten version of L27A1, designed to used by Oman and Jordan to replace obsolete L23A1 which production has stopped.

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Well, there's a news not directely related to my suggestion but similar suggestion that already passed to developers, Challenger 2 Megatron


FutureArmourLab, one of twitter account related to ATDU, showed a picture of 2nd Megatron, DR18AA, without its MCS



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2 hours ago, N4CR_ said:

Is that an LRF in barrel tip?

Muzzle reference  system 

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15 minutes ago, TerikG2014 said:

Muzzle reference  system 

Makes sense. If it was fast enough to position it might also be able to give velocity data for longer shots, if the pulse rate is high enough. 


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