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spawn in speed


I've seen threads about spawn in altitudes and how they are determined, but i haven't seen any regarding the speed of an aircraft when it first spawns in. I wonder if this would make a significant difference on a re-spawn in regards to avoiding aircraft that have a positional advantage over you (i.e. "spawn camping" to our technically challenged players)? For example i've noticed a significant difference in the spawn in speed between some aircraft and others. Such as an almost 100-150kph difference between a 109 and a P-47. Also sometimes a difference when spawning in twice in the same aircraft, although not as significant of a difference. Is there a determining factor in this or is it entirely random? Anyone have any thoughts or snide comments about this? Or, maybe some actual knowledge would be nice for a change.

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Did you checked altitude vs speed when spawning the same plane?
Because the spawnarea is not flat so you can randomly spawn a little higher or lower.


And to some degree it might be % of Vmax the plane can reach.

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9 hours ago, cashmeowsidehbd said:

I've seen threads about spawn in altitudes and how they are determined, but i haven't seen any regarding the speed of an aircraft when it first spawns in. I wonder if this would make a significant difference on a re-spawn in regards to avoiding aircraft that have a positional advantage over you (i.e. "spawn camping" to our technically challenged players)? For example i've noticed a significant difference in the spawn in speed between some aircraft and others. Such as an almost 100-150kph difference between a 109 and a P-47. Also sometimes a difference when spawning in twice in the same aircraft, although not as significant of a difference. Is there a determining factor in this or is it entirely random? Anyone have any thoughts or snide comments about this? Or, maybe some actual knowledge would be nice for a change.

My understanding was that you would respawn at about 75% of the top speed of the plane you were in and the top speed was determined by how spaded the plane was...With all the changes the devs have made to the game, I imagine they have "improved" that aspect also...


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