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Low Vis/Late Skin for the A-7E Corsair

Low Vis Corsair sexyness level:  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Low Vis Corsair sexyness level:

    • 100% and rising!
    • 0%, maybe next time...

Hello there fellow skin-entusiasthics, today I’m here to present to you a new suggestion regarding a very recent addition on the US air tree: To give the new A-7E Corsair It’s Low vis Desert Storm paint!


But before that, some Images for your delight:


A-7-replace-960_640.jpg A-7E_Corsair_II_of_VA-72_en_route_to_tar image027.jpg


Very pretty boy Indeed, well, I hope to get your support for this one :salute:

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Open for discussion. :salute:

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