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The Tracked Boxer RCT120 "Mini Maus"


Do you want the Boxer RCT-120 in game   

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Now since I haven't seen anyone else post about this new development, I guess I will

Behold the most recent development from GMBH, a company controlled by two favorites, KMW and Rheinmetall, The Tracked Fire Support Vehicle, Boxer 120.



While smaller than its big brother the Leopard 2 series, the Boxer FSV-120 is a rather mobile and agile vehicle with the punch to remove any obstacle it comes across, this is the real deal you've all been waiting for!


With the chassis weighing in at a mere 28 tons, a remote control turret assembly at approximately 14 tons total, all powered by a 1200HP V10 diesel engine, you come out to a rough 28 HP/Ton ratio, a bit higher compared to its half brother the Schützenpanzer Puma, who graciously donated its powerpack (with some small upgrades in the order of an extra 100HP), transmission with 6 forward and 6 backwards gears, as well as the running gear and tracks. This allows for a deceptively heavy vehicle to zip around rough terrain at close to 30-40KPH, and a blistering 70KPH on paved roads! Able to climb a 60 degree gradient, and ford water up to around 2 Meters deep, this is a versatile vehicle to behold indeed


Now onto the fun stuff that you came here for, weapons! Let me show you its features (kudos if you get that reference)


Mounting the Rheinmetall 120mm L/44, this is a well known and reliable cannon system used across the globe, able to fire a broad range of APFSDS (DM53,63, 63A1), programmable HE, HEAT, and LAHAT missiles. Generally whatever is hit will be removed from the battlefield. It comes with a new(ish) addition in a 15 round autoloader! ROF is currently unknown, and will update when more info is available. With elevation and depression angles of -10 and 20 (with rumored 30 if customer asks) and 360 traverse, the speed of which is currently unknown, but most likely in-between the Lance turret and Leopard 2 series speeds, aimed by a gunners sight with a day/night infrared thermal sighting system (most likely 3rd generation used on the Puma given the un-manned nature of the RCT-120)


Alongside the L/44, the FSV mounts a Remote Control Weapons Station, or RCWS for short, integrated into the Commander's Independent Thermals, turning the CIT into a capable anti-drone turret using the M2 Browning in 12.7mm, likely using the same 3rd Generation thermals as used on the Puma's Lance turret CIT


Now for the real kicker, 2 launch pods for the Spike LR2, a tandem warhead fire and forget top-attack missile using a thermal imager to lock and track vehicles, with a penetration of 700+mm of RHA. The number of reloads for the missiles is currently unknown, but most likely no more than 4 missiles carried inside the troop compartment 


(Info is limited, but potentially a 30mm can be coaxially mounted with 100 rounds of ammunition, likely the MK/30 ubiquitous on the Lance turret system)



Now this Mouse is not without protection, with all Boxers being STANAG 3 at all front angles, meaning 14.5mm heavy machine gun fire cannot penetrate the armor from the front or sides. This is rather respectable for a non-MBT vehicle, but this vehicles main protection comes in the form of the Israeli Trophy APS mounted on the turret able to intercept ATGMs 360 degrees around the tank, number of protective charges is unknown. Note this is Trophy and not Iron Fist, meaning APFSDS and other kinetic projectiles will still do a fair bit of damage if it hits the crew compartment


(Note the Trophy APS radar panels on the lower turret cheeks and rear turret face)

Speaking of crew, this FSV comes with a crew of 3, Driver, Gunner, Commander, with the Driver in a separate compartment to the front of the vehicle by the engine.


Now for the Boxer FSV-120s place in the game, this would be a "light" tank (kinda chunky at 42 tons) in support of the main MBTs, either in long range fire support with the Spikes and L/44, or doing some flanking and spanking with its great mobility and firepower to great effect. I don't want this vehicle to be under 11.0, and needs to move up alongside the 2A6 if decompression occurs. This is a wonderful AFV that deserves to be in the game, and would help flesh out top tier Germany's support vehicles beyond the TAM-2C, Puma, and Radkampfwagen 90


Thank you for your consideration, and if you have any more info than I do, please feel free to add below!


