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If your plane have more fuel, does that mean, it's easier for it to catch on fire? And does that also mean, it makes your plane a more effective kamikaze?


  • 4 weeks later...

idk about either being easier to catch on fire, not sure if its modeled in game, and taking more fuel i don't think increases your effectiveness as a kamikaze, why ur being that in AIR battles i have no clue, the main thing is having more fuel negitively affects proformace, since your plane is heavier

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33 minutes ago, Thodin said:

Irl, partially fueled up tanks might be easier inflamable than actually full ones. 

Yes, mostly empty tanks are highly flammable because it's giving off a lot of fumes (the part that burns easily), while there is no room for those in full tanks. In either case it's very ineffective. The idea off Kamikaze is do drop a bomb shortly before impact so it actually hits the ship. The fuel does neglible damage, aside from burning some planes on the deck of a carrier.

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