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A.C. E1 (Double 25-pounder) - "Mad Max"


A.C. E1 (Double 25-pounder)  

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  1. 1. Would you like to see the double 25-pounder tank in game?

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Players may be familiar with the A.C.I and A.C.IV Australian tank designs that appear in the game. Australia's tank development in World War II has an interesting history, and like any development process, some radical ideas show up now and again. But to see something like this actually built is another story.


Even as the A.C.I was just beginning to roll off the production lines, concerns about its main armament necessitated a redesign. The 2-pounder was considered obsolete in the face of heavier German armor and firepower in North Africa (which is where these vehicles were meant to fight), such as the Pz.IV F2 armed with a 75mm long gun and Pz.III armed with 50mm anti tank cannons. Designers would attempt to meet these challenges with the A.C.III and A.C.IV designs. However, there was an intermediary process, in which the main armament for the A.C.III, the 25 pounder field gun, would be tested in a modified turret mounting. Tests were satisfactory and the A.C.III redesign would proceed.




Here's where things get fuzzy. The only things I've found to confirm the existence of this particular prototype are three photographs. Apparently, someone thought it would be a good idea to put two guns in a modified A.C. turret. Apparently, this was supposed to test recoil force for the eventual installation of the 17-pounder. Another thing to consider is that the Australian War Memorial collection describes the above photograph as



"An Australian developed and built Cruiser Mk III (AC3) tank, fitted with two 18 pounder guns fitted in the turret."


While this is an official government site, I also cannot take this description as fact, since from the other photographs, it's clear that this is a (prototype) A.C.1 hull, not the A.C.3, which had the same increased front slope as the A.C.4. As for the question of whether this vehicle was operable,


  1. We can see the turret had the ability to traverse by comparing the photographs.
  2. The A.C. hull might look pretty gutted in the above pictures, but we can see that there are tracks in the dirt behind it and not in front of it, which would imply that it moved into that position under its own power.
  3. If we assume the recoil testing theory is true, this vehicle would have to be able to fire its main armament in some fashion.




For these reasons, I feel that this would be a good candidate for adding in some form. Mating the turret with the A.C.1 or A.C.4 hulls would technically be ahistorical, but easier for the developers. Alternatively, the A.C. E1 development vehicle hull could be used, though the main issue is the gaping holes in the front and back of it. Either way, it would be a bit of a stretch into "paper" territory to fit this in game, but an actually partially constructed double barrel tank is too good of an opportunity for me to pass up. The 25-pounder could fire both high explosive and armor piercing shells, so tankers wouldn't have to rely on HE only. In fact, the reason the 25-pounder was chosen for the A.C.3 was for its AP shot's anti-tank ability before the 17-pounder could be procured.


Mass 28 long tons (28.4 t)
Length 20 feet 9 inches (6.32 m)
Width 9 feet 78  inch (2.77 m)
Height 8 feet 4+ 34  inches (2.56 m)
Crew 5 (Commander, Gunner, Loader/Operator, Driver, Hull MG gunner)

Armour Hull front 65 millimetres (2.6 in)
sides and rear 45 millimetres (1.8 in)
Turret 65 millimetres (2.6 in) all round
two 25-pounder gun-howitzers
one  .303 (7.7 mm) Vickers machine gun
Engine 3 x Cadillac V8
330 horsepower (246 kW)
Power/weight 12 hp/ton
Suspension Horizontal Volute Spring
150 miles (240 km)
Maximum speed 30 miles per hour (48 km/h)


(These specs are ripped from the A.C.1, I assume everything would be similar besides the main guns and lack of coaxial gun.)



Edited by Headnaught
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  • Headnaught changed the title to A.C. E1 (Double 25-pounder) - "Mad Max"
On 08/06/2022 at 13:42, Headnaught said:

While this is an official government site, I also cannot take this description as fact,




Yeah, some of the AWM descriptions are ... a little bit wonky? Most seem OK but some are just weird and wonderful.


On 08/06/2022 at 13:42, Headnaught said:


  1. We can see the turret had the ability to traverse by comparing the photographs.
  2. The A.C. hull might look pretty gutted in the above pictures, but we can see that there are tracks in the dirt behind it and not in front of it, which would imply that it moved into that position under its own power.
  3. If we assume the recoil testing theory is true, this vehicle would have to be able to fire its main armament in some fashion.



The E1 got used for a number of purposes, it was built to prove the automotive system and when that was done it was then available for gunnery and other experiments. So, yes, in those photos it is a working tank-shaped-vehicle with two very real working 25 pounders in a rotating turret, test fired in November 1942 by which point it has also been used to test the Perrier Cadillac, the AC3 and AC4 engine, and possibly (probably? maybe) still had that unit fitted so you could make a reasonable case for a 397hp engine. The downsides, I'm pretty sure that it isn't made of armour steel, and as you've noticed, it has holes because it wasn't meant to be shot at.

Edited by MaximumSomething
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