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Republic F-47D (Aeronautica Militare Italiano)  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want to see F-47D in the Italian Tech Tree?

    • Yes, as squadron / event / premium vehicle
    • Yes, as a regular vehicle
    • No
    • I don't know


Republic F-47D

     After WW2 the condition of Italian Air Fleet was very poor. There was a desperate need to replace half-destroyed Spitfires, and Republic F-47D (the designation changed from P-47 to F-47 for bureaucratic matters) became this replacement. First deliveries which were accompanied with some technical equipment and training provided by USAF specialists began in the end of 1950. Most of supplied aircraft were used during WW2 and stocked in Germany by USAF. Planes that were given to Italy had quite a bad state, mainly because the USAF stock had already been visited by other countries (mainly Portugal and Iran) which picked up the best airframe and most of the auxiliary supply (For example no auxiliary fuel tanks were left, so Italian P-47s have never flown with auxiliary tanks). Lack of technical manuals led to a lot of problems especially with engine, not even talking about the amount of fuel they ate, which was dramatic for postwar Italy. All of these issues resulted in quite a bad reputation of this plane in the Italian Air Force and not a long career. Overall Italy operated 105 F-47D, consisted of F-47D-30-RA and F-47D-35-RA. All 47s were ex-USAF, in Italy they were used by 5º and 51º Fighter-Bombers Stormo (Wings). Both versions are similar to D-30 of the Chinese tech tree, but with small differences mainly related to the place of manufacturing (RA - Evansville – Indiana). I think it's a good idea to give the Italian tech tree a low cost improvement, in the face of a very capable CAS with an access to bombs and rockets. Of course I suggest it as an "additional" plane, outside of the regular TT (but you can vote for it if you want), so as either squadron, premium or event plane. It's easy to add, easy to use and btw it's Pastabolt!








1 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bomb (500 lb total)

2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs (2,000 lb total)

2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs + 1 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bomb (2,500 lb total)

10 x HVAR rockets

10 x HVAR rockets + 1 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bomb (500 lb total)

10 x HVAR rockets + 2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs (2,000 lb total)

10 x HVAR rockets + 2 x 1,000 lb AN-M65A1 bombs + 1 x 500 lb AN-M64A1 bomb (2,500 lb total)



























Colour schemes






1. F-47D "Thunderbolt" by Nicola Malizia (Thanks to @paolgand1975@psn for providing it)



2. Aerofan 4/82 (as it was uploaded by myself on our ITA-suggestions disk, I would like to share it with you, I'm not Italian and can miss some important information, so Italian players correct me or add anything you find useful pls)




3. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_P-47_Thunderbolt

Edited by _Condottiero_
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Nice suggestion, I appreciate the effort put into it. However I must vote No as I do not support this kind of C&P. I won't mind much if it gets put in as a premium or event but I personally do not think it will be good for the tree even in the premium section, but you know, I could be wrong. 

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43 minutes ago, SturmWerwolf said:

+1 Everyone has a premium P-47 already, not like another would hurt anything, but only as a premium please.

My thoughts exactly


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1 hour ago, Milocat said:

They were used, so +1 as an event or premium or something.

I need stay in battle pass new season free premium aviation for Italian tree

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12 hours ago, RytisLTU1 said:

I dont want C&P -1


Nothing personal, and this comemnt is not to you as individual person, but i take the chance to say again that the litany, or rather the whining "I don't want C&P", is often completely unmotivated and in particular in this case considering that this plane, like others, makes up for the lack of national products.


Then frankly I always see these kind of comments from non-Italian players, furthermore checking the statistics of these players you can see that they are sporadic players of the Italian tree, who maybe only play it sometimes, just when they feel like exotic. you have just 60 VEHICLES AND REWARDS under the italian tree while you have 160 from USA, 120 from Germany and 119 from Russia, so you just staterd do play Italy, and may be just to have the dardo or centauro. 


For sure everyone has the right to express themselves, because we are all players at the same level, but frankly the taste of the exotic limits those like me, who mainly play with their own country, and would like to have more vehicles or airplanes available, all stuff used by my Home.


