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M60 - An Alternate Future



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TL;DR: An M60 given German markings acquired for evaluation and comparative tests against the pre-series Leopard 1.




After its entrance into NATO, West Germany was allowed to rearm itself and build up a tank force. This tank force initially consisted on cheaply acquired M47s and M48s, the later of which would see many upgrades. While these tanks were all well and good, they were ultimately stop-gap vehicles acquired for self-defense while a domestic design was being developed. This domestic design would be eventually come to be the Leopard 1 series of vehicles. Of course, before being accepted into service, the Leopard 1 needed to undergo a number of tests. One of these tests was comparative trials against a number of other vehicles including two 105mm armed M48A3s and one standard M60. The M60 would be purchased from the US and given German markings as well as, potentially, a basic German paint job. The M60 was chosen as a competitor for a few reasons, one of which being the fact that the M60 was essentially just a fancy M48. A lot of the parts from an M48 could be used on a M60 and German crews already knew how to use an M48. Overall, the M60 was considered to be a more economical alternative to the Leopard 1. Trials commenced in 1964 and, while the 105mm armed M48A3s and M60 were considered to be perfectly serviceable vehicles, the pre-series Leopard 1 was simply considered to be better. This wouldn't be the last time the German M60 was used, however, as, after the Leopard 1 had entered service, it was seen again alongside a M48A2 C and an early production Leopard 1A3. Whether it was again being used in comparative trials or was simply brought out for a photo is ultimately unknown. The M60 remains in German hands to this day and rests peacefully at the Munster Tank Museum, although it has been painted to look like a US M60s.


Place In War Thunder:

There is an evident small gap in Germany's second line between the M48A2 C (7.0) and M48A2 G A2 (8.3). The German M60 is a perfect fit for that gap, providing a good vehicle right in the middle of it and allowing for a proper 7.7 lineup. The M60 could also provide a reliable late-game backup to the Leopard 1, being able to confront many second or third spawn vehicles with its decently reliable armor. Playstyle would be identical to the M60 in the US tree. Your 105mm cannon allows you to be a deadly sniper, however, if necessary you do have brawling capabilities and can go head to head with most of the Soviet heavies. While the German's only used the M60 for evaluation, I feel that the best place for it is the tech tree, filling the aforementioned gap. Then again, it could come in as a squadron vehicle and serve its gap filling purpose well there too.




Armament: 105mm M68 cannon, 1x 12.7mm HMG, and 1x 7.62mm MG


Dimensions: 6.95m, 3.63m, 3.21m (L,W,H)


Weight: 45994kg


Armor: Same as M60 in-game


Crew: 4


Ammunition: Same as M60 in-game


Speed: 48kph


Horsepower: 750hp




Side View:



Alongside M48 and Leopard 1A3:



During Comparative Trials:



As It Is Today:





Edited by DMYEugen
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+1 Honestly glad that somewhat was able to find the context behind the German M60 image which appeared on the forums and how it came to be has been figured out, I also find it interesting how that particular M60 is the one in Munster because I have seen it in video at the museum but I never though it would actually be that M60 in particular since it has no German markings in the museum so you couldn't even tell that it wasn't just another M60 rather than very unique in particular. I think this vehicle defiantly has a place in the game since it's not the first time a vehicle which was evaluated by a nation was added such as the Japanese M47.

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Could be interesting as an event vehicle or something.  Wouldn't break anything, that's for sure.  +1 from me.

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