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Is the Buccaneer S1 worth it?


Asking this since the jet quite interests me, I like how it looks and I like bombing targets, makes me feel like I actually do something  because i absolutely suck in dogfights and end up with a solid 1:1 kdr because of a head-to-head lol

Anyway, the only problem is that I'm a ground main, never played air to a major extent except for now due to the ongoing operation, I have no clue how it is like in jets and 0 knowledge about jets and how to play them and I wanted to know whether it'll be a good idea to use the coupon or not, since I heard that this plane works only with simple tactics of, and I quote, "run in fast and bomb bases and targets and run away faster. Land and repeat." which sounds reasonable and easy enough, and also because I like bombing targets as I have mentioned earlier, now I also wanna know, because I have no idea how it's like in a jet match, will I most likely end up getting shot down in the Buccaneer S1 by a missile way before I even get to my destination to bomb targets? (Specifically enemy ground, not really interested in bombing bases)


And how hard is it to try and bomb targets without getting shot down by a missile in jet matches? Oh also are jets painful to play with? I only hear bad things about jets and its matches so I really wonder what's going on with that?


I hope I don't sound like a complete fool asking this question, sorry if I did, I just want a genuine answer to this because I've been thinking about it for a couple days.

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It seems to be a toy tailored to tankers and their groundforces.


It might work at AB planes, but only if it can slip through or if it gets aircover. And I fear just as the TopBR in the game. Else it will meet a lot of supersonic aircrafts with AAMs. I don't expect it to have any counters for those.

And it will fully depend on the BR it will get in the end. If it is going to end on B-57 tier, it might work out better.

4 hours ago, legogeorgia@psn said:

It's going to be 8.7, so for air RB, no, but for G RB, it's much better. 

We, in the AB subforum, thank you for sharing your knowledge ;) 

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Ground attack at high tier is just broken, unfortunately, and not in a fun way. If you're imagining dodging interceptors and wiping out columns of tanks, that's probably not going to work out for you because you're so wildly outclassed by the average fighter at the BRs jet bombers have. How did they get those BRs if they're so outclassed? By climbing above the attention span of their opponents and dropping bombloads every 30 seconds while flying in circles at the edge of space.


Vehicles that can reliably achieve that get dragged by their impressive-seeming statistics to BRs where actually playing the game becomes impractical, like the A2D at 8.7 or the Buccaneer S.2 at 10.3 (in an upcoming patch, currently 8.3 and 10.0). If you've ever wondered what the hell F-84F is doing at 8.7 (soon 9.0), yep, it's flying in circles at the edge of space.


There's something to be said for a playstyle that's so passive you can enjoy some additional entertainment at the same time, but when it's swinging BRs the way it is, that's coming at the expense of (IMO) more interesting gameplay. Worse, though, you're really just crossing your fingers and hoping that your opponents (who likely have double your climbrate) choose to ignore you since, most of the time, you're not going to finish bombing out their runway anyway and your presence is basically irrelevant.

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Before I say anything, keep in mind these charts are not yet updated for performance values of a spaded vehicle. However, you might get a good impression of what to expect if you visit the wiki of its slightly tougher twin brother:




First, imagine if you get a full downtier so you're facing planes such as the MiG-15bis:




Stock Buccaneer S.1 vs. a spaded MiG-15bis has no chance. Spaded vs. spaded... maybe you can escape with your life if you have a decent team that helps you.


Now imagine uptiers. Suddenly, you're facing all kinds of supersonic, missile-equipped aircraft that can outperform you by a large margin. Does turning yourself into a flying piñata sound fun?


I think selling that coupon could spare you from a lot of mental anguish and frustration. You can save the coin you make to buy something far more enjoyable to use.


But that's just my opinion. I don't know what your preferences are. I mostly fly fighters and generally put more value into surviving than getting lots of kills (or even wins).

Edited by bifutake
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