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(18.01.2022) Bkan 1C AP-HE Overpressure reaches other turret closed crew compartment when it shouldn't

# I have:

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# Description

Concise issue summary here. Only one issue per thread.


The Bkan 1C has two turret compartments that are completely uncomunicated from each other yes? To go from one compartment to the other you would need to penetrate 20mm, air (maybe even the gun breach) and another 20mm


Well when a ap-he penetrates one compartment it doesn't reach the other so that is fine that is until the AP-HE is a big AP-HE with lots of filler, like the american 105mm from the T95/T29


What happens when a AP-HE shell with lots of HE filler penetrates one compartment? the crew on other one that you need at least 40mm of minimun penetration to get to also dies


Yes these AP-HE have a decent amount of HE filler (177.38g of TNT for the american 105mm apcbc), but not enough to get through 40mm of armour (for example M103 HE has 39mm of pen with 4.65kg of tnt)


So if it's not the HE penetration of 177.38g of TNT the killer of the other compartment, what is?


Overpressure, these shells have just enough HE filler to activate this mechanic that instantly kills anything in the same space


What is the problem then? Why is overpressure reaching the other crew compartment when it's NOT on the same space? (overpressure correctly doesn't kill the driver when the turret is penned since he's on a different compartment)


Simple, the way the armour is modeled, if you put the mouse over it you can see both compartments have the armour in sync with each other, they are collated, they are in sync etc


Basically when you pen one of these compartments the overpressure kills the other compartment because the overpressure blast goes through the armour plate you penetrated which is also the other compartment armour plate, that is the problem with this, these compartments shoudn't share the same armour plate because of this




How to fix this? Simple, isolate ALL armour plates (not only the one that I'm currently highlighting) from these compartments like this so they aren't conected with each other when they shouldn't:






# Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Shot T95/T29 APCBC-HE or IS-2 APHEBC shell into one of the 2 Bkan 1C turret crew compartments

  2. The crew on the other side isolated crew compartment will be dead when it shouldn't

# Additional Information

On attached replay I got killed by T29 by this bug, his shell killed both crew compartment crew

# Affected vehicles

  • Bkan 1C

# Files

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Thank you for your interest and help improving the game.  

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  • Piciu713 changed the title to (18.01.2022) Bkan 1C AP-HE Overpressure reaches other turret closed crew compartment when it shouldn't
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