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FMC CCVL - Forerunner Of The XM8 And Brother Of The VFM-5



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TL;DR: FMC's entry to the AGS competition.




In the 1980's the US Army began seriously considering the movement of light tank armament development from the XM274 75mm to larger alternatives. One of these larger alternatives was a 105mm cannon, however, before they began development on a light tank with such a cannon, they needed to be sure that the concept was even feasible. As a test, the Naval Surface Weapons Center installed the M68 105mm cannon onto an M551 Sheridan, test firing it with and without a muzzle brake. The results of the test confirmed that the installation of a 105mm cannon onto a light tank would be a practical endeavor. The Armored Gun System (AGS) competition was launched and private companies, both US-based and non-US-based, began development. Four companies produced candidates for the competition. FMC was one of them, producing the Close Combat Vehicle Light (CCVL). This vehicle sported a Rheinmetall modified M68A1 in a soft-recoil mount and a hull with rounded edges. The gun was fed by a 19-round magazine separated from the crew via a bulkhead. Both the gunner and commander had access to thermal sights, however, the commander's thermal sight was removed in later models of the CCVL. On top of all this, either side of the turret had a 16-barreled smoke launcher, totaling a whopping 32 smoke grenades. This new light tank caught the attention of Vickers Defense Systems in 1985, leading to a cooperative agreement, which, in turn, led to the VFM-5. Before FMC submitted the CCVL into the AGS competition, a few changes to the design were made to better suit the competition requirements. The rounded edges were removed, the turret was redesigned, the Rheinmetall modified M68A1 was swapped for the XM35, and number of smoke grenades was, sadly, reduced from 32 to 16. These modifications led to the FMC's victory in the AGS competition.


Place In War Thunder:

Many players aren't very happy with the XM8's status as an event vehicle in-game. This can be remedied in many ways, the addition of the CCVL being one of them. The CCVL is basically an XM8 with a weird hull. It would play incredibly similarly, the only real differences being the CCVL's excessive amount of smoke grenades and inability to mount extra armor. As the hull is already in-game in the form of the VFM-5, I think it's fairly safe to say that the CCVL will come eventually. Of course, the best place for this vehicle would be in the tech tree to finally relive the US high-tier light tank itch.




Armament: Rheinmetall modified M68A1 and 1x M240 7.62mm MG


Dimensions: 8.90m, 2.69m, 2.55m (L,W,H)


Weight: 21500kg


Armor: Same as the VFM-5


Crew: 3


Ammunition: Same as XM8 in-game.


Speed: 68~kph


Horsepower: 575hp (Gross)




Later version without commander thermals:



Being loaded off/on a C-130:



In its current condition:





Edited by DMYEugen
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A few notes.

The CCVL is closer to the XM8 than it is the VFM-5.

The XM8 is in effect a modern and re-tooled CCVL. The VFM-5 is FMC allowing Vicker's private venture and was, yes, based on it, but unlike the Xm8, it is not an evolution. In fact, the Vickers model is a more "export friendly" downgrade, removing many of the bells and whistles, for example the autoloading system (same as on the xm8) and the thermal imaging sights.

It also equipped a 550 hp engine, not a 575 hp one. I'm not quite sure where that number comes from. All of them used the same engine.


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11 minutes ago, MAKEthemSUPPER@live said:

The XM8 is in effect a modern and re-tooled CCVL. The VFM-5 is FMC allowing Vicker's private venture and was, yes, based on it, but unlike the Xm8, it is not an evolution.

This is why the title is what it is.


12 minutes ago, MAKEthemSUPPER@live said:

It also equipped a 550 hp engine, not a 575 hp one. I'm not quite sure where that number comes from.

This number comes from Sheridan Volume 2 by R.P Hunnicutt. 575hp is the gross amount. I will amend the specs tab. 550hp is likely the "wheel-driven" horsepower.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Really disappointing to say the least... now, there will 3 US light tanks as event vehicles while there's nothing in between the M3A3 and HSTV-L.

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39 minutes ago, _Akoneon_ said:

Really disappointing to say the least... now, there will 3 US light tanks as event vehicles while there's nothing in between the M3A3 and HSTV-L.

Maybe a preproduction M8 AGS could be added to the tech tree? Or the BAE upgrade that was the Mobile Protected Firepower competitor?

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  • Senior Suggestion Moderator

As the CCVL has been implemented with Project “Overpowered”,


Moved to Implemented Suggestions. :salute:

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