How is agaist C&P has always the possibility not to use a thing, this is not possible on the other side. This attitude only limits the Italian trees and it is time to end it 


Edited by paolgand1975@psn
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14 minutes ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

Then frankly I always see these kind of comments from non-Italian players

Ill make these comments on any nations suggestions if they are suggesting C&P from other country, not just Italian ones. Yes I have more Us/Ger/Ussr vehicles but trees them selfs have more vehicles. But TBH on ground level my German and Italians vehicles are at nearly same level(8.3 for Italy and 8.7 for Germany (execept for reward C2A1 and Leo 2PL)) and my lack of vehicles on Italian side come from not playing air that much. Yes I havent touched Italian air tree that much but that doesnt mean I cant comment on vehicles, expectually on suggestions. I understand that Italy NEEDS vehicles but we can do it without C&P. Maybe there isnt direct version of P-47 made by Italy itself but we can add something else to help it.:salute:

Edited by RytisLTU1
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3 minutes ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

No there is no similar plane 

Before to comment check the italian air force history next time 

As said this no have no reason it’s just a position 

I dont want to derail this topic with C&P arguing, if you want to see my arguments for not wanting C&P read through my posts from here and beyond: 


As I said lets not go further into to this in this thread:salute:


6 minutes ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

No there is no similar plane 

Before to comment check the italian air force history next time


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I would only to remember to everybody that the tree is the nation and not the industry (it’s Italian Tree not Oto Melara or Fiat Tree) so you have to accept the history of a country and the fact we used abroad plane and tank. the Alternative is Nothing, that is not acceptable. 


Second, before to say no as partisan or ideologic position you have to double check the history of the italian army or it’s air force   because there is the need of C&P sometimes. 


third you have to accept that players want to have additional toys in the game, and that may be a P-47, that is used by all nation, can be an addition that give sone value added to a tree, that it’s lacking of it. No matter you are bored to use the same toy since already used for another country. No one oblige you to start from Usa or Germany and then to address to Italy for fancy things, this is your problem. 


we are asking for premium planes not in the tree, you have even to grind these plane. 


these simple concepts are not so hard to understand. 

Edited by paolgand1975@psn
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2 hours ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

have to accept the history of a country and the fact we used abroad plane and tank

Yes I accept history, however there is very, very, very similar plane in Us tree. Just try to research other trees, experience more of the game and by doing this you will be able to play more "Italian" vehicle like P-51 or Spitfire. Yes there isnt Italian skins for it but you will be able to play same vehicle, I dont see reason why same vehicle has to be in 2 or more trees.


2 hours ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

Second, before to say no as partisan or ideologic position you have to double check the history of the italian army or it’s air force   because there is the need of C&P sometimes. 

Sometimes yes, thats why we have F-104, Leo 1A5 and so on.

2 hours ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

third you have to accept that players want to have additional toys in the game, and that may be a P-47, that is used by all nation, can be an addition that give sone value added to a tree, that it’s lacking of it.

Yes people always want new toys but there is stuff to add. Yes there isnt Italian made P-47 but there is other stuff to add to make people happy. 

About value just because Italian tree doesnt have dedicated Cas/Fighter aircraft doesnt mean it loses value. It simply is more about fighting planes and not doing Cas(for Cas you can use SM-92).

2 hours ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

No one oblige you to start from Usa or Germany and then to address to Italy for fancy things, this is your problem.

Well yes but simply it isnt Italian plane. When I think about Italian aviation for me its Re.xxxx, C. xxx, G.xx, Cr.xx series of planes, not some American stuff

Edited by RytisLTU1
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Italian P-39, F-51, F47-D ... This what moved me away from playing France at these ranks.

I'd rather not experience the same with Italy, a tech tree that I enjoyed playing from rank I to rank IV.

Edited by DoxerWhite@psn
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2 hours ago, DoxerWhite@psn said:

Italian P-39, F-51, F47-D ... This what moved me away from playing France at these ranks.

I'd rather not experience the same with Italy, a tech tree that I enjoyed playing from rank I to rank IV.

the difference is that's all france has, where as italy actually has good domestic options as well. you could choose the p38 or sm91, f47 or re2005, f51 or g55/c205. that's why i really have nothing against copy past in the Italian tree as long as there are capable domestic options at a similar BR, they have something unique about them, or they fill a need role. 

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A +1 from me, preferably as a premium aircraft. What would be interesting is if Gaijin were to model it after the F-47 that is currently in storage at Il Museo Storico dell'Aeronautica Militare, Vigna di Valle, and perhaps do some sort of limited partnership with the museum, maybe a portion of the sales could go towards supporting the restoration of the aircraft or supporting the museums operations or something of the sort. 

Edited by jon_man1199
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4 hours ago, RytisLTU1 said:

Yes I accept history, however there is very, very, very similar plane in Us tree. Just try to research other trees, experience more of the game and by doing this you will be able to play more "Italian" vehicle like P-51 or Spitfire. Yes there isnt Italian skins for it but you will be able to play same vehicle, I dont see reason why same vehicle has to be in 2 or more trees.


Sometimes yes, thats why we have F-104, Leo 1A5 and so on.

Yes people always want new toys but there is stuff to add. Yes there isnt Italian made P-47 but there is other stuff to add to make people happy. 

