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More Chinese Tank Decals

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Even More Chinese Tank Decals

As the other suggestion has been "considered". I want to suggest a few more emblems and inscriptions, from the interwar-civil war era.


Gongchen Tank

Gongchen_tank.jpg.e4c3b541eb45ac914f0900 Gongchen-Tank-outside.jpg.b2d8eeb8cf9094

The "功臣號" (meritorious) tank, which you may notice is the same inscription of the "meritorious warrior IV" (which I swear is an incorrect translation) decal except in traditional Chinese. This inscription would be in white compared to the red-yellow simplified one. There's also a red inscription that used to be on the one displayed in the Beijing military museum, but I can't make out the characters on that one.


Five Races in Harmony

abCccrE.jpg 120px-Manchukuo_star.svg.png

Manchukuo army BA-10 with the "five races in harmony" symbol, this one may be a bit controversial, so the Beiyang army version of the symbol could be added instead, though I don't think they ever displayed the star on their vehicles.





Chinese Type 97 tankette with "虎" (Tiger) inscription.




Vickers amphibious tank with "龍" (Dragon) inscription.


Thanks for reading. 


Most of the images I took from tanks-encyclopedia.com.

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Open for Discussion :)

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Awesome, thanks!

I'll also post a few other things that could be decals
Some interesting shoulder patches from the 1st PTG, taken from the CBI-theater site

"5th Tank Battalion, 1st PTG"


"3rd Tank Battalion, 1st PTG"

A bit crude looking, but I think they are interesting designs


And another inscription found on 1st PTG M4A4s (different from the one in-game)


unfortunately my Chinese is not nearly good enough to make out what it says, the second character at least is "先".


Edited by RenminbiYen
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On 15/03/2022 at 03:25, RenminbiYen said:

unfortunately my Chinese is not nearly good enough to make out what it says, the second character at least is "先".

先锋, which means "Vanguard"

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On 20/03/2022 at 03:52, gennaroita said:

5 races in harmony sounds amazing, altrough i cant make out what the "blue" race would be (maybe Eiffel 65)

It's early ROC political slogan and 5 races stands for Han, Manchuria, Mongol, Islam and Tibet. Blue is Mongol.

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Also, I've always found it a bit weird that China doesn't have any regular unlockable decals other than the old PVA one and the roundals, while every other nation got a set of them at launch or right after, like Sweden and Israel. So I hope these and the previous suggestions are added as regular ones.

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