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Addition of a basic “stat card” for Individual radars

Do you think that this would be a useful addition?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that this would be a useful addition?

    • Yes, It would help to have more Information
    • Not really

Hi, recently I thought about the addition of a stat card for each Individual radar In game, on the x-ray viewer, as of right now players don’t have any tool to know about the specifics of any radar without looking at the wiki or figuring out by themselves on a drive test.


Some basic Information that could be displayed:


Sensibility to ground clutter.


Effective search distance under X parameters.


Effective tracking distance under X parameters.


Radar elevation and azimuth.


That’s a pretty basic example but I think players would appreciate a more straightforward way to know the specifics of the radar on a vehicle without having to get to a test drive, and It would also help when the disired vehicle It’s not available for testing.


For usefulness or detail I think It would be a welcomed addition.



Edited by Sgt_Rowking@psn
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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As radars previously have gotten a basic statcard,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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