About value just because Italian tree doesnt have dedicated Cas/Fighter aircraft doesnt mean it loses value. It simply is more about fighting planes and not doing Cas(for Cas you can use SM-92).

Well yes but simply it isnt Italian plane. When I think about Italian aviation for me its Re.xxxx, C. xxx, G.xx, Cr.xx series of planes, not some American stuff


It’s not so. Those plane are part of the history of my country and you have a very limited knowledge of the history of italian air force and of the importance of some plane. it’s your problem, and it is based on lack of information. 


Just for example P-39 was the first plane we received from usa during wwii after the armistice and declaration of war to germany. It’s a symbol of freedom and  redemption. Pilot of the Regia Aeronautica fight and died on that plane. P-47 and P-51 are the reborn of the air force as modern air force after the joint of Italy to Nato.  May be you cannot understand. P-51 was an iconic fighter used for year also as personal plane of air rank of the air force as liaison plane after the phase out from front line service. 


Know the things before to speak it’s always a good recommendation, and play the italian air tree to get knowledge of what are you discussing since you lack that experience from your direct word. These plane are need for specific issue of balancing the game, no one is asking spitfire mk IX or P-38 J that were  used too, since we already have a lot of  pure fighters, but we lack of fighter bombers especially that can use rockets. 


you, as may other, do not want that plane since you are bored to play the same toy you have already used and that’s the reason, and again we are asking them as premium not in regular tree, so people like you have no the problem (a real big problem...) to grind that plane. all the other consideration are sadly far from the true fact and just an opinion. 

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On 25/06/2021 at 19:49, paolgand1975@psn said:


It’s not so. Those plane are part of the history of my country and you have a very limited knowledge of the history of italian air force and of the importance of some plane. it’s your problem, and it is based on lack of information. 


Just for example P-39 was the first plane we received from usa during wwii after the armistice and declaration of war to germany. It’s a symbol of freedom and  redemption. Pilot of the Regia Aeronautica fight and died on that plane. P-47 and P-51 are the reborn of the air force as modern air force after the joint of Italy to Nato.  May be you cannot understand. P-51 was an iconic fighter used for year also as personal plane of air rank of the air force as liaison plane after the phase out from front line service. 


Know the things before to speak it’s always a good recommendation, and play the italian air tree to get knowledge of what are you discussing since you lack that experience from your direct word. These plane are need for specific issue of balancing the game, no one is asking spitfire mk IX or P-38 J that were  used too, since we already have a lot of  pure fighters, but we lack of fighter bombers especially that can use rockets. 


you, as may other, do not want that plane since you are bored to play the same toy you have already used and that’s the reason, and again we are asking them as premium not in regular tree, so people like you have no the problem (a real big problem...) to grind that plane. all the other consideration are sadly far from the true fact and just an opinion. 

Italy does have fighter-bombers, the much of the Reggiane fighter line is made of them. You don't need rockets to be an effective fighter-bomber. If the need for rockets is so great then i say add the SBD Helldiver, because it is a dedicated CAS. Italy doesnt lack fighters, it lacks CAS, so instead of giving it another fighter, we should give it a better CAS, especially since the Attacker line is full of highly unnecessary Ju87 C&Ps anyway. 

Edited by chewbaccy
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11 hours ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

especially that can use rockets. 

Mate how often do you get a kill with HVAR rockets? Bombs are way more useful.


11 hours ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

we are asking them as premium not in regular tree, so people like you have no the problem

We still will have to fight it


11 hours ago, paolgand1975@psn said:

play the italian air tree to get knowledge of what are you discussing since you lack that experience from your direct word

I will mate, I will:salute:

Edited by RytisLTU1
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I play the P-47D mostly in the Air AB and RB, so I can welcome the suggestion of this aircraft.

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14 hours ago, snepcheck@live said:

the difference is that's all france has, where as italy actually has good domestic options as well. you could choose the p38 or sm91, f47 or re2005, f51 or g55/c205. that's why i really have nothing against copy past in the Italian tree as long as there are capable domestic options at a similar BR, they have something unique about them, or they fill a need role. 


I disagree, France can provide domestic designs at these ranks if Gaijin wants to put an effort in it (which they currently don't). It's been years since players has been asking for more Dewoitine/Arsenal/Bloch/Morane fighters to fill rank 2 to 4. From the top of my head we only received mid-rank attackers and late jets the last couple of years with a huge chunk of them not being domestic designs, which is tiring. This is actually what made me want to play Italy in the first place, the tree had only 2-3 German planes at the time and the fighter line is very fluid and powerful. In the same way, I wish to see more effort put into Italian-made fighters for these ranks instead of more not unique premiums.


Sorry if this is off-topic.

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