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On 30/08/2022 at 22:37, Lord_Prism said:

Now since I haven't seen anyone else post about this new development, I guess I will

Behold the most recent development from GMBH, a company controlled by two favorites, KMW and Rheinmetall, The Tracked Fire Support Vehicle, Boxer 120.

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While smaller than its big brother the Leopard 2 series, the Boxer FSV-120 is a rather mobile and agile vehicle with the punch to remove any obstacle it comes across, this is the real deal you've all been waiting for!


With the chassis weighing in at a mere 28 tons, a remote control turret assembly at approximately 14 tons total, all powered by a 1200HP V10 diesel engine, you come out to a rough 28 HP/Ton ratio, a bit higher compared to its half brother the Schützenpanzer Puma, who graciously donated its powerpack (with some small upgrades in the order of an extra 100HP), transmission with 6 forward and 6 backwards gears, as well as the running gear and tracks. This allows for a deceptively heavy vehicle to zip around rough terrain at close to 30-40KPH, and a blistering 70KPH on paved roads! Able to climb a 60 degree gradient, and ford water up to around 2 Meters deep, this is a versatile vehicle to behold indeed


Now onto the fun stuff that you came here for, weapons! Let me show you its features (kudos if you get that reference)

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Mounting the Rheinmetall 120mm L/44, this is a well known and reliable cannon system used across the globe, able to fire a broad range of APFSDS (DM53,63, 63A1), programmable HE, HEAT, and LAHAT missiles. Generally whatever is hit will be removed from the battlefield. It comes with a new(ish) addition in a 15 round autoloader! ROF is currently unknown, and will update when more info is available. With elevation and depression angles of -10 and 20 (with rumored 30 if customer asks) and 360 traverse, the speed of which is currently unknown, but most likely in-between the Lance turret and Leopard 2 series speeds, aimed by a gunners sight with a day/night infrared thermal sighting system (most likely 3rd generation used on the Puma given the un-manned nature of the RCT-120)


Alongside the L/44, the FSV mounts a Remote Control Weapons Station, or RCWS for short, integrated into the Commander's Independent Thermals, turning the CIT into a capable anti-drone turret using the M2 Browning in 12.7mm, likely using the same 3rd Generation thermals as used on the Puma's Lance turret CIT


Now for the real kicker, 2 launch pods for the Spike LR2, a tandem warhead fire and forget top-attack missile using a thermal imager to lock and track vehicles, with a penetration of 700+mm of RHA. The number of reloads for the missiles is currently unknown, but most likely no more than 4 missiles carried inside the troop compartment 


(Info is limited, but potentially a 30mm can be coaxially mounted with 100 rounds of ammunition, likely the MK/30 ubiquitous on the Lance turret system)



Now this Mouse is not without protection, with all Boxers being STANAG 3 at all front angles, meaning 14.5mm heavy machine gun fire cannot penetrate the armor from the front or sides. This is rather respectable for a non-MBT vehicle, but this vehicles main protection comes in the form of the Israeli Trophy APS mounted on the turret able to intercept ATGMs 360 degrees around the tank, number of protective charges is unknown. Note this is Trophy and not Iron Fist, meaning APFSDS and other kinetic projectiles will still do a fair bit of damage if it hits the crew compartment


(Note the Trophy APS radar panels on the lower turret cheeks and rear turret face)

Speaking of crew, this FSV comes with a crew of 3, Driver, Gunner, Commander, with the Driver in a separate compartment to the front of the vehicle by the engine.


Now for the Boxer FSV-120s place in the game, this would be a "light" tank (kinda chunky at 42 tons) in support of the main MBTs, either in long range fire support with the Spikes and L/44, or doing some flanking and spanking with its great mobility and firepower to great effect. I don't want this vehicle to be under 11.0, and needs to move up alongside the 2A6 if decompression occurs. This is a wonderful AFV that deserves to be in the game, and would help flesh out top tier Germany's support vehicles beyond the TAM-2C, Puma, and Radkampfwagen 90


Thank you for your consideration, and if you have any more info than I do, please feel free to add below!



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On 19/05/2023 at 17:57, Lord_Prism said:

Cmon Gaijin, dont play with us like this, give us something that isnt a token addition to quell the repeated questions on new Top Tier ground additions 

a better native tam basicaly, would like it in the game, specialy aps in german tree would be fun

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