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About The Sights For Gunners In Air AB


So as I'm sure many bomber players have noticed, the sight reticle for when you're manually controlling gunners is a little... off?


The 'dot' that show where to aim at a plane when it's within a certain distance isn't adjusted for the gunner's position on the aircraft.

So for example if you have a tail gunner and a plane is coming at your side the 'dot' won't be moved to adjust to for how far back the gunner is from the camera.

Does that make sense? I feel like I've done a poor job explaining it properly. 


I'm saying the 'dot' is projected for the camera and not for the gunners themselves, So all your shots would hit if the gunners were positioned directly under the camera,

but because this isn't always the case you'll hardly ever actually aiming on target.


While I understand this isn't a very important problem, it does make defending bombers from enemy fighters much more difficult than it should be,

most bomber should be able to survive a fighter strike with at least minimal damages, however due to this problem it makes even hitting oncoming fighters a serve problem.


Please find a way to adjust the 'dot' or sights so they're properly projected for when manually controlling gunners.


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While I haven't checked out the claim in the OP, I would like to add, that aiming directly at the "dot" does not equal a hit.
The aiming dot shows where the enemy plane would be when your bullets arrive  if it continues it's current speed and direction, and if you are roughly 4-500 meters away. further distances requires lead. Also, it is based on a generic bullet speed and drop(dunno how fast), that your guns may not match, and you have to take that into account as well.


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Afaik distance set for the turrets is either the distance you set up or a fixed one (350 or 400m).

So, further away you have to aim higher for sure. 


And if attacked from a direction not directly from behind, movement of the planes will throw off aiming anyway.

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