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Flickering screen fix

Are you on the Mac and your screen looks like its on drugs? Do this:
If you don't use Steam:
0) quit war thunder
1) find the WarThunderLauncher app, normally in Applications
2) right-click on it and select "Show Package Contents"
3) click/open Contents
4) right-click on WarThunder and Show Package Contents
5) click/open Contents
6) click/open Resources
7) click/open game
8) find "cache" folder and open it
8A) Drag all the contents -a bunch of folders- to the trash. Empty trash.
8B) right-click on the cache folder and select Get Info
8C) in the Get Info panel, at the bottom set all the users and groups to read only (your name will be read/write, change it to read only)
8D) close the panel
9) play game!
If you use steam:
a) Go to user Library, Application Support, Steam, steamapps, common
b) directions as above
Edited by RealMajorHavok
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 19/05/2022 at 20:03, RealMajorHavok said:
Are you on the Mac and your screen looks like its on drugs? Do this:
If you don't use Steam:
0) quit war thunder
1) find the WarThunderLauncher app, normally in Applications
2) right-click on it and select "Show Package Contents"
3) click/open Contents
4) right-click on WarThunder and Show Package Contents
5) click/open Contents
6) click/open Resources
7) click/open game
8) find "cache" folder. Drag to trash. Empty trash.
9) play game!
If you use steam:
a) Go to user Library, Application Support, Steam, steamapps, common
b) directions as above

It does help but the flickering returns after a couple of games.

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I have to do this every day now.


Here we go again... Quit current game which takes a tank out of the team > Browse local files > delete cache folder.


Start game again.





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There it is again today.


I start the game, black flickering graphic oddness.

I need to quit the game which takes a tank out of the team, delete cache and restart.


Lather rinse repeat.


Is there a fix to this? Deleting cache every day is not a solution.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is a bit off-topic, but I haven't been having the flickering issue much lately.  Instead, I've been having a 'blackout' where the screen fades to black prior to entering the battle, but never comes back.  The game continues, but I can't see anything.  This, or a game or computer freeze occurring when in the loading screen.  I couldn't really figure out a reason for it, but I did notice that it was pretty much guaranteed to happen if I opened an info panel (i.e.: Research, Crew training, Events/Tournaments, Battle Pass, etc.), or if I app switched while I was waiting for the battle to start.  It got to the point where it was happening almost every game, even if I did nothing.  Restarting the game or my computer for every match was nuts, so I decided to give these instructions a try.  I've now gone about a week without a SINGLE blackout or computer freeze.  The one problem was that all of the graphics for the Shop, Battle Pass and Events items were gone.  Not a huge problem, but it makes it a little difficult to check what is upcoming in the BP levels.  Luckily, instead of trashing all of the cache files, I saved a copy.  The graphics are all enclosed in the 'webvromfs' folder.  I just put that back into the cache folder, and that fixed the graphics problem.  And I still haven't had any game issues.  So I'm thinking that the issues we have all been having has to do with something in the remaining content files.  Unfortunately, I don't have the time or care to add things back one at a time to see what is causing it.  


THANK YOU RealMajorHavok for figuring out this fix.  While it may not have helped everyone else still working through the flickering glitches, it did help me!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, so it appears the issue is somewhat (user-)camo-related? I tried to do selective permissions in cache folder and leaving content in read and write mode still leads to flickering eventually. 


It is good there is a fix but not being able to choose liveries for planes is kind of sad. 


EDIT: also, the fix does not seem to work for me...

Edited by Functor
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19 hours ago, matin_417 said:

It somewhat worked for me the flickering has reduced a bit but it’s still there.


Also a Problem is that if you do that no camos, decals or pictures are shown in game, for example instead of the tornado on the winter quest screen there is just an white box 

Yes, somebody wrote in another thread that they managed to get camos without flickering coming back. I don't know how, must be some selective permissions fix.


Otherwise do try this: in your home folder (not the WT app folder) there is a cache folder that WT uses to keep its shaders cache. Empty that folder and set its permissions to read-only. It seems to help a bit more (shaders seem to crash still in longer sessions like the EC but for Air RB it worked ok).

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